Chaining « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Chaining controller

I would like to know if it is possible after processing a Controller to redirect to another Controller. Example: After filling up a form and inserting the data in the database(InsertController) ...

2. Controller chaining?

Controller chaining? Hi Spring users I've got a quite usual situation to solve, but I don't see an elegant way to do this with SpringMVC: Users can search for articles - ...

3. Chaining controllers with Srping MVC

A simple question, Is it possible to chaining action controllers together in Spring MVC, like the actions in Struts? The abstract controller action seems only return ModelAndView object. Thanks. -JJ ...

4. chaining controllers

chaining controllers having looked at the javadocs and documentation and stopping short reading the spring codebase in detail, a question I'm having is looking for an appropriate design method of controller ...

5. Controller chaining and request attributes

Controller chaining and request attributes Sorry if this question was allready asked. I chain two controllers and i want to share data whith attributes on the request. My second controller is ...

6. Best Practice? Chaining between Controllers

Best Practice? Chaining between Controllers What is the recommended method for chaining between two controllers? Generic use case: the first controller wants to dispatch to a 2nd controller based on the ...

7. More chaining controllers?

More chaining controllers? I made a controller that chains other controllers. I'm using this controller for few pages, but the problem is, that in servlet config you must define which controllers ...

8. Controller chaining and response.outputstream

HI, I have two multiaction controller first controller will be used to send a mail with a pdf attachment and second will be used to generate pdf as I don't want ...