ShowViewCommand « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. ShowViewCommand in ToolBar

I have tried to add ShowViewCommand to ToolBar in command-context..xml and also passed in the view descriptor but the toolbar button is configured correctly. Only text appears no icon, and I ...

2. ShowViewCommand have a bug?

Code: public final void setViewDescriptor(ViewDescriptor viewDescriptor) { setId(viewDescriptor.getDisplayName()); // maybe is // setId(viewDescriptor.getId()); setLabel(viewDescriptor.getShowViewCommandLabel()); setIcon(viewDescriptor.getIcon()); setCaption(viewDescriptor.getCaption()); this.viewDescriptor = viewDescriptor; }

3. ShowViewCommand in menu

ShowViewCommand in menu I'm a real beginner with spring-richclient, so excuse me if it is a dummy question. I'm trying to add a menu entry to show a view. So far ...

4. ShowViewCommand with runtime parameter

Code: protected JComponent createControl() { ... table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){ if (e.getClickCount() == 2){ int selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow(); Meter m = meterListTableModel.getMeterAt(selectedRow); getContext().getPage().showView("meterDetailView"); ((MeterDetailView)(getContext().getPage().getActiveComponent())).setSelectedMeterId(m.getMeterId()); } } } } ); ...

5. Display AbstractView with ShowViewCommand

I created a form which extends AbstractView, now i would like to create a command to display that view. if i do: Code: public class MyForm extends AbstractView { @Override protected ...