Job « Job « Spring Q&A

1. Configure job incrementer and as launchable

Configure job incrementer and as launchable Hello, I am rather new to Spring Batch Admin and I am quite happy with using Spring Batch for my task. However, I can't seem ...

2. Job Share Objects

How Can I share objects beetwen different jobs ? I've one job launched by other jobs with JobLauncher but it only accepts in the run method simple parameters like String,Date, etc..Can ...

3. Invalid content was found starting with element 'job'

Invalid content was found starting with element 'job' I tried to run my unitTest but encountered the following exception: nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element ...

4. How to see why a job is not launched?

How to see why a job is not launched? Hi I have a dummy job which is doing pretty nothing. Just for the record: Code: @Override protected RepeatStatus executeTasklet(StepContribution arg0, ChunkContext ...

5. Background Job

I have a background job which is triggered by a web user but it should be run once every moment. And the job can be processed for quite a long time. ...

6. Job restartability v. job rerunnability

Job restartability v. job rerunnability If I configure a job to be restartable, I can restart the job and it will pick up where it left off. Fair enough. However, how ...

7. "Activity Monitor Job has encountered a problem" errors

Hi, I'm using STS 2.6.0.SR1 on Mac 10.6.6. I am getting these errors periodically popping up ("Activity Monitor Job has encountered a problem") ... There is no pattern to when ...

8. variable number of flows in a Job

variable number of flows in a Job Hi, I need to develop a Job that contains a variable number of flows. The batch configuration is retrieved from data-Base (sql queries and ...

9. Unexpected behaviour during job restarts

Unexpected behaviour during job restarts I have a spring batch job configured like this

10. Job is Still Running Evidence

Job is Still Running Evidence All -- Please correct me if I am wrong but there is no real way to know if a job is still running or not. I ...

11. Spawjning multipe jobs from within a Job

Spawning multipe jobs from within a Job Hi, I have the need to start several jobs asynchronously after processing some input. All this is to be done from the ItemProcessor of ...

12. Configured Job works Programmatic Job doesn't

Jul 19th, 2011, 03:24 PM #1 spongybob View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2011 Posts 17 Configured Job works Programmatic Job doesn't Hi, When I ...

13. Jobs within a Job

Jobs within a Job Hi, I would like to programmatically start some jobs from within a Job that has been launched asynchronously. When I do so, I get the following: Code: ...

14. Invalid content was found starting with element 'job'.

Invalid content was found starting with element 'job'. I am getting a SAXParserException that tag is invalid. Below is my configuration file: ...

15. Problem with storing the values to Job/StepExecutionContext

Problem with storing the values to Job/StepExecutionContext Hi Spring Batch Team, I have an issue storing the values to Spring Batch Job/StepExecutionContext. My job contains 2 steps: 1) Step1: Reading dates ...

16. Semaphore checking in Synchronous job

Semaphore checking in Synchronous job I have a job that runs fine when I run it with the SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor. When I run it with a SyncTaskExecutor it fails though because in ...

17. Viewing job metadata

Viewing job metadata Hi there, I have taken a look at Spring Batch and it seems like a great framework. The problem is that I can't seem to find an easy ...

18. job posting?

Hi, Is there any forum area dedicated to posting jobs for Spring projects? I don't see one... Maybe this isn't permitted? Thanks

19. Job class instantiation

Job class instantiation Below is an example from Spring documentation on how to use Quartz to schedule jobs. ...

20. Job Postings

Are job postings spam? If not it might make sense to have a specific jobs forum. Might be a great place for employeers and developers alike.

21. A Spring Rich Client job in London

A Spring Rich Client job in London Hi All, Id hate to see this forum polluted with advertising but it is so rare to see an ad for a job with ...

22. support for custom job identifiers

support for custom job identifiers Currently the database schema prescribes columns JOB_NAME, SCHEDULE_DATE, JOB_RUN, JOB_STREAM for job identification. Recently I've been told about a usecase where the job identifier is just ...

23. Job workflow

There is definitely not any workflow provided as part of spring batch. However, since it's spring, you should be able to inject an existing one.

24. Why doesn't my job do anything?

Why doesn't my job do anything? Hi. I've been at this for a few hours and I'm running on little sleep. I've setup my job with what I thought was the ...

25. Adding Failover to Job

Adding Failover to Job Hi, We need to add fault tolerance capability to the batch jobs we are running. For an example, lets say a job is failed due to db ...

26. Sending printer job on submission

Dear all, I want to send a printer job upon form submission using Spring mvc without displaying what is to be printed. So the controller will print all the variables inside ...

27. Running new job: "Duplicate entry"

Running new job: "Duplicate entry" Hi, Just got started with Spring Batch 1.0.0.FINAL (using maven2). I store the job info in a MySQL db. I found the SQL files to create ...

28. Problem Running in JOB

Problem Running in JOB When I am running my job I am getting following error. org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureE xception: Could not obtain identity(); nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00904: "IDENTITY": invalid identifier at ...

29. How to force starting Job again

Actually, my set of JUnit tests attempt to start the same job a different way. But, as they must not be restartable, and they share the same JVM when running, I ...

30. Slight clarification regarding the Trade Job

Hi, This is with regards to the trade job which spews contents out to a file...specifically step 3 The item writer refers to a custom ItemWriter which in turn delegates to ...

31. Job chaining

Job chaining Hi, I'm new to both spring and spring batch, I've been reading the manuals and serching the web but I can't figure out how to do this: I have ...

32. Should I create a Class path job locator ?

Should I create a Class path job locator ? My case is that I am using a MDB to call the JobLauncher to launch jobs. And I want to separate the ...

33. Job Level Roll Back

Job Level Roll Back Hi, Is it possible to have transaction management at the job level? I've two steps in my job, if there is any exception in step2 then all ...

34. Get all JobInstances for job

I would like to inform user about all (past and current) JobInstance for specific Job. Is there any standard way how to get such informations? If not, may I propose such ...

35. No job configuration with the name [footballJob] was registered

No job configuration with the name [footballJob] was registered Hi, I running the Quartz and football sample. I hit an exception error where the line Code: JobLocator.getJob("footballJob") When i up JBoss ...

36. Job Schema Generation

The schema should automatically be loaded when run, there's a data-source-context-init.xml in the samples project that already handles this, you can see the script files loaded in there.

37. Job Statistics

What are the various job statistics details provided by spring batch? Can i add additional statistical data apart from those spring batch provides? For eg: if i have a job has ...

38. Configuring a job for online system

Configuring a job for online system I Need help figuring out how to setup a batch to use existing online objects, specifically my service layer and corresponding dao's. I create a ...

39. How to Registe JobExecutionListener inside Job

How to Registe JobExecutionListener inside Job Hi, i am new to spring batch. i am doing the following MyJob extending AbstractJob class and overriding execute method. MyExecutionListener implementing JobExecutionListener overriding afterJob,beforeJob,onError,onInterrupt ...

40. How can I interrupt a Job?

How can I interrupt a Job? Hi, I would like to stop(because of business condition) & restart a (restartable=true)job inside a (tasklet)step. I'm using Spring Batch 1.1.3. I have tried the ...

41. Getting Error When Starting Job

Hi, Can anyone help please.... Got the error below when running the job. ERROR: PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [INSERT into BATCH_JOB_PARAMS(JOB_INSTANCE_ID, KEY_NAME, TYPE_CD, STRING_VAL, DATE_VAL, LONG_VAL, DOUBLE_VAL) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...

42. Item count all over a job

Item count all over a job Hi, I am new to Spring batch and I need to do something but I don't know how. The job is compound with several steps ...

43. Unable to Register Job in Job Registry

I'm using 2.0.0.M4 and have defined a job in a file name historicalJob.xml as follows: Code:

44. Pausing a resumed job fails

Hi, We have a requirement that user can pause-resume the job many times. The JobOperator.pause and restart work only 2 times. Means I pause a job and can resume it. But ...

45. Only one JobInstance corresponding Job can be running at a given time ?

Only one JobInstance corresponding Job can be running at a given time ? Is this really the case in Spring Batch? Wat if I want to start a JobInstance of a ...

46. Simple Flow-based job

Mar 18th, 2009, 02:44 PM #1 vijaynairis View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Dec 2006 Posts 108 Simple Flow-based job Hi, I got a simple flow ...

47. job depends on another jobs

This is really more of a scheduling concern, which is outside the scope of Spring Batch. Most job 'flows' contain this exact kind of logic, and make administration much easier, among ...

48. Rolling back a whole JOB

Let say I start processing record from the db, writing out to file, and writing back to the db for audit purposes. Lets say something went wrong somewhere in this procedure, ...

49. Namespace problems: "no declaration can be found for element 'job'"

Namespace problems: "no declaration can be found for element 'job'" Hi, I'm using Spring Batch 2.0 RELEASE, and am getting these namespace errors even though I've already changed the schema to ...

50. How can I make Job at code

How can I make Job at code Hi~ I'm using Spring Batch 2 at my project. In sample, Job always be registered at XML file. At the log, Job is FlowJob ...

51. Job registration problem? with Release 2.0.1

Hi, I have a working project in 2.0.0. When I replace the batch-core and batch-infra jars with the ones from 2.0.1, I get the following exception when running my job. Code: ...

52. What is the best way to determine if a job is running?

What is the best way to determine if a job is running? We are launching a job asynchronously, then using polling mechanism to see if the job has completed. I'm currently ...

53. How persist new job

Hello, I have a problem with the configuration at run-time for a new job, I run the following code and the job is started correctly, but is not persisted to the ...

54. JobParametersValidator validate after the job was launched

JobParametersValidator validate after the job was launched Hi, It seems that the JobParametersValidator it is possible to specify for each job is executed only into the execute method of AbstractJob. This ...

55. Get spring job params

Greetings You can get them by adding a new listener on job public class ItemJobListener implements JobExecutionListener { public void afterJob(JobExecution jobExecution) { } public void beforeJob(JobExecution jobExecution) { String myParamValue ...

56. Unknown state in JOB

My job is running for properly for some time. After few records processed, job status is changed to unknown state. Then job is not running, not able to stop and not ...

57. List of stepnames incomplete for nested flow job

List of stepnames incomplete for nested flow job Hi, I'm trying to calculate the progress of a job. Therefore I request the step names from a FlowJob. If all steps are ...

58. Conflict when starting 3rd times a job

Mar 18th, 2010, 01:17 PM #1 sebge2 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2010 Posts 33 Conflict when starting 3rd times a job Hello I don't ...

59. Error with tag

Error with tag Hi, I am getting following error in my SampleBatch.xml Code: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'job'. One of '{"http://":import, "":alias, "":bean, WC[##other:" schema/beans"]}' ...

60. why cant use jobExecutionListeners within a element

why cant use jobExecutionListeners within a element I've got a top level job that runs a number of steps like this: Code: ...

61. How does one "backoff and retry" an entire job?

How does one "backoff and retry" an entire job? Hi, Here's my use-case: in response to an external event, generate a bunch of alert text messages for each person who has ...

62. Singleton per job?

Hi, I have a class with member variables.This class is going to use in two jobs. Then per job, Is it going to create the instance? I observed that ,whenever job ...

63. job enters infinite loop

job enters infinite loop I have defined a job with custom item reader, writer and processor. It doesn't do much, just dummy things, but it enters an infinite loop. In the ...

64. How to initialise per job rather than per item?

How to initialise per job rather than per item? Hi, How would one go about executing code on a per job basis rather than per item? For example, if you wanted ...

65. How to create a common recordset to be used while job running

How to create a common recordset to be used while job running Hi all, What I need to do is that before running the batch I have to run multiple queries ...

66. Job not failing and Repeat Operating entering into an infinite loop

Oct 21st, 2010, 07:14 PM #1 Sanjeevkumar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 26 Job not failing and Repeat Operating entering into an ...

67. Job hangs occassionally - need help to pinpoint error

Hi, We are experiencing this problem ( Stalled at a step indefinitely) very rarely in production and also not able to reproduce this in DEV/QA environments. When resubmitted, it would run ...