Command « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Command Objects in Spring

I have a command object composed of primitive fields and an object field. How do I bind my form fields to the fields in the object? I tried doing this but ...

2. Get command object

I am writing a spring 2.5 application and in my jsp I'm writing my own tags. It's about a list of objects...when I change the number of rows that list shows(a combobox), ...

3. Spring : Command object not getting populated

I have two controllers , a simple form controller and a multiaction controller. Now, in simpleformcontroller, i want to redirect a request to multiaction controller. Here's code snippet in simpleformcontroller

protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request, ...

4. Spring @ModelAttribute for only one handler method

Is it possible to let @ModelAttribute method be invoked only for a specific handler method and supply the command object for only one handler method invocation ? Not for each handler ...

5. SpringMVC Command Object

I have a small doubt with SpringMVC's command object. So the problem is, I have couple of forms which I am going to use in multiple pages (Around 17). I decided ...

6. Spring 2.5 Append new values to an non empty Command Object field

I've used SimpleFormController's formBackingObject() to populate some data in a form.Is there a way to fill my form's fields and append the new data in the command object without loosing the ...

7. "command" modelName magic value in spring MVC 3

How to remove some of the "magic value" impression of "command" modelName parameter to create a ModelAndView ? Example:

@RequestMapping(value = "/page", method = GET)
public ModelAndView render() {
    return new ...

8. what is the command object in spring framework

Could you please explain about command object in spring frame work with an example?

9. Spring web MVC command link?

Hi, i'm newbie at Spring and i wonder how using a command link in spring web MVC. Example for logging out: -I can't using htmltag Help me pls

10. Command object in ModelAndView

Command object in ModelAndView Hi, I have annotated controlled mapped with simple @Controller annotation. Controller is using getMethod mapped like this: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelMap showForm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @ModelAttribute ...

11. Difference between a Command object and a Model object ??

I am new to spring and tyring to understand the difference between Command object and a Model object in spring mvc. A Bean that stores user input (usually entered through html ...

12. Models and casting command objects.

Models and casting command objects. I am only a recent adopter of Java, coming from mainly the land of C/C++ and I still find some features of Java that throw me ...

13. Conceptual Diff Between Model and Command?

Conceptual Diff Between Model and Command? Hi. I now have my first forms-based Spring MVC app up and running. In hindsight, from reading and applying the books "Spring In Action" and ...

14. command object as mapped on domain model or seperated ..and reference dependences?

command object as mapped on domain model or seperated ..and reference dependences? hi! I tried to use the model objects as command objects. Unfortunatelly I found a problem with it.. When ...

15. How to use complex command objects in spring MVC?

How to use complex command objects in spring MVC? Hi I am new to Spring MVC, I have command bean say x, it contains array list say y and this ArrayList ...

16. Can I make Spring MVC work more like the Command Pattern?

Can I make Spring MVC work more like the Command Pattern? I'm trying to migrate from a Servlet/JSP-based framework to Spring MVC. I did a prototype with Struts 2 and it ...

17. Using dom.Document as a command in MVC

Hello, I'm looking for an example or indeed if it is possible to use an Xml Document object in a command bean for the simpleFormController. At the moment I'm storing dynamic ...

18. List need to pass as command object in Spring MVC

Hi All, I need to pass List as command Object.I'm trying to do that. Here is my code Command Object : Code: public class CommandVo { List dataList = new ArrayList(); ...

19. update model object with command object

update model object with command object I am using my model object as the command object for my form, however, I only use 10 or 20 or so properties the object ...

20. HELP! New MVC project builds in STS, but not command-line!

HELP! New MVC project builds in STS, but not command-line! I have problems building out of the box... I created a fresh MVC project. It builds in STS (default Maven, right?), ...