bean « Job « Spring Q&A

1. method-invoking Spring bean

I've declared the following bean in my Spring config

<bean id="templateCacheClearingTask" class="org.springframework.scheduling.timer.ScheduledTimerTask">
    <property name="delay" value="5000" />
    <property name="period" value="5000" />

    <property name="timerTask">

2. How to execute method using spring beans

I need findItemByPIdEndDate() method of the MngtImpl class to be invoked every 5000ms, but nothing appears to be happening. Am I missing something?

<bean id="findItemByPIdEndDate" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean">
  <property name="targetObject" ref="MngtImpl"/>
  <property ...

3. Quartz firing twice bean caching issue?


<bean id="scheduleReportEmailJob"
    <property name="jobClass"
    <property ...

4. Setting bean property 'jobClass' of org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean

My project has a Quartz scheduler and I am setting the JobDetailBean as

<bean id="deadlineFailureChecker" class="info.release.scheduler.DeadlineFailureChecker" />

<bean id="workingHourPerDayUpdater" class="info.release.scheduler.WorkingHourPerDayUpdater" />

<bean name="scheduledJob" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean">
    <property name="jobClass" value="info.release.scheduler.ScheduledJob" />

5. inject bean reference into a Quartz job in Spring?

I managed to configure and schedule a Quartz job using JobStoreTX persistent store in Spring. I do not use Spring's Quartz jobs, because I need to schedule them dynamically, at ...

6. Basic Bean configuration doubt

I am following this link: Everything is working fine. The tutorial shows 3 classes and pom file. I want to make it work with 2 classes. However I am having issues.


public ...

7. SchedulerFactoryBean Jobs for Prototype Bean

SchedulerFactoryBean Jobs for Prototype Bean Hi All, I have created a method called reload() in class com.ind.RealTimeAssessor for which Job is created in com.ind.RealTimeAssessorJob. With the below code in configuration file ...

8. Error creating bean with name 'jobRepository' whensqlserver is used fr datarepository

Error creating bean with name 'jobRepository' whensqlserver is used fr datarepository Hi , I am new to spring batch . I am trying to use spring batch + ms sql server ...

9. How to schedule prototype beans using spring scheduler?

We are using spring cron trigger for scheduling jobs in our application. Singelton beans work fine but the problem happens if the bean is a prototype. Is there a way I ...

10. Anyway to use a Request scoped bean inside of a quartz job?

Anyway to use a Request scoped bean inside of a quartz job? Hi, I've got a request scoped bean that I would like to use inside of a quartz job. I ...

11. running two Java beans independently using Spring/Quartz ...

running two Java beans independently using Spring/Quartz ... Hi, I am new to spring community and still trying to learn and understand the power of spring... at my work, we have ...

12. Spring bean/controller/injection configuration with Java Quartz

Spring bean/controller/injection configuration with Java Quartz I have implemented Java Quartz for auto job, and for that I have created a servlet and have overridden the init() method. Setter Injection in ...

13. bean created even with lazy-init due to reference from quartz bean

hi; i am using spring 2.0M1 in development, i want several of my beans to be lazily created because of massive processing they due in creation. i tried using lazy-init but ...

14. How best to distribute Spring beans for commercial job scheduler/workflow/BPM engine?

How best to distribute Spring beans for commercial job scheduler/workflow/BPM engine? Hi all, I'm new to Spring, although I've heard about Spring from several different folks for a while now. I've ...

15. Help: Rescheduling Quartz job by reloading bean container.

Help: Rescheduling Quartz job by reloading bean container. Greetings, Need : To Reschedule a job by changing the Trigger in applicationContext.xml Env : Spring 2.0.2 / Quartz 1.6.0 Here is how ...

16. Problem with Spring , scheduler job bean initialising

Problem with Spring , scheduler job bean initialising I am writing a scheduler with spring and Im defining ...

17. Quartz CronTrigger Bean

Quartz CronTrigger Bean Hi All, I am trying to use quartz job by creating the cronTrigger and injecting in to the scheduler. CronTriggerBean cronTrigger = new CronTriggerBean() ; cronTrigger.setCronExpression(cronExpression); cronTrigger.setGroup(scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP); cronTrigger.setName(triggerName); ...

18. Why @autowired doesn't work on a QuartzJobBean bean?

I have a QuartzJobBean bean defined in a Quartz job XML file. I use the autowired annotation tag to inject a couple annotation declaimed beans. And inside of the executeInternal method, ...

19. Scheduler not injecting my custom beans

Scheduler not injecting my custom beans Hi all, I have configured a scheduler in my app xml: com.web.DailyReportJob

20. Defined job gives "Referenced bean is invalid" error

Defined job gives "Referenced bean is invalid" error Guys, Currently I'm building my first Spring Batch project. We need to do some parallel processing so I want to use partitioning. Currently ...

21. could not create abstract bean with jobParameters injection

could not create abstract bean with jobParameters injection I am trying to create a base bean for our test processors where the parameters are injected automatically. I first create the abstract ...

22. Programatically build job beans?

I'm new to spring and spring-batch and require a method of programtically creating job/step/tasklet beans. I'm currently defining a number of jobs in the xml that are mostly the same but ...

24. How to do late binding of job parameters in a Java configured bean ?

@Bean public StaxEventItemReader awardReader() { StaxEventItemReader reader = new StaxEventItemReader(); reader.setFragmentRootElementName("Award"); reader.setResource("#{jobParameters['filePath']}"); return reader; }