AbstractXsltView « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. AbstractXsltView and Indenting    forum.springsource.org

Why does AbstractXsltView force indentation of the result xml? Code: trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); // Xalan-specific, but won't do any harm in other XSLT engines trans.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2"); This could be set using xsl:output ...

2. Refactor AbstractXsltView to use Source instead of DOM    forum.springsource.org

Refactor AbstractXsltView to use Source instead of DOM I've been working with the AbstractXsltView class along with using JAXB for rendering XML objects. I would have liked to extend the AbstractXsltView ...

3. BindException and AbstractXsltView    forum.springsource.org

BindException and AbstractXsltView Hi, How do I access Errors (e.g. BindException) from my AbstractXsltView subclass? Fairly new to Spring. Would appreciate some help. Detailed explanation of problem follows: I've got a ...

4. AbstractXsltView Usage and Memory problems    forum.springsource.org

AbstractXsltView Usage and Memory problems I have a memory problem, which may be related to the way I am using the AbstractXsltView. My application uses Xslt to render all views, so ...

5. AbstractXsltView and content-length    forum.springsource.org

6. AbstractXsltView    forum.springsource.org

AbstractXsltView I am new to XSLT/XML view layer - and I get "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: A node is used in a different document than the one that created it ". Searched some of ...

7. extending AbstractXsltView    forum.springsource.org

extending AbstractXsltView I am trying to domify the objects and set it to the document and return the source in CreateXsltSource(model, root, req, res) method. Here is what I am doing ...

8. AbstractXsltView - Stylesheet In Request    forum.springsource.org

AbstractXsltView - Stylesheet In Request I'd like to allow people to pass the stylesheet URI as a request parameter and use the AbstractXsltView to render html. I am currently using Spring-Version: ...

9. AbstractXsltView and XML output    forum.springsource.org

We're using Spring 2.0.4 and AbstractXsltView to produce XML output of certain data. 1. What is the correct method of forcing the output to be always UTF-8? Currently we have setContentMethod("text/xml; ...

10. Portlet AbstractXSLTView and including javascript in html output    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have a portlet which receives XML file thru a web service. I am displaying the XML file in a tree structure by using AbstractXSLTView and that works perfectly. However, ...

11. AbstractXsltView - set XSLT not from disk file?    forum.springsource.org

AbstractXsltView - set XSLT not from disk file? Using Spring 2.0 My XSLT code is in memory as a String (originally from a database) but Spring always seems to expect it ...

12. abstractXsltView problem in Spring mvc    forum.springsource.org

Nov 18th, 2009, 06:46 PM #1 ksh29 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2009 Posts 7 abstractXsltView problem in Spring mvc Hi, guys I am ...

13. AbstractXsltView stylesheetlocation not working in 1.1RC2    forum.springsource.org

I am setting a new stylesheet location in createDomNode of my extended class for AbstractXsltView using setStylesheetLocation, and then calling DOMOutputter().output(doc); So, my xml document created was using the new stylesheet ...