exception « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. HandlerExceptionResolver for annotated controller    stackoverflow.com

I have annotated controller which contains several methinds mapped on urls. Like this:

public class CategoryController {

@RequestMapping(value = "/addCategories")
public void addCategories(@RequestParam(value = "data") String jsonData) throws ParseException

@RequestMapping(value = "/getNext")
public void getNext(@RequestParam(value = ...

2. Spring MVC Best Practice Handling Unrecoverable Exceptions In Controller    stackoverflow.com

When you have a controller that does logic with services and DAO's that may throw an unrecoverable exception, what is the best practice in dealing with those method calls? Currently an app ...

3. Spring 3 controller exception handler implementation problems     stackoverflow.com

I was hoping to implement a single "ExceptionController" to handle exceptions that are thrown in execution of my other controllers' methods. I hadn't specified any HandlerExceptionResolver in my application context so ...

4. spring mvc simpleformcontroller - how to stop execution when exception thrown    stackoverflow.com

I am using simpleformcontroller and get exception thrown in my OnSubmit method. This does not seem to stop the simpleformcontroler process as it redisplays my form. I can see from log4j output ...

5. Spring Framework Error Controller with Freemarker    stackoverflow.com

I have problem. Every time I have exception happening my spring error controller either bypasses my sitemash-freemarker decorator and just shows the error dump. Or it includes the decorator but doesn't ...

6. In Spring, why are line numbers lost for CGLib on a POJO?    stackoverflow.com

Spring MVC web app: I have a stack trace w/o line numbers (shown at bottom). I presume that this is due to CGLib running on the controller. But this is odd to me, ...

7. How to show exceptions from controller on the same page?    stackoverflow.com

First of all I want to start by saying that I am new to both Spring and Spring MVC. Here is my question: I am using Spring 3.0 for doing this. Event: User clicks ...

8. Simplify exception catching in controllers    stackoverflow.com

I'm making a Web Service using Spring MVC. Controllers are called directly by the user (through despatcher servlet) and response are returned as JSON. I think that the use of controllers ...

9. MultiActionController OutOfMemory Exception    forum.springsource.org

Apr 19th, 2011, 10:44 PM #1 racumin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2010 Posts 25 MultiActionController OutOfMemory Exception I was load testing my web ...

10. Odd Controller Exception    forum.springsource.org

Odd Controller Exception I can't figure out why (or where) it is getting thrown. It isn't easily reproducible and happens often in production. Code: ERROR http-80-5 [org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver#doResolveException:143] - Invoking request method ...

11. Handler already mapped exception with Controller implementing interface    forum.springsource.org

Handler already mapped exception with Controller implementing interface I'm using Spring 3.0 and trying to get a Controller with @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations working when the controller implements an unrelated interface ...

12. java files annotated by controllers throws exceptions if trhey implement an interface    forum.springsource.org

java files annotated by controllers throws exceptions if trhey implement an interface Hi Guys, I have an java class and its annotated with @controller and it implements an interface. I override ...

13. Network Controller Lazy Load Initialization Exception    forum.springsource.org

Network Controller Lazy Load Initialization Exception First off let me clear the obvious, I have crawled the forums, I have tried Karl Baum's suggestions (http://www.jroller.com/comments/kbau...ation_with_dao) and none of them seem to ...

14. Illegal Arguement Exception when defining a controller class    forum.springsource.org

Illegal Arguement Exception when defining a controller class Hi All, When I try to define the controller in the application context xml file and deploy the ear file, I get the ...

15. handling exceptions in referenceData in AbstractWizardFormController    forum.springsource.org

Hi, How can we handle any exceptions that can be thrown from the AbstractWizardFormController since all the methods are final in the AbstractWizardFormController, in SimpleFormController it is quite easy by overriding ...

16. handling an exception that is specific for a single controller mapping    forum.springsource.org

handling an exception that is specific for a single controller mapping Hi all, I am new to Spring MVC after being stuck in Struts hell for a long time so please ...

17. handling exceptions within a controller    forum.springsource.org

handling exceptions within a controller Hi all and thanks in advance for your thoughts on this: I have a jsp page (page1.jsp) which has a controller Page1Controller.java and extends AbstractController. From ...

18. Exception handling on Annotation Based Controller    forum.springsource.org

19. Exception Handling in a Controller    forum.springsource.org

I am fairly new to Spring MVC and I have a question. I am trying to catch an exception in a controller and return the user back to the calling page ...

20. Exception Handling in a multiactioncontroller    forum.springsource.org

Exception Handling in a multiactioncontroller hi i would like to have some help or information how to handle errors with a multiactioncontroller, here is my method : public ModelAndView method1(final HttpServletRequest ...

21. error-page not getting applied to uncaught exception in controller    forum.springsource.org

Hi all! I hope this is an easy fix: I have a class extending MultiActionController that is throwing an exception (java.lang.SecurityException). In my web.xml, I have the following code: Code: ...

22. Annotated Controller - how to handler exception on GET method    forum.springsource.org

Hi for all, on POST method we have a way to handler exception and show the message to user on BindingResult(result.reject(ex1.getMessage(), ex1.getMessage()). With this, Spring show the message on JSP in ...

23. How do I catch InitBinder exceptions in an annotated Controller?    forum.springsource.org

How do I catch InitBinder exceptions in an annotated Controller? Hi All, I have an annotated controller which declares an @InitBinder for a 'Member' class, the InitBinder implementation takes a request ...

24. Exception : DataBindingIssue : MultiActionController    forum.springsource.org

Sep 16th, 2009, 06:06 AM #1 Santosh Kothapalli View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2009 Posts 2 Exception : DataBindingIssue : MultiActionController Spring Gurus, I ...

25. Log Prioritoy when Exception is thrown from Controller    forum.springsource.org

Log Prioritoy when Exception is thrown from Controller I am using Spring Security Interceptor and throwing an exception on Invalid Credentials. Here I am using ExceptionResolver to redirect the user to ...

26. Exception when using annotations to define controller    forum.springsource.org

Hi, when i tried to use @Controller and to identify my controller it seems that the container dont recognize the other controller beans which extend AbstractController since i ...

27. Exceptions and Error codes to go to the same page--but not going through controller    forum.springsource.org

Exceptions and Error codes to go to the same page--but not going through controller Hi all, I am trying to put together a class that combines a form and an exception ...