Valid « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. @Valid Outside of @Controller

I realise that @Valid is currently intended for use inside an MVC Controller, however JSR303 is immensely useful for other applications too. Is there a manner to configure spring to allow ...

2. @Valid and @Controller - not working properly

@Valid and @Controller - not working properly Hello! I'm working on developing an application using Spring's MVC support, version 3.1.0.M2. I've read about the validation methods supported by Spring, and I ...

3. @Valid ignored in Manual Controllers

@Valid ignored in Manual Controllers Hello, I've created an entity (AppUser) and proper controller/views via controller scaffold. The entity has a field with @Size(min = 4, max = 20) validation constraint. ...

4. Using @Valid and @RequestBody on Controller method

I'm attempting to build out some controller endpoints that will be accessed via Ajax. I'm trying to do the following: Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/form", method = RequestMethod.POST) public @ResponseBody ModelMap form(@Valid ...