303 « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. JSR-303 custom ConstraintValidator in Spring MVC    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to implement a @Future validator for joda time objects. I followed the implementation for the @Past annotation found here. So far, so good. Now I am failing at ...

2. JSR-303 Type Checking Before Binding    stackoverflow.com


@Digits(integer=5, fraction=0, message="The value must be numeric and less than five digits")
private int value;
beans file....
<mvc:annotation-driven />
@RequestMapping(value = "/admin/save.htm", method = { RequestMethod.POST })
public ModelAndView saveSection(@Valid @ModelAttribute Section section, BindingResult result) {

3. Spring MVC and JSR 303    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring 3 and JSR 303. I have a form backing object whose nested objects need to be validated. In the example below, how do I validate formObject.getFoo().getBean()? When I ...

4. Spring MVC and JSR 303 - Manual Validation    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring MVC 3 and JSR 303. I have a form backing object that has beans of different types in it. Depending on a request parameter value, I'll have ...

5. JSR 303 Bean Validation in Spring    stackoverflow.com

here is my formbean:-

public class LoginFormBean {

    private String userId;

    private String password;    


6. Using JSR-303 & Spring MVC to validate specific fields     stackoverflow.com

I have a simple create account form consisting of three text fields : email, password, confirmPassword. I would like to use @Valid and @Email attributes to validate the email address. So ...

7. How to use @Pattern on non-mandatory fields JSR 303    stackoverflow.com

How can i use @Pattern constraint on non-mandatory form fields ?

private String something;
as soon as i submit my form, i get validation error as expected but the user may leave the ...

8. Using both JSR-303 and Traditional Bean Validation?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to use both JSR-303 bean validation and traditional validation (a single validator class for the type) in Spring? If so, what configuration is ...

9. what should and where should i download for work with jsr-303 in spring?    stackoverflow.com

what should i download for working with validation in spring.know annotations are unknown in my classes for example in blow code:

public String register2( @Valid User user , BindingResult br)

10. spring 3 MVC and JSR 303 validation.    forum.springsource.org

spring 3 MVC and JSR 303 validation. The following class is my @ModelAttribute: Code: public class AddUser { private String email; private String password; private String confirmPassword; .... } In my ...

11. Portlet MVC, Validation (JSR-303)    forum.springsource.org

Portlet MVC, Validation (JSR-303) Using Spring 3.0.2 and Hibernate Validator 4.0.2.GA It looks like I have my validator setup correctly, but when I do: Code: //some of my imports import javax.validation.Valid; ...