view 2 « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Wildchar in mvc:view-controller

I have the following in my xml Code:

2. View not displaying from @ExceptionHandler in my controller.

View not displaying from @ExceptionHandler in my controller. I've a small controller that I am using to return JSON from a number of REST templates in my controller. That is all ...

3. "mvc:view-controller" is not bound

"mvc:view-controller" is not bound Hello, I'm trying to do my first (and hopefully last!) "HEllo World" application using spring MVC and STS 2.5 I would like to use the mvc:view-controller for ...

4. Annotations and Multiple View Mode Controllers in Same Package

Annotations and Multiple View Mode Controllers in Same Package I'm using Spring Portlet MVC 3.0.5 and its annotation support. If you have more than one "VIEW" mode controller located inside the ...

5. Properly removing a view that isn't backed by a controller

Say I added a view that's not backed by a controller like this: Code: web mvc install view --path /testing --viewName testing --title testing How would I then remove it properly ...