json « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Help with spring-json using annotated controllers    stackoverflow.com

I've scourged the internet for an example that would use both spring-json and annotated controllers, I'm new to spring so I've had no luck adapting the configuration on spring-json's samples (it ...

2. How to get error text in controller from BindingResult    stackoverflow.com

I have an controller that returns JSON. It takes a form, which validates itself via spring annotations. I can get FieldError list from BindingResult, but they don't contain the ...

3. java json controller    stackoverflow.com

I have an Java class, like Library, that contains many fields. I want do ajax call to server and in controller's method I want to have partly initialized @RequestBody Library with ...

4. Serve JSON "as is" from Spring controller using content negotiation    stackoverflow.com

In my webapp, all my message converters are in place, and if I change getContent below to return a bean/pojo, it returns as " application/json;charset=UTF-8", which is expected, but I now ...

5. In Spring MVC, how can I set the mime type header when using @ResponseBody    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring MVC Controller that returns a JSON String and I would like to set the mimetype to application/json. How can I do that?

@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="foo/bar")
public String fooBar(){

6. Spring mvc controller issue    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to learn spring MVC, so far so good but I'm kind of stuck now. I'm trying to learn how to create json and get it with javascript(jquery). But for testing ...

7. How to get a JSON object and map it into object in spring 3.0 controller using POST method?    stackoverflow.com

I want to add request mapping my controller which gets a Json of Array of an object. The JSON will be sent from javascript using post. Thanks, Kfir

8. Return HTML or JSON in a Spring Controller Method    stackoverflow.com

I am wondering the correct way to return HTML or JSON inside the same method depending on logic on a Spring Controller method. I have done this in .NET, just ...

9. Spring MVC controller how to add custom interceptor for json to object serialization and deserialization    stackoverflow.com

I am using spring 3 MVC with annotation Using @ResponseBody and @RequestBody annotations I am able to serialize and deserialize object to json and vice versa using MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter. I need to introduce custom ...

10. Constructing object from JSON request on Spring 2.5 Controller    stackoverflow.com

My question is in continuation to this one. I was unable to Google many real world examples of using JSON request/response with Spring 2.5. The Spring-Json library came to my ...

11. Can a Controller method returning void produce JSON?    stackoverflow.com

Normally to return JSON from my Controllers methods, I add a @ResponseBody annotation and I let Jackson to map my returned object as JSON. No problem here. However in this question, ...

12. to post JSon object to Spring 3 controller    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I must to send an json object to Spring 3 controller. Haw do I make this? I have add of my project the following library: jackson-mapper-asl 1.6.4. I want ...

13. Return html or json in the same controller method    forum.springsource.org

Hi there, I am interested to use Spring 3.0 mvc for a service based application. My question is, is it possible to have on controller method to return a JSON or ...

14. How can my controller accept a String[] in json format?    forum.springsource.org

How can my controller accept a String[] in json format? Hi all, I'm posting a list of printers converted to json to my server (via spring integration): Code: DEBUG: org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - ...

15. Can a spring controller return a json object?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, if you use spring 3.0 there is directly support for json views. Use a ContentNegotiatingViewResolver view resolver with MappingJacksonJsonView view. Both are spring classes. Look for REST Templates and spring ...

16. How to return JSON/XML using MultiActionController?    forum.springsource.org

How to return JSON/XML using MultiActionController? here's the MultiActionController Code: public class SimulationController extends MultiActionController { private SimulationService simulationService; /** * @param simulationService the simulationService to set */ @Autowired public void ...

17. jqgrid json from spirng controller    forum.springsource.org

jqgrid json from spirng controller Hello... I have a jqgrid where in I am returning a list of objects from the controller... I have used the List collection interface of java.util ...