1. Spring MVC annotated controller in groovy stackoverflow.comI have this in src/main/groovy/...
2. groovy controller handler mapping forum.springsource.orggroovy controller handler mapping I've been trying to get org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.Contro llerClassNameHandlerMapping to work with groovy controllers in Spring 2.0-rc1 but the mapping class doesn't recognise the groovy controller when it starts ... |
3. Groovy @Controller forum.springsource.org*bump* I'd like to know as well. Is there a way to just specify a script directory/pattern rather than define all your groovy controller beans explicitly in the application context xml. ... |
4. PerformanceMonitorInterceptor with Controller in Groovy Classes forum.springsource.orgPerformanceMonitorInterceptor with Controller in Groovy Classes So i have read through these threads and tried what i think are half a dozen items. And i am getting nothing for my point ... |