redirect « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Spring-MVC controller redirect to "previous" page?

Let's say I've got a form for editing the properties of a Pony, and in my web application there are multiple places where you can choose to edit a Pony. ...

2. Spring 3 MVC redirect: is giving me a 404 when trying to redirect to another controller

My view resolver:

<bean id="htmlView" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views" />
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />
My controller:
@RequestMapping(value="/account/register", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String registerHandler(@Valid RegisterForm registerForm, BindingResult bindingResult) {

3. Redirect in controllers spring3

In Spring 3 you map urls as simply as this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/index.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String index(Model model)  {
    return "index";
Is it possible to make this kind ...

4. Blank Page on Redirect View

I've bumped into a strange problem. I have a Spring Controller. Inside it I check for a particular condition and if true I execute a redirect to another controller like this: ...

5. Redirect in onSubmit() method of simpleformcontroller

I am new to spring framwork and using 2.5 version.
My requirement is that based on some value of command object in submit method I have to redirect the user to url ...

6. redirect on SimpleformController

I have a simpleformController which needs to handle request get and post both. while gets the user needs to be redirected to login screen which works fine if handlerequest is used ...

7. Set HTTP status code for redirect when returning a String in a Spring 3 controller

Is there a way to specify the HTTP status code when returning "redirect:/new/url" in Spring 3?

8. How to configure Shiro + Spring MVC when @Controller REDIRECTS to a login page

I have a typical Spring MVC + GWT architecture with Apache Shiro as a security layer. Problem: No matter what protocol is used for a request to the App server, pages should be ...

9. How to pass a complex ModelAttribute using redirect: in Spring MVC 3.0

Hi all question I'm having problems finding an answer for... Use Case: Reading in an Excel spreadsheet in a controller. A 4 row sheet was processed and row 2 and 3 had some ...

10. pass object beteween controller methods that called with redirect:

pass object beteween controller methods that called with redirect: hi to all. i have a controller that have two method. first method : Code: @RequestMapping("/addNewPerson") public void addNewPersonPage(Model model) { Person ...

11. mvc. redirect controller to controller with request object

hi redirectView only mak url redirection. if we use render method of redirectView and add request parameter to Map, we send request parameters to other controller, so other controller can take ...

12. Need to redirect object to a form controller

Need to redirect object to a form controller I have this strange situration where I have an file uploaded and parsed to create an object, then I need to show the ...

13. Redirecting to another controller from SimpleFormController

I'm a Spring's newbie I'm implementing an update function for an object (but this would be very helpful for other situations). When this update is complete I'd like to redirect to ...

14. SimpleFormController doesn't redirect

SimpleFormController doesn't redirect Hello, I would be grateful if somebody could help me out with a SimpleFormController related problem. I've just started using Spring and despite reading the docs and the ...

15. OC4J: Redirect from one controller to another

OC4J: Redirect from one controller to another I have an annoying problem that has arisen when deploying a simple web-app to OC4J - it seems. The setting is the following: i ...

16. Redirecting to a Controller

Redirecting to a Controller From a controller's handle method, I want to redirect an user to another controller. This itself isn't hard, just return a ModelAndView with a RedirectView to the ...

17. How to redirect to next controller ?

How to redirect to next controller ? Hi, All of the spring books I have seen, I always see that the controller action always returns a ModelAndView reference to a new ...

18. Redirecting to custom Exception Controller

Redirecting to custom Exception Controller Hello, I am trying to implement a controller which handles all exceptions resolved by a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver: Code: ...

19. Redirecting from AbstractWizardFormController

Redirecting from AbstractWizardFormController Hello, Imagine the following situation: user registration is a tree-step proccess and is implemented by subclassing AbstractWizardFormController. On the first step of the wizard user enters his/her email ...

20. redirect in a AbstractWizardFormController

redirect in a AbstractWizardFormController In the AbstractWizardFormController I may need to skip to the next controller before I get to the end of the wizard (processFinish()). So I have overridden the ...

21. Redirect from one controller to another

Hi, I'm having a problem, that has arisen when i tried to redirect from one controller to another. They both extend SimpleFormController and everything seems to be right... untill i tryed ...

22. how to handle a redirect using SimpleForm Controller?

how to handle a redirect using SimpleForm Controller? Hi, I have two pages - one shows a form for the user to set search parameters, and the other shows the results ...

23. redirecting to a page which does not have a controller with it

redirecting to a page which does not have a controller with it HI , I have this scenario where the user forgets the user id and tries to retrieve the user ...

24. Post-redirect-get and AbstractWizardFormController

Post-redirect-get and AbstractWizardFormController Hi all, I have a very simple question I can't answer on my own... I have a very simple form that spans on three pages, and therefore I ...

25. How do I redirect from setSuccessView() to a Controller

How do I redirect from setSuccessView() to a Controller Hi guys, I use SimpleFormController for a page and after I receive the response I want to redirect to a diferent controller ...

26. Redirecting to another controller from the processFinish() in WizardController??

Redirecting to another controller from the processFinish() in WizardController?? Hello, I have the following scenario : I have a AbstractWizardController. Now at the end of the wizard when the user completes ...

27. redirect from MultiActionController

Is this possible. Trying to do something very simple here: * * @param p_request * @param p_response * @return * @throws Exception */ public ModelAndView handleExecuteBuild(HttpServletRequest p_request,HttpServletResponse p_response) throws Exception { ...

28. Some redirect issues/problems between controllers

Some redirect issues/problems between controllers I have one controller for display result and one controller for edit result. When the display result form i executed (action="/Result") I can forward to the ...

29. Redirect to a different controller

I am writing a poll portlet, and have a situation where I need to redirect to a different controller in the case that a user has already answered the poll question. ...

30. Success redirect from one controller to another

Success redirect from one controller to another Hi All, I've been testing a number of functionalities with the Springframework and in this particular case I have a simpleform controller's successview set ...

31. Implementing redirect-after-post with AbstractWizardFormController

I'm familiar with the RedirectView and the "redirect:viewname" syntax but don't know how to apply it to an AbstractWizardFormController. I know it is not as simple as Code: setPages( new String[] ...

32. Redirect from one SimpleFormController to another

Redirect from one SimpleFormController to another HI All, I am really stuck with this problem where after processing the request using SimpleFormController1, I then need to call a second SimpleFormController2. I ...

33. SimpleFormController - redirect

In the SimpleFormController, onSibmit(), How do I redirect to another server? Here is the error I got: 404 Not Found /all_login/WEB-INF/pages/http:/localhost:8080/uPortal was not found on this server. when I have code: ...

34. Redirecting before SimpleFormController From is shown

Redirecting before SimpleFormController From is shown Hi! I have an interesting problem in my shopping cart which I have been unable to find a solution for as of yet. I want ...

35. SimpleFormController#onSubmit: redirect doesn't work

37. Spring SimpleFormController opening time redirect

Hi, I have SimpleFormController, based on some values in sql i have to reroute some other page other wise should be stay in the same form . how i can impliment ...

38. How to redirect from Spring SimpleForm controller

Hi All, Here is the problem, after validations I am in controller and found that there is something missing and added an error and super.doSubmit(), expecting to go back to the ...

39. why object not pass between controllers by redirect

why object not pass between controllers by redirect First controller: Code: public class PositionsController extends MultiActionController { ... public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Position position) throws Exception { try { ...

40. redirect the request from one controller to other

Nov 23rd, 2009, 09:49 AM #1 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2009 Posts 10 redirect the request from one controller to other Hi, ...

41. Annotated controllers. Final redirect and @ModelAttribute question

Annotated controllers. Final redirect and @ModelAttribute question Hello, I have a controller to edit an entity (called an "agent"). The agent is linked to a timezone so I'm supplying the timezone ...

42. Multiple request submit on page refresh - Redirect with MultiActionController

Multiple request submit on page refresh - Redirect with MultiActionController Hi, When i try to refresh my page (internally it is persisiting data in db), save/update command is issued again. (Request ...

43. Controller redirect to another Controller?

Controller redirect to another Controller? In my RESTFUL Web Service, when HttpRequestController() got a POST, a new HTTP Response will be created in XML format and sent back to the Requestor ...

44. Redirect to another controller

Hi All, I am very new to Spring and just started practicing with it. I have pages like 1. New Emp details ( 2. Update Emp Details ( 3. All employees ...

45. How do you redirect to Controller class during intial load

Thanks !! it works.... One more quick question just to validate my design - As you have suggested I have moved from Code: -- A jsp page to ...

46. Invoking Controller methods after redirect

Invoking Controller methods after redirect I am using a redirect from a controller to a new view . Code: return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("DoLogin.html")) I would like to either invoke validation on ...

47. Redirecting to a new controller

hi, how can i redirect from one spring controller to another controller using a post method. I was looking at RedirectView . It seems to only do GET. Is there a ...

48. Redirect to form on incorrect login - SimpleFormController

Redirect to form on incorrect login - SimpleFormController I have a simple login.jsp that asks the user to enter a username and password. I have a validator which checks to make ...

49. Spring 3 MVC redirect: is giving me a 404 when redirecting to another controller

Spring 3 MVC redirect: is giving me a 404 when redirecting to another controller My view resolver: Code: My ...