Controller 3 « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Default Controller

If a incoming request url does not match any of the url - controller mappings then the request should go to a default controller. Any suggestion on how to do that? ...

2. Problem in choosing controller for the problem

Problem in choosing controller for the problem I am not able to choose the controller the resolve a problem. The problem is I have a String like '1,2,3,4,5,6' persist in the ...

3. Reload MVC controller classes

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to reload MVC controller classes when the class files change? Tapestry 5 does this with page classes and it is really convenient. ...

4. Can I still use Spring web Controller when I use Wicket??

Can I still use Spring web Controller when I use Wicket?? I am doing a project which using wicket+spring, I try to find a answer about if I use wicket for ...

5. Decouple controllers

Decouple controllers Hello, I am building a Spring application for the first time and I have a question about how to build more than one controller. I have a list of ...

6. Advising Controllers

Advising Controllers I recently had a problem with advising a Spring MVC controller by using Spring AOP. It was the first time I tried to advise a controller method. The thing ...

7. Spring controller processing application/octet-stream.

I have set up an annotated controller to process uploaded images which is also used as the general controller for other purposes. The controller is correctly called for other purposes, however ...

8. Ajax and Controller

Does anyone have example of Ajax calling controller or jsp in WEB-INF? If I put a jsp page outside WEB-INF, ajax call succeeds; however it fails if the jsp resides in ...

9. Tag To Generate Link For Named Controller?

The Stripes framework has a tag that, given the FQN of an ActionBean class and some nested parameters, generates an HTML link that targets the corresponding bean & event with those ...

10. Apply a WebBindingInitializer for some controller

The petclinic sample in the 2.5.x version shows how to apply a WebBindingInitializer for all controllers with the @Controller annotation. How to applying a specific PropertyEditors for request parameter binding for ...

11. undo create for artefacts from automatic controllers

Hi, when a domain class has a field set or reference with jpa to another domain class than the artefacts (JSPs and ITDs) from automatic controllers for the domain class were ...

12. which controller to use?

which controller to use? I am pretty new to Spring and has been struggling for the past two days to handle the following scenario. I have my JSP . It has ...

13. Spring-js Ajax call to different MVC controllers

Spring-js Ajax call to different MVC controllers Hello everyone, I'm working on a budgeting web application using Spring Javascript and Spring MVC with annotations. I'm using Apache Tiles2 for the templating. ...

14. which controller to use?

I need to forward a file to a particular destination and let the user know if the forward was successful or not. Which is the best controller to use that would ...

15. new controller (automatic and manual) has stopped working

new controller (automatic and manual) has stopped working When trying to create a new controller I am now getting "application context does not exist" errors. roo> new controller manual -name ~.web.SecurityBrowser ...

16. How to generate hyperlinks related to controller?

I have controller: Code: @Controller public class CarController { @RequestMapping(value = "/cars", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView index(@PathVariable long id) { return new ModelMap("cars", carDAO.getAll()); } @RequestMapping(value = "/cars/delete/{id}", method = ...

17. Which controller is best??

With annotation-based controllers there is no "best" controller, because the implementation of the controller is entirely up to you. Check out the documentation on annotation-based controller configuration for a starting point: ...

18. member variable in controller

member variable in controller I am new to Spring, hope this is a simple question for everyone here: In my project, the controller has a member variable "mapModel". But the controller ...

19. Why I need to register CustomDateEditor in the controller?

my controller Code: public class UsersController extends MultiActionController { ... @Override protected void bind(HttpServletRequest request, Object command) throws Exception { ServletRequestDataBinder servletRequestDataBinder = createBinder( request, command); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); ...

20. How to add ConcurrentSession Controller in Spring 3.0?

How to add ConcurrentSession Controller in Spring 3.0? Hi all, I was reading spring-security doc(for spring 3.0). I found new changes in namespace of spring for AuthenticationManager. if i'm not wrong ...

21. Which Controller to use ?

Hi Everyone, I`ve started using Spring and its really interesting, I have a requirement to display a list of items and also a form to add new items in the same ...

22. Which Controller

Which Controller I am very confused about this controller issue. I am using MultiActionController but i have some fears. I am using it now but in the future does MAC covers ...

23. This is embarrassing, why should i write one controller for one function

This is embarrassing, why should i write one controller for one function As i am using Springfreamwork to build a user loging and register web-app, i found out that i defined ...

24. Not getting to the controller

Hi, I have a situation, where a view is being resolved before hitting my controller's onSubmit() method Code:

25. What happend between controllers

very simple question, controller A and controller B. when controller A is taking over the mapped URL, it does something and kick back a ModelAndView object. Then it redirects to a ...

26. org.springframework.stereotype.Controller does not exist

Hello everyone, Please, help. I am trying to use Spring 2.5.6 and webflow 2.0.3. Even though I have added the jars to my libs. I get the error that they do ...

27. Use of TaskExecutor in a Spring MVC controller

Hi , all.. In web containers spawning of new threads from app code is discouraged ( strongly not recommended ).. We use a spring mvc framework .. can we use TaskExecutor ...

28. Controllers, JdkDynamicAopProxy and getClass()

Controllers, JdkDynamicAopProxy and getClass() I have an interceptor that gets (or tries to) the package name of controller. Code: public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws JAXBException, Exception { ...

29. Migrating to new controllers. How to serve static content?

Migrating to new controllers. How to serve static content? Hello, I'm really keen to move to the new annotated controllers and use the RequestMapping annotation to help cut down on configuration. ...

30. calling a controller

31. Spring MVC Design question passing a modeldata from one controller to another

Spring MVC Design question passing a modeldata from one controller to another I have a JSP page being displayed after the user submits a form containing data. The JSP needs to ...

32. Controller using field formatting / ConversionService

Controller using field formatting / ConversionService I want to set the format that is used to display and read Joda DateTime values. I would prefer for this to be global (I ...

33. Download exe controller - mind blank

Download exe controller - mind blank Morning all, So i've had 3 cups of coffee before 9am to work this one out but cant I have a downloadable .exe resource behind ...

34. Java Spring NtlmProcessingFilter second controller

may i know how to set failover ...

35. best practice to customize controllers behaviour

Can't you just use security tags in the jsp? When you iterate through a list of pies, don't print the line if the pie is a vip pie but the customer ...

36. CommonsMultipartResolver - Need to Restrict to one Controller

CommonsMultipartResolver - Need to Restrict to one Controller I am using the CommonsMultipartResolver to upload files in one part of my application, but I do not want it to be used ...

37. Initializing controller

Initializing controller I want to initialize my controller with some values. My first thought was to use 'setters'. I haven't seen in the documentation, examples or searching the forum, how that ...

38. How to advice spring mvc controllers

How to advice spring mvc controllers Hi all I am just wondering if anyone knows of a strategy to advice spring mvc controllers. I know that adding an advice to methods ...

39. How to advice spring mvc controllers

How to advice spring mvc controllers Hi all I am just wondering if anyone knows of a strategy to advice spring mvc controllers. I know that adding an advice to methods ...

40. customerize controller

After controller scafffolding, I tried to add a method in the generated controller. It did not work. I have to add another controller to add more functionality. Is Roo designed like ...

41. HELP - Common Controller

HELP - Common Controller Hi, I am using Spring 3 and Spring Security 2.05 in my web application and I am looking for a way in which to get a method ...

42. Dependency Pull from a Controller

Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any example of how to use a dependency pull to get a bean by name with ApplicationContext (or BeanFactory?) from a @Controller. The reason ...

43. Controller not an auto, scaffold controller?

Controller not an auto, scaffold controller? I can reproduce this problem everytime. Something wrong with what I did or my environment, I think but at a loss of what it could ...

44. Can't call a controller from another controller

Hi all, I'm trying to call an AbstractWizardFormController from a Controller, but I'm getting this error: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. render( Rendering view [org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView: unnamed; URL [wizardController.form]] in DispatcherServlet with name 'dom' In the ...

45. Automatic documentation of spring controllers

Automatic documentation of spring controllers Hi all, we're working on a multi-module project based on Spring MVC and REST. We need to document somehow all REST URLs which are accessible in ...

46. Controller Removal

Controller Removal Hello, Environment: Windows XP, SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.2, Roo 1.0.2.Release, Java 1.6.0_10, tc Server 6.0 I'm using the canned Roo generated code. I created an entity and associated controller. ...

47. Server side aggregation using Spring MVC Controllers

Server side aggregation using Spring MVC Controllers Hi! We have a web site with multiple pages each with lot of AJAX calls. All the Ajax calls go to a data proxy ...

48. Bundled Controllers and a WAR

Hi all, I have been trying to get a Spring MVC app, deployed as a WAR into Spring DM Server 2.0, to detect and use Controllers in other bundles like if ...

49. Help in controllers

May 5th, 2010, 02:05 AM #1 freddiejrrjeidderf View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 13 Help in controllers Hi, i was trying to access ...

50. Controller Question

May 5th, 2010, 11:14 PM #1 freddiejrrjeidderf View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 13 Controller Question Hello. When I try to add another ...

51. Best way to implement performance measures in Spring Controllers?

Best way to implement performance measures in Spring Controllers? Some time ago I tried to use AOP to intercept my Spring Controllers but for some reason I wasn't able to do ...

52. controller within a controller

i just wanted to know if it's possible to put a controller within one?

53. WEB-INF\LIB not found, Spring Tutorial 1.8 Create the Controller

WEB-INF\LIB not found, Spring Tutorial 1.8 Create the Controller Hi, my project structure is: If I delete the HelloController, build does not fail. But with the HelloController I get the following ...

54. Per-Controller MessageConverter

Per-Controller MessageConverter I would like to know whether there is a way to specify the order of message converters on a per-controller basis. For example, let's assume I have the following ...

55. Spring MVC Controller creation

In Struts 2, a new Action is created each time an action needs to be executed. Helps prevent concurrency problems. Is this the case with Spring MVC and Controller objects?

56. cross-site ajax call to controller

cross-site ajax call to controller I have a controller with a method that gets called via ajax. For testing purposes, I have my SpringSource tc server running from Eclipse on my ...

57. 1.1.0 M1: problem with generated controller: automaticallyMaintainView = true

I created a new, very simple demo project with Roo 1.1.0 M1. The generated web controllers contain "automaticallyMaintainView = true" in @RooWebScaffold, but when running mvn jetty:run I get an error ...

58. Mixing Controllers

Hi, Is it possible to mix both annotated controller and the old springframework controller in one web context? I basically wanted to add some new functionality to an already built spring ...

59. Creating find by Controllers

Creating find by Controllers I'm building out a new Roo app. I'd like to know if there's a best practice guide to creating a new Controller similar to the "Find by..." ...

60. Creating an add-on with a controller

I'd like to reuse a controller across multiple Roo projects. Add-on seems to be the way to do, but I did not find any exemple of having a controller in an ...

61. Spring 3.0.3 reference section 15.3 Implementing Controllers

Spring 3.0.3 reference section 15.3 Implementing Controllers I am working on a legacy Spring Web App. I have upgraded it to Spring 3.x (it was formerly Spring 2.5x), but am not ...

62. update controller

I initially used roo scaffold to create my web controller plus views. Since then, I've updated my domain model object and now I need the controller plus views to reflect the ...

63. How to do HTML templating like Spring Controllers

Hi All, Say my users place online orders in my website, and I want to mail them the order in html format. For that, I want to code and use a ...

64. Controller with two tasks

Hello, How to write controller which make possible show data from database and serve form at the same time (I mean at the same page)? I have tried do it with ...

65. How to move from controller to another controller in Spring

Hi, In my application i have a jsp page alter submitting the page it comes to a controller. The onSubmit method returns a modelview object which holds the next jsp page ...

66. Fileupload controller, missing Commons IO

In my Roo project, I have a controller with a file upload control. When I attempt to upload a file, I get an exception that eam was not found. I ...

67. Multiavtion Controller

Hi Friends, I am new in Spring. Please help me. I am not able to understand MultiAction Controller. Kindly give some example to understand it. Thanks.

68. Controller Issues

Controller Issues Hi, Using the Spring Roo shell, earlier I created three entities and performed the controller all function. However, I then implemented the string converters into the java controllers and ...

69. Dislike about Controller class deprecation

Dislike about Controller class deprecation Hi All, Well this post is only to communicate my disagreement in one of the changes made from Spring 2.5.x to Spring 3.x specifically the deprecation ...

70. controller init

71. Spring MVC Controller Problem

@Controller @RequestMapping(value="/home") public class HomeController { @RequestMapping("/homepage.htm") public String redirect(ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("auth_user",((AuthUser)SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()).getName()); return "homepage"; } }

72. Class Variables in controller class

Problems in Annotated controller class Dear All, i am using spring 3 Annotation based controller class for my application. I have defined a Get and Post method using @RequestMapping annotation. In ...

73. what controller for my pb ?

what controller for my pb ? I need to list offers with a form on the top in order to filter them. The filters are : pays, departement, region ... For ...

74. Spring newbie - recommended organization for Controllers?

Spring newbie - recommended organization for Controllers? Hello all, I am very new to Spring, and as I'm building my first servlet project, I'm wondering what the recommended way to organize ...

75. Spring 3.0 changed its controller behaviour

Spring 3.0 changed its controller behaviour The behaviour of my controller has changed after I upgraded from Spring 2.5.6 to Spring 3.0.4. When I call on the form handler method annotated ...

76. Abstract Base class for controllers?

Abstract Base class for controllers? Can someone tell me if this will work: We have quite a large project with a very rich domain model, and a lot of times our ...

77. Controller cacheSeconds??

Just working on a new application where every controller is set with: My understanding from the docs is that this sets a caching directive in the response ...

78. Writing My Own Controllers

Writing My Own Controllers I am uncertain about beginning working with my own Roo-generated controllers. I create a custom controller: controller scaffold --class ~web.SizeChartController --entity ~admin.Measurement and I am unsure what ...

79. Controller not updated with Converters

Controller not updated with Converters after adding second 1...N relationship Hi, I've encountered a bit complex issue and hope someone could help on the way solving this... - I have four ...