Inject « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. How can I resolve the conflict between loose coupling/dependency injection and a rich domain model?

Edit: This is not a conflict on the theoretical level but a conflict on an implementation level. Another Edit: The problem is not having domain models as data-only/DTOs versus richer, more complex ...

2. What is the problem with not using Spring

I am trying to understand Spring. I have read about it and done some tutorials. I kind of get the IoC paradigm and the fact that DI is its implementation in ...

3. Spring DI, Domain Model & best practices

Is it a good idea to not inject Domain Models in Spring. It saves some XML, and what is the use of injecting domain model anyway. For services and DAO, I want ...

4. In an MVC application, where will the dependency injection take place?

When using Spring and Spring's MVC, where should the dependency injection (DI) take place? Example, if you have a controller, and many actions in the controller. Would you be ...

5. Is it possible to inject a bean into a spring form bean

I tried to do it 2 different ways, but neither way worked.

public class EmailForm{
private QuestionDAO questionDAO;
public void setQuestionDAO(QuestionDAO questionDAO) {
    this.questionDAO = questionDAO;
Another way:
@Component ...

6. Swappable data layer using spring ioc

I have DAO's for each table, that all implement an interface. Now I want to be able to (potentially) swap database layer implementations. So my strategy is to create a DaoFactory, and this ...

7. Where is the @Autowired annotation supposed to go - on the property or the method?

Which is more correct? This (with the @Autowired annotation on the method)?

public class MyController
    private MyDao myDao;

    public MyController(MyDao myDao)

8. spring mvc annotation @Inject does not work

i have the following in my app-servlet.xml

<mvc:annotation-driven />

<context:component-scan base-package="com.merc.myProject.web.controllers"/>
<context:component-scan base-package="com.merc.myProject.web.forms"/>
what ever I have in my controller package gets injected but the same thing in the forms package is always null. my ...

9. Inject external object in a spring bean

I have a noob spring question. if i have a bean that is dependent on google's gdata api jars. How I represent this in a beans.xml file?

10. How to re-initialize my bean

I have a bean in my applicationContext-test.xml that I use for mocking an external search engine. This way, when I run tests, any time my application code refers to this search ...

11. Strategy Pattern and Dependency Injection in Spring

I have an Strategy interface, that is implemented by StrategyA and StrategyB, both of them are defined as @Component's and they have an @Autowired attribute as well, how can I do ...

12. How bad it is to use @Resource injection in the production code

I find @RequestMapping is very usable in the controller class. This annotation based controller maps a url to a method instead to a class. Also I dont need to bloat the ...

13. BeanInstantiationException - Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

I've a weird problem of unable to instantiate a bean which is injected to another bean. The PropertiesUtil is the bean in question. It's injected to the LoginController class as follows in ...

14. Autowiring priority

<beans default-autowire="byType" />
means that all fields of beans will automatically have dependencies injected if there is no more than 1 bean with the desired type. I wonder if there is a way ...

15. Question on DI and how to solve some problems

I'm a newbie to Dependency Injection. I have never used and never even undestood what it is exatcly all about, but after my last attack on this topic I found out ...

16. Spring Dependency Injection

I am learning Spring using Spring Recipes. As of now I understood that we can inject dependencies using Setter Injection or Injecting via constructor. My question is, in real world applications ...

17. Spring injection and object instantiation

I am trying to better understand Spring instantiation of beans. To illustrate my doubts, let's assume we have a Service class being wired in a Controller, here are the questions:

  1. How will ...

18. Spring Standard Bean Injection vs. Autowiring

As far as I understand When Using Dependency Injection all bean are initializing on Start.

<bean id="userPreferences" class="">
  <!-- a singleton-scoped bean injected to the above ...

19. Overwrite injected attributes in SpringMVC test case

I wrote a test case for my SpringMVC controller in order to check the request mappings. Within this test case I use the annotationHandler as mentioned here and here. ...

20. Spring MVC, Form and Dependency Injection

Currently learning Spring MVC with Spring 3, I'm trying to find the correct way to receive a form and handle it. That is what I've got at the moment :


21. Spring MVC 2.5 Using a mix of annotations & XML configuration but xml gets ignored

In my Spring MVC webapplication i want to mix xml based configuration with annotations: I use annotations like @Controller, @RequestMapping("bla.htm"), @RequestParam etc. to resolve HttpRequests to Controller Methods. Therefor I added

<bean ...

22. Dependency-injection throws NullPointerException in Spring MVC

here is my problem: I'm working with SpringMVC and I get a NullPointerException on calling an @Autowired dependency. Here is the @Service:

package x.y.z.service

public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
   /* ... ...

23. AspectJ Injection in Vaadin working only after I Generate the SerialVersionID

Hi I am using Spring 3 + Spring MVC (half of the site) + Vaadin + AspectJ + JPA2 + Spring Security My problem is that Spring creates all my Repositories and ...

24. Inject a file resource into Spring bean

What is a good way to inject some file resource into Spring bean ? Now i autowire ServletContext and use like below. Is more elegant way to do that in Spring MVC ...

25. Autowiring vs instantiating in Spring

I've started to use Spring recently. And I'm making spring mvc project.
So my question is if it's preferred to make interfaces and autowire it
with particular implementation by spring or just ...

26. java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot deserialize BeanFactory with id org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext

i am using spring 3 with JSF 2, Tomcat 6 and i replaced JSF managed beans with spring beans, by adding on top of bean:

and in my bean i am autowiring a ...

27. Injecting a bean in ModelMap

What's an easy way to inject a bean in a ModelMap to be able to preprocess the values through some business logic. Thanks Sanjay

28. How can I get a Spring bean injected in my custom Wicket model class?

In a custom Wicket class, not unlike the following, I'm using a service bean which should be injected by Spring, as defined with the SpringBean annotation (from the wicket-spring project).

public class ...

29. spring bean injection in main method class

I have a web application with spring 3.0. I need to run a class with main method from a cron that uses beans defined in appcontext xml(using component scan annocations). I ...

30. Model attribute is not injected as parameter in spring 3.1.0.M2

Model attribute is not injected as parameter in spring 3.1.0.M2 @ModelAttribute("model") public UserSearchModel getUserSearchModel() { final UserSearchModel detailedModel = new UserSearchModel(); final StringMultiFieldSearchCriterion criterion = new StringMultiFieldSearchCriterion("query"); criterion.setAllTermsRequired(true); UserSearchField.setDefaultSearchFields(criterion); detailedModel.addCriterion(criterion); detailedModel.setSortColumnKey( ...

31. Dependency injection and memory model

Dependency injection and memory model Hello, Lastly I've been considering possible memory-consistency issues related to Spring dependency injection. The thing is, if I use getters and setters for injected dependencies and ...

32. Dependency injection for MVC Command

Dependency injection for MVC Command I need to pass a DAO to a Command object. Is there a way to do it using Spring dependency injection? A new Command object is ...

33. Inject redirect url in successView

Inject redirect url in successView Hi All, I have a controller to which I have to redirect upon a post. My successView is set as Code:

34. automatically inject bean into every model?

automatically inject bean into every model? I usually try to figure these things out for myself or at least spend some time searching, but I've got too much on my plate ...

35. spring mvc annotation @Inject does not work

Looks fine, I assume Java @Inject is in your classpath. You might want to reference a small github project that reproduces your problem in your environment. A lot easier to group ...