1. Spring - best way to deal with binding to a list of beans in a simpleformcontroller stackoverflow.comWithout thinking about it too much, I've been doing something like the following: 1) building a list of SomeBean objects based on the results of a database call 2) putting that list in ... |
2. Controller arguments annotated with Spring 3 MVC PathParameter is stripping data after the last '.' stackoverflow.comWhen experimenting with Spring MVC, I noticed the values passed to controller arguments annotated with @PathVariable will have all the characters from the last '.' on stripped, unless the last character ... |
3. How to test binders/property editors used on spring 2.5 controllers stackoverflow.comI have an annotated controller with a method that expects a model and a binding result
4. Spring web: Controllers with annotated mappings - Getting HttpServletRequest / form data stackoverflow.comI have a controller mapped using annotations; the URL is being accessed by the client app and it sends POST / GET data. How do I access the request object in ... |
5. reference data is lost when form fails validation in spring3 annotation based controller stackoverflow.comI'm doing the spring 3 annotation based controller thing. Problem is, when it fails validation, the reference data is lost, namely the countryDivisions stuff. I didn't put it in the form ... |
6. rendering data in jsp using spring controllers and different classes stackoverflow.comi want to render data
this is how my jsp page table look like
7. Can I chain two spring controllers together, each doing partial retrieval of data for the page? stackoverflow.comI have two controllers that each do a separate action, retrieving data for my page. Can I chain them together and pass the data from the first to the second? ... |
8. How to populate ExtJS Tree with data from Spring MVC Controller? stackoverflow.comAs a newbie in ExtJS I'm trying to use it with Spring MVC Controller. So my structure is following: tree.jsp gets JSON data from SomeController.java. I'm using Tiles 2 to connect ... |
9. Initialize a string with data from property file in controller stackoverflow.comI would like to Initialize a string with data from a property file in a spring controller:
and in my property file: (myApp.properties )
I found an example |
10. How to pass multipart/form-data parameter from JSP to Spring MVC controller? stackoverflow.comHow can I pass a
11. data prepared for mvc:view-controller forum.springsource.orgdata prepared for mvc:view-controller Hi,all, I like to use the mvc:view-controller to mapping a url to a view directly. It is very friendly to read and simple to code. However, the ... |
12. how to bind data to a java class using Ajax and Controller? forum.springsource.orghow to bind data to a java class using Ajax and Controller? class: Code: public class Person implements Serializable { private int id; private String name; private List addresses; } controller: ... |
13. How to post data from one controller to another in the submitMethod() forum.springsource.orgBasically, I have a controller A that handles data update and another controller B that handles the data searching by ID. What I would like to do is to the have ... |
14. Need help with sending data back to the controller from JSP forum.springsource.orgNeed help with sending data back to the controller from JSP Hi all, This a jsp which I use to display results. It has a foreach loop and inside the loop ... |
15. Securely Passing Data to Web Flow From Controller forum.springsource.orgSecurely Passing Data to Web Flow From Controller Is there a way I can pass data from a @Controller to a Web Flow without using url parameters (ie in some secure ... |
16. Data in the modelmap common to all controllers forum.springsource.orgHi! I am wondering if you could give me a tip about how in a easy way to set some data in the ModelMap (when using @Controller and @RequestMapping) common to ... |
17. web mvc json all - Controller_Json.aj generation dependent on class field data. forum.springsource.orgweb mvc json all - Controller_Json.aj generation dependent on class field data. I have a roo script that creates 3 classes with roo scaffolding. The presence of the generated roo json ... |
18. Problems loading data into a SimpleFormController forum.springsource.orgApr 16th, 2005, 10:05 AM #1 bwobbones View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Posts 7 Problems loading data into a SimpleFormController Hi, ... |
19. Passing data from the web to the controller forum.springsource.orgPassing data from the web to the controller Hi all, i have a jsp with images. I want that when an user click an image, the controller takes the path to ... |
20. Problem with backing/ reference data b/w controller and JSP forum.springsource.orgProblem with backing/ reference data b/w controller and JSP Hi all, My second post of the day, indicates I am still struggling... I have defined a command object in my servlet.xml, ... |
21. Displaying data with SimpleFormController forum.springsource.orgIs it possible to display/load data with SimpleFormController on formView? I saw the example of petclinic uses MultiActionController on displaying data. I want to display my data right under the form. ... |
22. Passing data in the xml format using the controller forum.springsource.orgHai spring braniees, Is there any possible way to generate an xml file from the controller and accessed the generated file from a jsp file.I need this for my record navigation ... |
23. data cannot be passed from controllers to jsp views forum.springsource.orgHi, I am new to Spring MVC. when I try the example linked to http://www.springframework.org/docs/...rt-1.html,data cannot be passed from controller to jsp view. I have no idea on how to solve ... |
24. AbstractWizardFormController and persisting data forum.springsource.orgI have a situation where I would like to persist data to the database between page transitions in my wizard controller. I'm missing the onSubmit type override that a SimpleFormController has. ... |
25. Can I post data directly to controller? forum.springsource.orgCan I post data directly to controller? I try to post data from html form directly to SimpleFormController. I don't want to get formView so I prepared javascript, which after link ... |
26. Simplest SimpleFormController with data binding? forum.springsource.orgSimplest SimpleFormController with data binding? I created a really simple SimpleFormController and a corresponding velocity template "foo.vm". The template contains the folloging form: |
27. Using data binding and validation in MultiActionController forum.springsource.orgUsing data binding and validation in MultiActionController Hi there! I'm new to spring, so please don't beat me too hard. I have simple web application which i'm trying to rebuild with ... |
28. Creating custom JSP Tags & passing spring controller data to them. forum.springsource.orgCreating custom JSP Tags & passing spring controller data to them. I have a Controller which returns a custom object of type Course: Code: return new ModelAndView( getSuccessView(), "course", myCourseObject ); ... |
29. Accessing Request Data in SimpleFormController.referenceData forum.springsource.orgAccessing Request Data in SimpleFormController.referenceData I am able to access data from the HttpServletRequest object in SimpleFormController.referenceData when the form is being displayed. However, when the form submission fails validation, the ... |
30. Movig data between controllers forum.springsource.orgMovig data between controllers Hi I have a problem. I would like to write application, where I would have sth. like "wizard". Using this "wizard" I would take information from user ... |
31. AbstractWizardFormController + multipart/form-data issue forum.springsource.orgAbstractWizardFormController + multipart/form-data issue Hello Guys, I already searched this forum and googled but with no luck so here is the problem. I wanted to use AbstractWizardFormController Instead of using SimpleFormController ... |
32. Passing data between controllers forum.springsource.orgPassing data between controllers Hello. In my app I am using an AbstractWizardController to create an Invoice. On the last page (just before the success page) it should be possible to ... |
33. How to Pass form data to the controller in spings forum.springsource.orgHow to Pass form data to the controller in spings Hi I am new to springs. I am able to create a web appliation, which is having configuration files like web.xml ... |
34. get input data from jsp in controller forum.springsource.orgget input data from jsp in controller Hi I have folowing Error: javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: Neither Errors instance nor plain target object for bean name 'kdb' available as request attribute and I don't ... |
35. Passing Data Between Controllers forum.springsource.orgHi Guys, I have two controllers and I want to pass some data between the two of them and I'm not quiet sure how I should go about doing this. In ... |
36. Returning Data To View Using SimpleFormController forum.springsource.orgReturning Data To View Using SimpleFormController I was wondering if there was a good way to return data to a view, similar to the handleInternalRequest that AbstractFormController uses where you insert ... |
37. passing data from one controller to another controller forum.springsource.orgpassing data from one controller to another controller I have the following controllers 1) AddListingController (AbstractWizardController) 2) DisplayAllListingController (MultiActionController) AddListingController first displays a form where user can enter some data, the ... |
38. Back to the Question of Passing data to a Controller froma Controller forum.springsource.orgBack to the Question of Passing data to a Controller froma Controller Here is the system I am working on. -User gets a list of packages (screen1). -User clicks on one ... |
39. Controller / POST data already consumed !? forum.springsource.orgController / POST data already consumed !? Hi! No one is answering this! Either it is a stupid quesion or either no can answer it. Please let me know! I am ... |
40. Transfer of data from one controller to another forum.springsource.orgThis might be a stupid question, but I had to ask. Can anyone see any fault with this code. It will not work. In the onSubmit of Controller1 I have this ... |
41. multipart/form-data and null Filelist on controller forum.springsource.orgmultipart/form-data and null Filelist on controller Hi I am Abhijit. I am getting same problem of databinding and getting same error when I change multipart/form-data to multipart/mixed. When I keep enctype ... |
42. Pass data between controllers forum.springsource.orgPass data between controllers Hello all, I have the following data object: class UserData { String first_name; String last_name; List |
43. Data Display Problem with SimpleFormController forum.springsource.orgData Display Problem with SimpleFormController Hi All, I have one JSP where I have a search criteria and a submit button. When I enter the search criteria and click on submit ... |
44. Passing Object data between controllers forum.springsource.orgPassing Object data between controllers I have one simpleform controller and another controller In one simpleform controller a search action can be done that returns a list of visitors. When the ... |
45. SimpleFormController - command object has no data forum.springsource.orgSimpleFormController - command object has no data I am using spring's SimpleFormController and html form tags in the view html. I don't get any data in command object of the onsubmit ... |
46. how to pass data from multiactioncontroller to my jsp forum.springsource.orghow to pass data from multiactioncontroller to my jsp Hi Friends, I have written code something like this, My Controller which is extending MultiAction.. ********************************************* public ModelAndView showScreen(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, ... |
47. Error when validating form data from an annotated controller forum.springsource.orgCode: public class UserController { @Autowired private UserService userService; @Autowired(required = false) @Qualifier(value = "userValidator") private Validator validator; public UserController() { } @RequestMapping(value = "/user/create.html", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String createUserView(User ... |
48. dojo.data.Store and Controller forum.springsource.orgdojo.data.Store and Controller What is the best approach to populate a dojo.data.Store with a list of JSON objects? I'd like to use a dijit.Grid to display some data but I have ... |
49. AbstractWizardFormController and Multipart/data forum.springsource.orgAbstractWizardFormController and Multipart/data Hi, I have AbstractWizardFormController with 3 pages. first.jsp file_upload.jsp finish.jsp There are no problem until file_upload.jsp not contain form with encytype="multipart/form-data". If "file_upload" view contain simple form ( ... |
50. sending data between controllers forum.springsource.orgHi, I have a requirement wherein a xml file containing data will be uploaded to server. The fille is processed by a controller and the data should be sent as request ... |
51. InvalidPropertyException while saving data in multiaction controller?? forum.springsource.orgInvalidPropertyException while saving data in multiaction controller?? HI All, for one form i am using MultiActionController. when user perform search function it works right but when user tried to save data ... |
52. DataBinding in SimpleFormController forum.springsource.orgJan 5th, 2010, 08:25 PM #1 joehansen View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2009 Posts 27 DataBinding in SimpleFormController Hey all, I am having trouble ... |
53. The best way to return general data for controller's group forum.springsource.orgHello everyone! There is a fairly obvious problem. A page consist of general content and content specific to this page.Each page has its own spring controller.And each controller returns the data ... |
54. Waht is the best way to keep data between controller calls? forum.springsource.orgWaht is the best way to keep data between controller calls? Hi! I'm new to Spring and this is my first post here on the forum. I have been asked to ... |
55. Form data not binding with Spring Controller Annotation forum.springsource.orgForm data not binding with Spring Controller Annotation Hi all, I'm working in a small application in which using Spring MVC annotations and Spring tags. More than 2 days, I'm trying ... |
56. MultiActionController show form data in JSP forum.springsource.orgpublic class UserController extends MultiActionController { public ModelAndView myControlMethod(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, UserForm form) throws Exception { form.setUserMap(getUsers()); return new ModelAndView("users","userForm", form); } } |
57. MVC 3 - How to pass form data to controller? forum.springsource.orgMVC 3 - How to pass form data to controller? I'm fairly new to Spring MVC 3. I have a JSP with a Spring form that specifies an action and a ... |