modelandview « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. call valang validator in MultiActionController ModelAndView method... possible? how?

is this possible? i am basically making a Spring CRUD web app using MultiActionController class and would want my forms validated. i have used a SimpleUrlController before and valang ...

2. Return same view controller using ModelAndView of Spring Web MVC

I am using Spring Web MVC and Hibernate for developing my application. My login.jsp page has following code :

<form:form method="post" commandName="User">
   User Name : 

3. Spring 3 question -- ModelAndView and Controller not being resolved

I'm trying to learn Spring 3. I have a class where I'm trying to do these two imports:

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;
Eclipse is telling me that neither import can be resolved, but ...

4. spring: return JSON from controller as ModelAndVIew

How can I return JSON from spring controller as a view or ModelAndView? I am not interested in using @ResponseBody annotation. Is there any other way of doing this?

5. Spring MVC, Return ModelAndView statements are ignored in Controller

I have following app setup.

  • The dispatcher servlet is matched to the *.htm URL pattern.
  • Controller has the annotation @RequestMapping(value = "doSuccess")
  • The method for the above annotation just returns new ModelAndView("success");


6. Which is better, return "ModelAndView" or "String" on spring3 controller

The way of return ModelAndView

@RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView list(
    @UserAuth UserAuth user, 
    ModelAndView mav) {

    if (!user.isAuthenticated()) {

7. Is there a way to get @ResponseBody-type behaviour using ModelAndView?

One thing I think Rails gets right in terms of its controller design is that you can use your index controller action for both the listings, as well as searches, and ...

8. How to add multiple objects into the ModelAndView from Controller (Spring 3)

How to add multiple objects into the ModelAndView from Controller (Spring 3) In my controller, I have a simple mav.addObject("users", userService.loadUsers()); (The loadUsers() method returns a Set.) ---- In my listUsers.jsp ...

9. where are ModelAndView and Controller classes ????

where are ModelAndView and Controller classes ???? Hi, I want to build web application using Spring Framework and i got one problem. The thing is that to create web application using ...

10. simpleformcontroller & modelandview

the exception info: javax.servlet.ServletException: ModelAndView [ModelAndView: materialized View is [null]; model is {command=action.RegisterInfo@1c6572b, org.springframework.validation.BindException.comma nd=org.springframework.validation.BindException: BindException: 0 errors}] neither contains a view name nor a View object in servlet with name ...

11. controller and ModelAndView

Hi I'm using displaytag to render a table. I'm using a Controller, when I first arrive on my jsp page then in handleRequest() I contact the db and get the data. ...

12. Return ModelAndView from OnSubmit method in SimpleFormController

Return ModelAndView from OnSubmit method in SimpleFormController In the following code I am trying to return to the same form if there are business validation errors(this happens in biz layer). If ...

13. Q: how can i make a ModelAndView in a SimpleFormController???

Q: how can i make a ModelAndView in a SimpleFormController??? Hello everbody, i have a problem. I want to post some stuff from a normal Model(ModelAndView) but it must be also ...

14. Controller ModelAndView for a SimpleFormController

Controller ModelAndView for a SimpleFormController Hi all, First of all, sorry for my poor english. I'm new with Spring. In my application, I have some like this: Code: estudiantesIndexController

15. How i can use a personalized Controller for more than one ModelAndView ?

How i can use a personalized Controller for more than one ModelAndView ? Hello I have a doubt, I generate a personalized Controller in a Java Class in the dispatcher-servlet.xml file ...

16. Form design question: controllers, command objects & ModelAndView-type functionality

Is there a way to return a model along with a command object after a GET request to a SimpleFormController? My form has info that I don't care about on the ...

17. In what scope is the ModelAndView returned by controller methods stored?

No it shouldn't. It is used to transfer the Model and the View(name) to the DispatcherServlet which uses it to select the view and pass the model to the view. So ...

18. Redirect to show ModelAndView from another Controller???

Redirect to show ModelAndView from another Controller??? How exactly can I trigger display of a model and view from another model and views controller? HTTP Request View --> HttpRequestController POST -> ...