CronTrigger « Job « Spring Q&A

1. Quartz Spring CronTrigger fired more times than configured

I have a cronTrigger for a job "digestJob":

<bean id="digestCronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean"> 
    <property name="jobDetail" ref="digestJob" />
    <property name="cronExpression" value="0 35 15 * * ?" />
Here is ...

2. Problems scheduling jobs with spring crontrigger

I'm facing a quite strange behavior of my application. I have an application that uses Spring3 and runs over tomcat6 and it schedules jobs through spring's crontrigger. My cron expression is "0 ...

3. Spring's @Scheduled error : Only one AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor may exist within the context

I am trying Spring 3's @Scheduled annotation . Here is my configuration (app.xml) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

4. configuration of a cronTrigger (with opensymphony quartz)

I have a web app that has to do something every, let's say first day of every month. It's a GWT application divided into 4 projects (if that ever matters) and I ...

5. Is there something that starts a cron in java?

I have some java written to do a very very simple operation. It needs to happen once every three hours and is not connected to any user action, it's just something ...

6. Problems scheduling jobs with spring crontrigger

Problems scheduling jobs with spring crontrigger Hi there, I'm facing a quite strange behavior of my application. I have an application that uses Spring3 and runs over tomcat6 and it schedules ...

7. Quartz cronTrigger not firing

Quartz cronTrigger not firing I have a problem with Quartz scheduler, My config looks like one below, in my cronExpression I specified to fires every 5 minutes, at 10 seconds after ...

8. Quartz, CronTrigger and parameters

Quartz, CronTrigger and parameters Hi all, I have just a question about scheduled tasks with quartz, I use CronTrigger, all works well with the cron expression into my xml config file. ...

9. [Quartz] JobDetails on a CronTrigger

[Quartz] JobDetails on a CronTrigger Hello everyone it's 4 hours I'm trying to configure a quartz scheduler, I would like to register more jobDetail on a single CronTrigger.. is it possible? ...

10. Scheduling jobs with crontrigger and request

Scheduling jobs with crontrigger and request Hello, i want to schedule jobs that uses informations coming from httpSession, but each time the trigger is lanching job, it creates a new instance ...

11. Quartz StatefulJob with CronTrigger

I am new to spring-quartz framework. job 1 need to execute every sec and job 2 need to ececute every min both the job should not run Concurrently so i used ...

12. CronTrigger not being fired (Quartz Job)

CronTrigger not being fired (Quartz Job) Hi, I'm very new to both Spring and Quartz and I'm having trouble in order to make my job work. I'm trying to make it ...

13. Quartz CronTrigger being fired more times than configured

Quartz CronTrigger being fired more times than configured Hi I have a strange problem that I have spent many hours to figure out with no success I am using Quartz Scheduler ...