bean « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Building a HTTP link inside a Spring bean which is not a Controller

For a bean which emails users confirmation links, I'd like to generate the URL dynamically, which means that I should know:

  • the protocol;
  • the server (virtual host) name;
  • the server port
  • the context path.
on which ...

2. accessing Spring MVC DI beans from jsp

Im bit confused so be patient if im trying to do something wrong : -) In some MVC frameworks you can call controller action from the view if you whish to execute ...

3. Need a guide on Spring Front Controller and Bean Concept

I am following the spring MVC tutorial and also reading this article on mvc design patterns Hence I am trying to make an app with like this, that make use of ...

4. Study on Spring Framework: Managed Beans as controller and Dispatcher Servlet as Controller

Currently in study of spring framework. I hope i can understand it properly and I think i need some help. This is spring doc on bean concept. This is spring doc ...

5. Specifying Group for Bean Validation with SimpleFormController

I'm working with an older spring project that's using the SimpleFormController. It was easy to switch in the beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator bean to look at the annotations on the command object, but ...

6. Autowired bean are not handled in my Controller bean (Spring-MVC)

I create a Controller bean to map a dedicated URI. web.xml file :

    <!-- Spring MVC Servlet (that will route HTTP requests to BlazeDS) -->
  <servlet-name>Spring MVC ...

7. how do you inject a bean into a @Controller class

I'm somewhat new to Spring (using 3.0), so I'm hoping there is a simple answer. If I have a controller that is annotated with @Controller and @RequestMapping and I want ...

8. initialize a nested object inside command bean, Simpleformcontroller

I have a class Account

public class Account {
private int id;
private String name;
//getters and setters
and a class Contact
private class Contact {
private int contactid;
private Account account;
//getters and setters
In a simple form controller, ...

9. How to get a prototype bean for a singleton Controller in Spring?

I'm using annotation configuration and I currently cannot use request scope for my controller, but I need one of the bean that controller uses to be a prototype. So I figured ...

10. Annotated Spring @Controller also as Bean?

Can an annotated Spring MVC Controller also be annotated with @Component/@Service type of annotations and be used both as a controller and as a bean?

11. Autowired bean is null in MVC Controller

I'm trying to autowire a bean in the MVC Controller class, but I can not get another value, than null. When I put throw new Error("E") in constructor of the bean ...

12. how to configure properties for mvc spring bean controller?

Is there a special way for doing this? What i got is:

  1. with param.key=value
  2. web.xml with ContextLoaderListener that reads the configuration
  3. pages-servlet.xml that defines servlet beans.
What I want is to configure one of ...

13. Grails 2.0 inject bean and got ClassCastException Error in Controller

I have the following bean to inject to all the controllers

beans = {
   db(my.DatabaseRepo) { singleton true }
when I define
class MyController {
   def db 

14. When to use request scoped beans over singleton beans for Controllers in Spring MVC

Is it to ensure that the controllers are thread safe? If the above case is true, then is it necessary to go through the overhead of bean creation for each request rather ...

15. Spring-MVC form validation with MultiActionController

I am trying to apply form validation on a MultiActionController (I do know that the controller classes are now deprecated). I've found this answer (which got me closer to my target, but ...

16. Spring annotated controller bean duplicate in application context

When I define bellow controller in my app context I'm getting duplicate errors when I try to use it.

How do I pass the constructor-args to the controller without getting duplicate error ...

17. Injecting bean with no default constructor in controller

Can we inject a Service bean with no default constructor into a controller? I have the following controller

public class ArticleController {
    private WithConstructorService withConstructorService;

18. Pass beans to different pages with different controllers. Spring 3 MVC; java6

I am trying to create a log in application which allows users to edit their details. I am using spring security to login and go to the home page. The home controller ...

19. XML bean definition for controller instead of @Component annotation?

Hello, With Spring MVC I can normally just annotate a class with @Controller and use component scanning to register it as a Handler. What if I do not want to use ...

20. Scoped Bean Dependencies and MVC Controller

Scoped Bean Dependencies and MVC Controller Hi all, I have some serious doubts regarding scope bean dependencies because of lack of spring knowledge. I have read reference manual at Scoped ...

21. SimpleFormController with multiple bean

SimpleFormController with multiple bean Hi, my application need to post a form with one bean, to bind the parameters in the request to this bean, and then to retrieve another instance ...

22. Returning same bean instance from Controller and conditional JSP handling

Jun 18th, 2011, 10:24 AM #1 student_t View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2011 Posts 6 Returning same bean instance from Controller and conditional JSP ...

23. Error creating bean with name 'Controller': Injection of resource fields failed

Error creating bean with name 'Controller': Injection of resource fields failed Hi friends Can any body please help me to fix the below error Code: [ERROR:main] [2011-09-13 12:46:31,416] (DispatcherServlet:290) - Context ...

24. Reference any bean from a SimpleFormController?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No WebApplicationContext found: not in a DispatcherServlet request? I guess I don't get it: not in a doc anywhere... how would I simply reference a bean: getBean(someBeanId) ... .? I ...

25. AbstractWizardFormController and the lost bean

I have a multipage form controlled by a sub-class of AbstractWizardFormController. The form is mapped to the url: http://localhost/xxx/form.html The stuff works, the user can go through the form pages. At ...

26. MultiActionController and multiple command Bean?

May take a third parameter HttpSession in which an existing session will be required, or a third parameter of an arbitrary class that gets treated as command (i.e. an instance of ...

27. Best Practice (Naming Controller Beans)

Hi, I am writing several beans and I name them as follows: /home.htm /about.htm Now I created some pages, which logically are part of the home section and therefor I named ...

28. Two form beans for single controller

Hi, Can i give a two form beans for single controller. Suppose if i'm updating the the registration details with contact details and personal details(username,password). I want to validate the two ...

29. SimpleFormController incorrectly binds the bean value

SimpleFormController incorrectly binds the bean value Hi I'm very new to Spring. I just follow the mvc step-by-step and test petclinic. Now I set a test project in order to test ...

30. Unable to get command bean to appear in success view of SimpleFormController

Unable to get command bean to appear in success view of SimpleFormController This is a question related to SimpleFormController. Spring MVC and Web Flow claims in chapter 6, page 159 of ...

31. How can i get handle to BEAN in controller during runtime?

Lets say I have a bean defined in servlet.xml file as . . . How can I get access to this bean "lookupservice" in my controller? I ...

32. scope of the portlets Controller bean

scope of the portlets Controller bean Hi, I have a problem with the scope of the portlets Controller bean (public class COSController implements Controller, InitializingBean {...} ). I am building a ...

33. SimpleFormController and Binding Complex Beans

SimpleFormController and Binding Complex Beans I have a SimpleFormController, defined as a session form, that has a command object with nested lists of other objects. When the form is displayed, the ...

34. share command bean between controllers

share command bean between controllers Hi all, i have 2 jsps hello and hello1.jsp. the controller for hello is springappcontroller and for hello1 is springupdatecontroller. both these controllers extend the SimpleFormController ...

35. How to make a thread-safe controller bean?

How to make a thread-safe controller bean? In one page I have two buttons(save and send). After I have result from clicking save button, I will send this result out by ...

36. Injecting properties in @Controller beans

Hi, If the bean is autodetected using the @Controller stereotype how can anyone inject a property that is not autowired? I would like to inject a commandClass, for example. Regards,

37. SimpleFormController error: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean

SimpleFormController error: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean Hai, I updated spring to 2.5. I am getting following error [With spring2.0 same code working fine]. Searched for this error ...

38. Duplicate form submission when using form bean as an instance variable in controller

Duplicate form submission when using form bean as an instance variable in controller hello, I am stuck up with a weird problem. Problem: The form gets submitted twice, when using the ...

39. how to add custom object/bean to a controller method

how to add custom object/bean to a controller method I have a multiaction controller which has custom methods doSomething(request,response,bean) .... so if i want to have a bean passed as the ...

40. Retrieve a bean from a controller class

Hello, I have a controller bean. Code: I also have a reference to this controller object. String controllerBeanClassName = controller.getClass().getName(); How ...

41. Another bean object in Command bean of SimpleFormController

Another bean object in Command bean of SimpleFormController Hi All, I have "CustomerGeneral" bean and i am using this as command bean in my SimpleFormController. This bean has some plain properties ...

42. SimpleFormController creates bean with twice the value during form sumission

SimpleFormController creates bean with twice the value during form sumission I am using SimpleFormController for creating a form and then submitting the form. I have a FBO that is initialized by ...

43. Invalid property 'uname' of bean class [in.hcl.controllers.LoginUserPageController]

Hi, I am getting weird issue, I have a JSP Portlet file(Login Portlet) which has a Controller and a Form Bean(with setter and getter). when I am ttraversing from Login portlet ...

44. Reference Application Tier Bean from autowired Controller

Reference Application Tier Bean from autowired Controller Hi, I need to reference my application tier bean from my autowired controller. Background: I want to refresh my ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource bean definition on my ...

45. Application Bean not found on @Autowired Controller

Application Bean not found on @Autowired Controller Hi, I have a messageSource bean defined on my application context bean definition file that I need to reference from a web Controller via ...

46. Passing Beans Between Controllers

Passing Beans Between Controllers Hi there, I have a problem concerning the bean information passing from one controller to another controller. Here is my code exmaple. In my myapplication-servlet.xml Form1 ...

47. Are annotations allowed on controller classes/beans?

Are annotations allowed on controller classes/beans? I've just managed to get a Spring Security demo up and running that uses the @Secured annotation on a POJO in order to secure a ...

48. How to bind a java.util.Set of Vehicle beans in a SimpleFormController?

How to bind a java.util.Set of Vehicle beans in a SimpleFormController? Here is the (pseudo)code: public class Customer{ String firstName; Set vehicles; Set bicycles; } public class Vehicle{ String make, model; ...

49. Invalid property 'name' of bean class in MultiActionController

Aug 10th, 2009, 09:25 AM #1 a_subscriber View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 167 Invalid property 'name' of bean class in MultiActionController I ...

50. Configuring the Controller Bean

If your Spring web application uses multiple configuration files for the context loader, must the Controller beans be defined in the app-servlet.xml configuration file? When I define these beans in their ...

51. injecting bean into Controller

injecting bean into Controller I see a lot of examples which explicitly calls the context then use getBean(), such as ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( "META-INF/beans.xml"); BeanFactory factory = context; MySpringBeanWithDependency ...

52. Pass value to Controller from bean config in application-xml file

Hi All, I have a controller and I want to pass email addresses in the bean definition to the controller, e.g. my bean definition is below Code:

53. Multiaction controller with bean under Spring framework

Hi friends, How to set the bean property from the jsp page while using MultiActionController under spring framework . now i am setting the property by getting request form the jsp ...

54. Looking up bean in an @Controller

Looking up bean in an @Controller My tale starts here: Although I've learned to live with the duplicate EntityMangerFactory, I'm having trouble dynamically getting a bean. I can't inject it ...

55. Specifying Group for Bean Validation with SimpleFormController

I'm working with an older spring project that's using the SimpleFormController. It was easy to switch in the beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator bean to look at the annotations on the command object, but ...

56. Retrieve controller beans

Retrieve controller beans Hello everyone. I hope I'm not posting a duplicate thread after my quick search. I'm wondering if I can retrieve the controller beans that are created at the ...

57. [jira] Created: (WW-3257) Get Controller bean from Spring