Aspect « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Using aspect on class that extends SimpleFormController

Using aspect on class that extends SimpleFormController Hi! I'm trying to use a MethodBeforeAdvice on a class that extends SimpleFormController. But nothing happens the advice isnt called... I'm pretty new ...

2. Weave @Aspect to @controller

3. Custom annotation aspects in AT Controller

Custom annotation aspects in AT Controller Hi everyone, I'm facing a problem with Spring MVC 2. 5: i want to annotate the methods of a controller, say for access control (yes, ...

4. @Controller combine with @Aspect can't work.

@Aspect public class ControllerAspect { @Pointcut("within(* *..web.*Controller.*(..))") public void login() throws Throwable { System.out.println(" web ---> "); } }