Image « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Override velocity view and output an image instead

I have hijacked the normal processing of velocity templates by calling response.getOutputStream in my controller, and I do get an image, but there is an exception "java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been ...

2. Where to place images/CSS in spring-mvc app?

I used Netbeans to create a Spring MVC 3.0 app. I have a simple controller and JSP view. The JSP view appears correctly except for an image that doesn't ...

3. spring 3 , tiles can not display image or use css style

I have deleloped a simple spring 3 application following a tutorial. After that, I did integrated tiles 2. Right now I am trying to use css style in my tiles but ...

4. Reading the location from where the image is uploaded

I want to know if this is even possible. One of my requirement is to allow users to upload images, generate new names for those images and rename the images with ...

5. How handle resources likes images, *.css with Spring Mvc

I've a problem with handle static resources. It's my web-app WebAppRoot -resources -css -style.css -imahes -jsp -template.jsp -secure -template_secure.jsp so myLocation=resources How can I handle resource in a central way, for example I put location in ...

6. Doesn't accept Spring MVC ResponseEntity an ImputStreamResource?

I'm trying to send a jpg image with Spring MVC using ResponseEntity<Resource> as the controller method response type. If the resource is a FileSystemResource it works fine but when I try to ...

7. Portal MVC and uploading an image

Portal MVC and uploading an image Are there any examples that may help guide me with uploading an image from a form using Spring Portlet MVC? I tried the documentation at ...

8. Spring MVC Uploading Image

Hello developers, I just want to ask what datatype should i use to upload an image and save it to my database? I tried byte[] and it insert but the value ...

9. Display images on JSP using Spring MVC

Display images on JSP using Spring MVC Dear All, I currently have a domain which stores an image as a byte[] in mysql now I , I tested with JUNIT and ...

10. Loading image in MVC class

Hello, I have Spring MVC application and I'm creating PDF view which I did successfully. Now I want to add picture to my PDF view and from one of my class ...

11. Spring mvc resources problems - css images js

Spring mvc resources problems - css images js Hi, we have a apring mvc web app with javascript, css and images. We had the all these things in a resources folder ...

12. Image localization in Spring MVC

How about storing your images filenames in files? That way you can retrieve them using standard tags according to the current locale, and build your

13. Accessing Images in SpringMVC+Tiles set up

My project is based on SpringMVC and Tiles set up. I have the following directory structure war |___ images |___ META-INF |___ WEB-INF |___ ___jsp |___ ___classes I am unable to ...

14. Spring MVC Spring WebFlow not loading css files or images

Spring MVC Spring WebFlow not loading css files or images Hi Everyone I have this webapp that JSP based JSP + SMVC + SWF I have a web-mvc.xml config like: Code: ...

15. image on jsp via spring MODEL object

image on jsp via spring MODEL object Hi, Here is my code which I was able to render some data(BLOB from mysql) to the success view i.e. JSP using spring. I ...

16. spring mvc: image upload to an image server to retrieve resized image

Hi I've been working on spring mvc 2.5 and I have a situation where I need to upload an image to an image server, have it configured with tomcat so that ...