Theme « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Spring MVC - can't apply themes

I want to implement themes in my mvc-project, the CSS file is located under the WEB-INF directory:

if I address the path directly in my jsp file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/WEB-INF/themes/blue.css" type="text/css" />
nothing will ...

2. Spring themes and application context

I am adding themes to an existing Spring 3.0.5 project. I am using the CookieThemeResolver . While I can get a theme to load it is not the specified default( as ...

3. Spring mvc ResourceBundleMessageSource for different themes

I configures my file which contains strings related to theme used by my application. There are two themes for my application. Both have their own file located at WEB-INF/strings/theme1/appstrings ...

4. Spring MVC Themes

Hi, I am new to spring framework. I want to create simple spring web mvc application using themes in spring frame work. if any body knows about spring themes & spring ...