view 1 « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Different views with Spring's SimpleFormController

I'm using Spring's SimpleFormController for form processing. In my case, the edit view (JSP) can vary depending on what's being edited. SimpleFormController's formView is a field (class variable) which means that ...

2. Harcoding view names in the controller alternative?

I am using Java EE with Spring framework. I have been setting up a test project (everything is working so far) and I currently have the following line in the ...

3. Spring view controller different mapping

i want to create a mappings for a spring view controller: this works:

<b:property name="mappings">
        <b:prop key="/">indexSpringController</b:prop>

4. How to output something before i return the view?

I'm working with the spring mvc, and have the following problem: This is for a specific view: The controller instansiates an object (from now on, called listenObject) which runs a thread that listens ...

5. Spring MVC- several parts/views from a controller

i'm looking into using Spring MVC - how would I structure the fact that a page can be composed of several different views Consider a controller that's basically:

 public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, ...

6. Unable to pass attribute from controller to view

I'm using Spring MVC 3 for a web app. In the app a URI template is supposed to be handled by a controller method, which then passes an attribute to a ...

7. Spring 3.0 MVC mvc:view-controller tag

Here's a snippet of my mvc-config.xml

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/"/>
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>

<mvc:view-controller path="/index" view-name="welcome"/>    
<mvc:view-controller path="/static/login" view-name="/static/login"/>   
<mvc:view-controller path="/login" ...

8. Spring2 web MVC - dynamic views for controller?

Is there a way in Spring2 to build dynamic views to which a Controller can redirect to? I have a form with a hidden field for an ID. If the form is submited ...

9. Spring 3 MVC - Controller is called but views are not found

I'm trying to set up a skeleton Spring 3 MVC project but i'm having difficulties getting the views to render. I have followed the structure as described in the mvc-basic sample ...

10. Steps to return json view from Spring controller

My request is ajax based and am calling to one of spring multiaction controller method,I able to create json file using Gson library. Is any way to return json view from ...

11. Return JSON or View from Spring MVC Controller

I am wanting to return a view from a Spring MVC Controller depending on logic. If an error occurs I want to return JSON, if not, an HTML view. ...

12. In Spring MVC, is there a way to generate a list of recognized Controllers and Views?

In annotation-driven Spring MVC, is there a way to generate a table of URL patterns, verbs, and their mappings? Something like:

 /foo/{fooId}       | GET | ...

13.  works in tomcat 6 and jetty, but not tomcat 7

the welcome page doesnt display while deployed in tomcat 7 , why?

14. How to Remove Duplication from Spring 3 MVC Standard and Ajax Request Controllers and Views

Lately I've been running into the same issue with my Spring MVC applications over and over again, and I'm trying to come up with a long term solution. The problem is that ...

15. Pass object from view to controller or controller to controller

I have question about spring mvc. Is it possible to pass a object from view to controller or controller to controller? I have class called person(its consists of persons name, age, address). I tried ...

16. What does it mean when Spring MVC @Controller returns null view name?

I downloaded the code for the Spring MVC 3 Showcase. One thing puzzles me (well, more than one), why does this (edited for concision) sample return null?

public class FormController ...

17. How do I return a view from a spring controller using an ajax request?

I make an ajax request using jquery, this calls the following spring controller:

@RequestMapping(value = "/dialogController", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String dialogController(Model model, @RequestBody MyClass myclass) {
  myClass.setTitle("SUCCESS");     ...

18. How to mix views and RESTEasy controllers with Spring

I want to mix request paths with Spring views and RESTEasy controllers so a call to something like /foo/bar does the following stuff:

  • If there is a /WEB-INF/views/foo/bar.ftl then this freemarker view ...

19. Howto: Connect dynamically created views (non-singleton forms) to a singleton controller with Spring.NET config file?

I have a piece of code that create Windows Forms dynamically at run-time using the lookup-method tag approach in Spring.NET. Basically what I have is a factory class to create any ...

20. mvc:view-controller causes PageNotFound in Spring Tiles2

I have a webapp based on Spring 3.0.6 which works fine on Tomcat 7.0. The web.xml defines the dispatcher as following:

The dispatcher ...

21. STS (Spring Tools Suite) 2.7.2 @RequestMappings View not displaying

Currently Using:

Spring Tools Suite v2.7.2 Spring Framework v3.0.5

Sample Code in a controller:

@RequestMapping( value={ "/en/page", "/fr/page" }, method = { RequestMethod.POST })

Steps to reproduce issue in STS:

  • [Menu] Window -> Show View -> @RequestMappings
  • [Project] ...

22. Unit testing a spring 3 controller with methods that return only a view name

Its my understanding that an efficient way to unit test a spring controller is too simply instantiate a new instance (of the required controller) and test the controller methods directly. Not ...

23. Spring Web MVC: How to use a ResponseEntity in the view class, not the controller?

Using Spring Web MVC, I would like to use a ResponseEntity to send bytes back to the client. For example, I could do this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/getMyBytes", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity< byte[] > ...

24. How can I tell if a certain view (tile) has been defined in a Controller?

Spring 3.0.5 + Tiles Inside my controller I'm creating a new ModelAndView but a situation has come up where one company wants their own view. Once this happens I can see ...

25. Trying to pass view implicitly using mvc:view controller

I have a spring configuration file with MANY entries such as the one below. <mvc:view-controller path="/test/one" view-name="one.xml" /> <mvc:view-controller path="/test/two" view-name="two.xml" /> <mvc:view-controller path="/test/three" view-name="three.xml" /> Now I am integrating controller code and I am ...

26. http:inbound-channel-adapter: view-name and controller...?

http:inbound-channel-adapter: view-name and controller...? Hi, Just looking at some more work around inbound-channel-adapter, and initially I was a bit thrown by the presence of view-name as an option. A look at ...

27. Controller that should not forward to View

Controller that should not forward to View Hi I have a controller that should not forward to a view. I have tried: 1. void return method signature 2. ModelAndView return signature ...

28. Form controller support for multiple form views.

Gentlemen; Perhaps I am missing something here, but I have been conditioned by my struts experiance to expect controllers to handle multiple form mappings. I understand the multiaction controller, but there ...

29. Should i18n happen in controller or view?

What you think would be better approach, to get localized messages in controller and then put them into model or to put into model message keys and internationalize them in view? ...

30. View resolving: Taking controller name into account

View resolving: Taking controller name into account Hi! I guess I'm missing a configuration directive or something, but I can't seem to make it work. Under my "views" folder, I have ...

31. How to write a controller that will return a view or return response body

Hi, I have a web app and a mobile app. Both call the same controller function. However, the web app expects a json response while the mobile app expects a redirect. ...

32. mvc:view-controller and Xml defined controller doubt

mvc:view-controller and Xml defined controller doubt Hi, Following is my spring.xml .... ..... ...

33. Customize ?

I am successfully using entries within my servlet configuration file. I would like to be able to register a customized ParameterizableViewController when using the tag within my configuration. Does ...

34. Need help with SimpleFormController and various return types (null, view, file)

Need help with SimpleFormController and various return types (null, view, file) My SimpleFormController normally processes some parameters/data and returns to an AbstractExcelView to generate an XLS file, or if there was ...

35. Form as View - Forwarding to another Controller

Form as View - Forwarding to another Controller Hello - I am fairly new to the Spring framework and have been working w/ it for the past couple of months. I ...

36. Form Controllers - navigating to a new view

Form Controllers - navigating to a new view When a form controller (either SimpleFormController or a custom subclass of AbstractFormController) processes a form submission successfully and needs to navigate to a ...

37. Forms, views, and resolving to a controller...

Forms, views, and resolving to a controller... Hey all... this is sort of an architecture question, and my first post on this forum, so please be gentle. This is my first ...

38. form controller. view with tabs

form controller. view with tabs Hello all, i have a SimpleFormController and the jsp formView with all the fields of the command object. Code: ... commandForm ...

39. SimpleFormController - howto pass paramater to form view

SimpleFormController - howto pass paramater to form view Spring Newbie here: I want to pass a parameter to my form view. This parameter is unrelated to my command object. I call ...

40. Testing controller + Freemarker view outside web container

Testing controller + Freemarker view outside web container I'm trying to test my controller plus view resolution plus freemarker processes outside of a web container. (maybe this is just crazy). I ...

41. Abstract the view name from the controller ?

Abstract the view name from the controller ? Hi, I'm new to spring MVC but have years of exp. with struts. In struts we built some reusable action classes for standard ...

42. View to forward to another controller?

View to forward to another controller? I'm trying to write my first web application using Spring MVC and I've got a question about the pattern that I should use. I've got ...

43. SimpleFormController with itself as the success view

SimpleFormController with itself as the success view I have a SimpleFormController that is coming up fine on the page. There are several forms on the page, so when one is submitted, ...

44. SimpleFormController bypasses form view

I have a strange problem on one of my forms. The formBackingObject is called and seems to work, but instead of the formView jsp getting displayed, the app goes right on ...

45. getting a view without a controller

getting a view without a controller Most of my pages need the user to be logged in, so I have: ...

46. Controller picks up call to ViewResolver

Controller picks up call to ViewResolver Hello, I have exactly 1 Controller that I want to pick up any request. Since I want to put information in the URL (as opposed ...

47. AbstractWizardFormController: Reuse views

AbstractWizardFormController: Reuse views Hi everybody, I'am currently getting more and more familiar (and happy) with spring. Meanwhile I've a couple of these simple AbstractWizardFormControllers in my application: Code: ...

48. Controller forwarding to multiple views......

Controller forwarding to multiple views...... I am working on Spring 1.2.8. Can I have a single controller forward to multiple views? Right now, one controller can forward to only one view ...

49. two view controllers

two view controllers Hello, my application uses jsp and I want to extend it using FreeMarker templates. I tried chaining two viewControllers like this: Code: org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView ...

50. Jump links in an AbstractWizardFormController view

I want to have four stages in my AbstractWizardFormController path, but I want to be able to have links at the top of each JSP that allow the user to jump ...

51. Error view in controller, how to do it?

Error view in controller, how to do it? I tried to search this, but didn't find anything useful. Just a simple question about a situation where I wan't to direct a ...

52. Building view without Controller?

Building view without Controller? Hi, At the moment, to display my home page, I have configured my application as follows. First of all I have a declared a bean definition in ...

53. Form view not displayed in SimpleFormController

Form view not displayed in SimpleFormController Hello, I have a new SimpleFormController and when I run it (/ I go straight to the onSubmit method. I never see the form view. ...

54. How to go to another view/controller in Spring MVC?

How to go to another view/controller in Spring MVC? Hi! IBM WebPortal 5.1 I'm currently developing a portlet in the above environment. Problem is I cannot figure out how to go ...

55. selecting the view in the MultiActionController

Hi, I want my subclass of MultiActionController to use the viewResolver bean in the applicationContext. At the moment the viewResolver bean is simply a ; class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.Intern alResourceViewResolver"> that maps index.htm onto ...

56. SimpleFormController with multiple views

SimpleFormController with multiple views In struts I can have a controller process a page and determine based on input values which page to redirect. In Spring MVC I see only one ...

57. Exception Display: Controller -> View

Exception Display: Controller -> View I've adapted an MVC application from the Spring Step By Step example and have it working nicely, except that I don't understand how to pass an ...

58. MultiActionController and View

MultiActionController and View Hi, what is the best practise to resolve views for a MAC? As long as it works, I try to use convention over config. The problem is, that ...

59. What if I don't want to return any view from the controller

Hi all, After submitting request to the spring controller, every controller must return a view. But what if i don't want to return any view. This case is arised when i ...

60. What if I don't want to return any view from the controller

Hi all, After submitting request to the spring controller, every controller must return a view. But what if i don't want to return any view. This case is arised when iam ...

61. return the source view from method of multiactioncontroller

Hi, I am providing a link on my website to change the link for multi language support. And strings are loaded from resource file. But how to return to the same ...

62. AbstractWizardFormController and the initial view page

AbstractWizardFormController and the initial view page Hi guys, I'm using AbstractWizardFormController and have a problem in displaying a page. The tutorials always define basic form pages and I want to display ...

63. Controller that has no view

Controller that has no view Hi, I am presented with the following scenario: There is a system (non spring application) that needs to send an email. I need to develop a ...

64. Controller that generates XML as view

I would like to have a controller that generates an XML file which displays as a view. In other words, the xml file will display in the browser. Another app will ...

65. Sorting inside the Controller or the view?

Sorting inside the Controller or the view? Hello, as mentioned in this thread I have a itemController to create a bean called itemList. This list shall include dvds, books, newspaper-articels or ...

66. one controller multiple views without loosing request & updated command of prev page

one controller multiple views without loosing request & updated command of prev page hi, controller A shows the form A. on form A when we will click on update(submit ) button ...

67. 2 set of view list for one controller?

I have a controller and I have created one set of view for that in my xml file as follows. Code: form Form1 Form2 ...

68. View and Edit using the SimpleFormController

View and Edit using the SimpleFormController Hi, I am new to the Spring Framework and apologize for the newbie questions that I am about to post. I have a page with ...

69. One Controller Multiple View Forms

Hi, Perhaps this question is posted earlier but, I am using a SimpleFormController and want to configure so that my controller redirects to different jsp (views) accoding to the button clicked. ...

70. Error Getting Command object from Controller to View

Hi, I am using SimpleFormController and I have defined a bean as the Command object. I have a form that gets submitted to this SimpleFormController(ProductFormHandler Controller). The JSP that generates the ...

71. Controller called twice in one request when changed the View

Controller called twice in one request when changed the View Hey guys! I am facing a problem with a multiple calls to controller (within one request) when wanting to change to ...

72. Spring MVC : Design question : One Controller multiple Views

Spring MVC : Design question : One Controller multiple Views We are trying to implement a search funtionality where in the user could either search by keyword or by id (which ...

73. How to send the object frm EditController to View COntroller

How to send the object frm EditController to View COntroller I am working on portlet Spring MVC. I have one ViewController class and one Edit Controller class. In View I have ...

74. How to send the object frm EditController to View COntroller

How to send the object frm EditController to View COntroller I am working on portlet Spring MVC. I have one ViewController class and one Edit Controller class. In View I have ...

75. Loading a view without a controller

Hey all, I'd like to have my default view in my PortletModeHandlerMapping set up to just direct to a view without a controller. I thought I had seen the ability to ...

76. View Resolvers on a per-controller basis

Hi all, Is it possible to assign a separate view resolver to a single controller, whilst other controllers continue to use another view resolver? Appreciate any help! Dan.

77. Multiple controller, multiple view, one result

Multiple controller, multiple view, one result Hi! I have a little problem with Spring MVC, maybe somebody can help me. I want to create a modular application. But the web applications ...

78. Tiles 2: How can I detect the root's View name in Controller code

Tiles 2: How can I detect the root's View name in Controller code So my app has the index.htm page and a couple of tiles (left & right content). I have ...

79. How to call Iceface view from Spring controller? -- Urgent

Respected Members, I want to delegate the control from a Spring controller(i.e. SimpleFormController) to an Iceface page (myhome.iface). Controller seems to add prefix (.jsp) to the getSucessView(). How to achieve this? ...

80. Group Controllers and Views into Modules

Group Controllers and Views into Modules Hi, I'm writing some shop system and I've got problem. I'd like to group my controllers and views into few logical modules, my directories structure ...

81. Accesing SimpleFormController.formBackingObject() command in the view

1. Don't use spring tags, use the forms tags (check the reference guide) 2. You don't want to use scriptlets in your jsps, use EL expressions (jstl) instead.

82. Two views and one controller

Hi, folks. I'm new here and with Spring. I have a question. I need to show a list of objects into a jsp page. Each object has a Edit field in ...

83. Lists in view with MultiActionController

Mar 23rd, 2009, 06:24 AM #1 vuzbuz View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2009 Posts 2 Lists in view with MultiActionController Hello there, I hope ...

84. how to attach multiple views to single controller?

hi all, I'm having one query about controller and View I want one common controller for all CRUD operation for one object(Say Employee) and one common controller for Department. but depending ...

85. Multiple Forms/Views Mapped to One Controller

Multiple Forms/Views Mapped to One Controller Hi! I'm new to Spring MVC, so I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question. I'm trying to build a web front end ...

86. @Controller. A problem with a view context

@Controller. A problem with a view context Hi. I have a controller. After it's processing request parameters, View(greet.jsp) does not get any values. config: app-servlet.xml Code:

87. views and controllers

I have* Mycontroller that implements the interface controller. * public class MyController implements Controller { public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { data.put("test", test); return new ModelAndView(getSuccessView(), data); } ...

88. Questions realted to controllers and views

Questions realted to controllers and views I created a basic domain class (assume Book) with a couple of String properties and created a new automatic controller. This worked fine and I ...

89. Modify the view name that was returned by a controller

Modify the view name that was returned by a controller Where would be the best place to intercept a response and modify the name of the view before it is rendered? ...

90. Controller that does not call a view afterwards

Controller that does not call a view afterwards Hi Maybe it s not the right name but I'd like to call a controller that perform an action (working with stuffs that ...

91. How to choose between Tiles view preparer and Spring Controller delegate

How to choose between Tiles view preparer and Spring Controller delegate we are planning to use Spring 2.5 with Tiles 2 for UI rendering. I'm confused how to prepare data for ...

92. Hardcoding view names in Controllers

Hardcoding view names in Controllers I have a question about how view names should be referred in Spring controllers. Is it a good idea to hardcode view names in controllers instead ...

93. Adding own controller and views

I have created an entity person with the fields longitude and latitude and would like to display the instances on google maps. What is the recommended way to create controllers and ...

94. Custom date formatter for @Controller for a JSON view

Custom date formatter for @Controller for a JSON view Hi, I am trying to format date fields in a JSON view returned by a @Controller but so far I was unsuccessful. ...

95. PathVariable and ViewResolver prevent Controller-less config

Mar 17th, 2010, 05:26 PM #1 daveclay View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2006 Posts 2 PathVariable and ViewResolver prevent Controller-less config Hi there. With ...

96. Controller without view

Controller without view In my application I have some asynchronous request that are meant to perform some action on the server and not return any data, but simply an OK (or ...

97. MVC - Call controller from View

MVC - Call controller from View In ASP.NET MVC, I can have a View of a Controller which calls another Controller. ...

98. How about having a tag to call another controller from view

How about having a tag to call another controller from view like struts2 action tag action tag is a great feature of struts2. It would be great if spring can ...

99. Manual Controllers that don't return a view

100. How do Controllers find Views?

How do Controllers find Views? Hi guys, Just started looking at the Spring framework and there seems to be a few blackholes out there that I'm sturuggling to get to grips ...