ldap 1 « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. Different spring XML files for development environment vs. deployment when using maven    stackoverflow.com

Summary We have a central LDAP server that our deployed Java web app should connect to. Our JUnit tests depend on specific data in the LDAP repository, so they need to ...

2. LDAP: How to search for a given uid across multiple organization units?    stackoverflow.com

First off, let me start by saying that I am totally new to working with LDAP. I am working on an application that shares an LDAP server with a few legacy applications. ...

3. Dereferencing Aliases in LDAP using Spring    stackoverflow.com

How to control LDAP Alias Dereferencing Mode using Java and Spring LDAP API? Similarly to how it is done using ldapsearch on linux. Example:

ldapsearch -a never "(&(o=foo)(cn=bar))" cn
ldapsearch -a always "(&(o=foo)(cn=bar))" cn

4. Minimizing SpringLdap dependencies    stackoverflow.com

I would like to use SpringLDAP to do some simple username/password verification for authentication purposes. WHile the actual jar file is quite small (less than 1 meg) it seems to have ...

5. spring ldap test - custom schema?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way i can load a custom ldap schema when using org.springframework.ldap.test.TestContextSourceFactoryBean? E.g. for unit tests?

6. NullPointerException while raise an embedded ldap server using spring    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to raise the Spring Embedded Ldap Server using: But I'm keep on getting this exception:

2010-06-10 14:33:35,559 ERROR main ApacheDSContainer start - Server startup failed 

7. Spring Ldap: Lookup dn without throwing exception if it isn't there    stackoverflow.com

Using LdapTemplate in Spring LDAP, I have this code:

Object object=null;
    String dn = "cn=readers,ou=groups,dc=mycompany, dc=com";
    object = this.ldapTemplate.lookup(dn);
} catch(final NameNotFoundException e){

8. Getting org.springframework.ldap.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - Parent entry not found in the directory.];    stackoverflow.com

Hi I am using Spring ldap for adding user in ldap. I have specified the context source of LDAP in application context file....

<bean id="contextSource" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource">
<property name="url" value="ldap://brm-devoid-01.brocade.com:389"/>
<property name="base" value="ou=Users,dc=external,dc=brocade,dc=com"/>
<property name="userDn" value="cn=oracladmin"/>
<property name="password" ...

9. Spring LDA: Problem with contextSource Bean    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a Spring application that uses LDAP. Here is my beans file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd">

   <bean id="contextSource" class="org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource">

10. Spring/LDAP - Invoking setter methods in beans configuration    stackoverflow.com

I am writing a Spring LDAP application and I have to set the authentication strategy for my ContextSource. I would like to do this in my beans XML file. The

11. Spring - Do all beans get processed?    stackoverflow.com

I have a beans.xml file for an LDAP application that I am writing. I am allowing the user the choice of several LdapContextSource(s). For each one I have a different bean, ...

12. Increase in time with SpringLDAP and ModifyAttributes    stackoverflow.com

I have noticed that when I do a call to modifyAttributes via SpringLDAP, the time that it takes to do this increases as the object in the LDAP grows. At first ...

13. Not able to get DirContext ctx using Spring Ldap    stackoverflow.com

Hi i am using Spring ldap , after execution below program It display I am here only and after that nothing is happening, program is in continue execution mode.

public class SimpleLDAPClient ...

14. How do I combine a TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy with a PoolingContextSource?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to combining a TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy with a PoolingContextSource. My tests work fine when using only a TransactionAwareContextSourceProxy or a PoolingContextSource. However, when combining the two, I get the following ...

15. Configuring Spring-LDAP to use WebLogic LDAP context    stackoverflow.com

Most examples that show using spring-ldap to authenticate users, such as http://blog.jayway.com/2009/02/02/simple-authentication-using-spring-ldap/ define the connections to ldap in spring xml files. I would like to have spring-ldap use the LDAP context ...

16. Where can I find spring-ldap 1.3.1-RELEASE maven repo    stackoverflow.com

1.2.1 is available, i can get it by

but I can't get the latest build. I have used

17. edit LDAP Photo attribute, spring-ldap InvalidAttributeValueException     stackoverflow.com

I develop an LDAP interface program which can modify person attributes, but when I try to modify the value of the photo attribute with an url string, I have this exception ...

18. Java spring ldap navigate into tree    stackoverflow.com

In my ldap admin java program, i use dao classes to convert nodes into java class object. Now my problem is to represent a tree view that is an organization chart for ...

19. Spring: Embedded LDAP for unit tests    stackoverflow.com

I use the embedded LDAP server (Apache DS) in Spring for unit tests. I configure it like this:

<ldap-server ldif="classpath:data.ldif" />
The problem is, that I need to use a custom LDAP schema. ...

20. How to perform search operation in ldap using spring    stackoverflow.com

I want to search specific user details from ldap. so i have wrote down following code retrieving user details but it returns list of user object. Basically i want only person ...

21. How do I hook up an LDAP server using Spring 3.0.5    stackoverflow.com

What is is the easiest, simplest/straight forward way of hooking up an LDAP server using spring 3.0.5? applicationContext-security.xml

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
  xmlns:s="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.0.xsd
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/security http://www.springframework.org/schema/security/spring-security-3.0.xsd">


22. How to convert the SID to String and vice versa in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a program in Java, using Spring-LDAP. I need to implement a method, which should search a user by SID. For this reason I use a filter like "&((objectClass=User)(objectSid="+sid+"))". The ...

23. How do I search in Active Directory for something other than a person from Grails/Groovy?    stackoverflow.com

I want to search for a known OU in my forest and then iterate the children. These OUs are not people, they are organizationalUnits. I'm working in a Grails 1.3.7 application, using ...

24. Find account GUID, and Select it back using Object GUID    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to select a unique identifiers for accounts from Active Directory. I found that "objectguid" attribute do identify a user uniquely, but my problem is that I don't know ...

25. Spring LDAP Template Usage    stackoverflow.com

Please take a look at the test class below. I am trying to do an LDAP search with Spring LDAP Template. I am able to search and produce a list of ...

26. SizeLimitExceededException in LDAP request returning large number of objects    stackoverflow.com

I need to update a large number of objects in LDAP. When I try to fetch them, I catch org.springframework.ldap.SizeLimitExceededException. Does anybody have an idea how to avoid this exception? I tried ...

27. Searching for a newly created object fails in AD?    stackoverflow.com

I have a service that connects to Active Directory via Spring-LDAP. When a call is made to create a new user and then a separate call is made to search for ...

28. Spring LDAP implementation failover capability    stackoverflow.com

I am using LDAP with spring mvc 3. I want to configure it in a way where if my primary LDAP URL fails to connect then it connects to secondary LDAP ...

29. Spring's SimpleNamingContextBuilder and LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently trying to develop a new module for our existing web application. I'm trying to add LDAP functionality and have problems initializing the LDAP context as the SimpleNamingContextBuilder registers a ...

30. LDAP perserve changes between restarts    forum.springsource.org

LDAP perserve changes between restarts Sorry for my english, I use it very infrequently. So my problem: I'm new with Apache DS and Spring Framework, actually in java/groovy too, im originally ...

31. Roosome project with a minor LDAP beef    forum.springsource.org

Roosome project with a minor LDAP beef Good afternoon fellow Roosters! I have a simple Roo project that has served me well. However, I decided to add on LDAP authentication to ...

32. LDAP : javax.naming.NamingException    forum.springsource.org

LDAP : javax.naming.NamingException Hi, I am using Spring Security (3.0.5) to connect to an LDAP server (ApacheDS). XML configuration for connecting to the Ldap server Code:

33. Spring LDAP issue    forum.springsource.org

Spring LDAP issue Hi, We are using Spring LDAP 1.3.1 to create and modify user records on an Active Directory on Windows 2008. We use the SSL connection when required (e.g. ...

34. Trying to use Spring LDAP for coding    forum.springsource.org

Trying to use Spring LDAP for coding but this is my error NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/directory/server/core/DirectoryService

35. LDAP-attributes    forum.springsource.org

LDAP-attributes Hi, I have the following Code : Code: uid={0},ou=people cn

36. how to display low level LDAP error codes    forum.springsource.org

how to display low level LDAP error codes setup: webapp (JasperServer) using JAAS and spring-security-core 2.0.4 I can successfully configure my web application to authentication against Active Directory using JAAS. The ...

37. ClassCastException on a Spring LDAP implementation    forum.springsource.org

ClassCastException on a Spring LDAP implementation Hello, I have implemented a Spring LDAP template in OSGi however when I try to use one of its methods I am getting the exception ...

38. How to retrieve custom class attributes from LDAP    forum.springsource.org

How to retrieve custom class attributes from LDAP Hi Luke, I have a custom class created in LDAP directory extending inetOrgPerson class and have added few custom additional attributes in it ...

39. Ldap + oc4j    forum.springsource.org

Jul 29th, 2011, 06:03 AM #1 alfaomega83 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2011 Posts 1 Ldap + oc4j Hi all, I'm tryng to integrate ...

40. LDAP - Multiple Group Search    forum.springsource.org

LDAP - Multiple Group Search Spring Security provides us with a DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator which obtains user group information from the directory by performing a search for all groups the user is a ...

41. Mixing Namespace and bean config in getting authorities from AD LDAP server    forum.springsource.org

Sep 22nd, 2011, 05:32 PM #1 stimpy View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Aug 2010 Posts 61 Mixing Namespace and bean config in getting authorities from AD ...

42. Spring Active Directory LDAP Error 32 - No Object Found    forum.springsource.org

Spring Active Directory LDAP Error 32 - No Object Found I am trying to authenticate a user again AD LDS\ADAM using the Spring framework and Spring Security 3.0. I keep getting ...

43. Read LDAP Info on every Login instead of only at deployment    forum.springsource.org

Read LDAP Info on every Login instead of only at deployment Hi All, Currently we are having LDAP authentication and its working fine, the LDAP Server address and its userdnpatterns are ...

44. LDAP: error code 53 - RootDSE search supports only baseDN=, scope=base, and filter    forum.springsource.org

LDAP: error code 53 - RootDSE search supports only baseDN=, scope=base, and filter I'm trying to use a LDAP-server (IBM Directory-Server) to authenticate users in a Spring Application (Spring Roo). This ...

45. Spring LDAP configuration with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer --    forum.springsource.org

Spring LDAP configuration with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer -- Hi, I am using Spring LDAP module for connectivity to LDAP. Everything works fine when I am using actual values instead of using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer - ...

46. How to modify Authority after loading it from LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I would like to add few more authority and access related stuff once authentication is successful from LDAP. i am using spring security for LDAP authentication and loading authority. is ...

47. Get Ldap fields    forum.springsource.org

Get Ldap fields Hello, I am using spring-security 3.1.0.RC3. I did setup like that : Code: ...

48. authenticating with LDAP but not authorizing with it    forum.springsource.org

If roles aren't stored in LDAP, but in a different place, let's say for now a database, what are the plug in points in Acegi that I need to look at ...

49. Spring N00b question with LDAP.    forum.springsource.org

Hi, we currently deployed an LDAP directory server at my company. Does anyone have some basic instructions to do this? Some tutorial perhaps? Thanks in Advance...

50. LDAP Status.    forum.springsource.org

LDAP Status. After a couple false starts which in retrospect I shouldn't have checked into the CVS HEAD, I have finally cleaned up the code and gotten an updated version of ...

52. Problem in LDAP-setup    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I've recently been working on an updated LDAP authentication provider which we're looking for feedback on prior to the next release. The code is in CVS (in the package org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap) ...

53. ldap question    forum.springsource.org

Hi! I have been scanning this forum and the net for information about spring->ldap (lotus notes) connection without much success unfortunable. Anyone knows when and if the LDAP support will be ...

54. LDAP Tests failing    forum.springsource.org

LDAP Tests failing Hi, I am trying to build acegi RC1 from CVS to include LdapPasswordAuthenticationDao. LDAP tests are failing during the build. Can somebody tell me why? [junit] Tests run: ...

55. RememberMeServices and LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I've currently got Acegi's ProviderManager using an inmemDaoProvider followed by an LDAP Dao Provider (old school LdapPasswordAuthenticationDao). I have RememberMeServices setup to use the inmemdao. What I actually need is ...

56. Mutliple Ldap Servers    forum.springsource.org

We have several ldap servers which are configured identical. This is to provide redundancy in case one of the ldap servers fail. Is there a way to specify more than 1 ...

57. Digest & LDAP out of the box?    forum.springsource.org

Digest & LDAP out of the box? I understand how digest works in acegi works. The digest processing filter requires a UserDetailService implementation class and the only two available are inMemory ...

58. LDAP/Ageci Sample?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, If anyone knows of a sample app that has Ageci and LDAP wired up I'd be interested in knowing where that is. I can't seem to find the contacts app ...

59. LDAP error 32    forum.springsource.org

LDAP error 32 Hi, I have made a successful bind to the AD and now I am stuck with a new error: Code: WARN [http-8080-Processor24] LoggerListener.onApplicationEvent(55) | Authentication event AuthenticationFailureServiceExceptionEvent: Administrator; ...

60. LDAP nested groups    forum.springsource.org

LDAP nested groups Hi all, I've got an AD server with a bunch of nested groups. The Ldap code that Luke provided is working great ( thanks Luke!) for me. I've ...

61. ldap parameters    forum.springsource.org

ldap parameters Hello, I know how to authenticated with a ldap server without problems . I know how to acces to vars like credentials, principal , ... with this code : ...

62. Sample Contacts App using LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Sorry, I have a question. The documentation says to run "maven multiwar:multiwar" but that's a Maven 1.X command. What do I need to do using Maven 2.X to generate the individual ...

63. How to get base DN for LDAP search    forum.springsource.org

It seems I need to describe it clearly. 1> given base group search dn ou=application,ou=com,ou=apple 2> There are tow submodule under application 2.1 ou=sms,ou=application,ou=com,ou=apple with role cn=user (uid=james) 2.2 ou=mobile,ou=application,ou=com,ou=apple it ...

64. LDAP populator - deep group membership    forum.springsource.org

LDAP populator - deep group membership Hello all, I actually participate in a development of an application for our customer and the security issue to restrict the access to the web ...

65. Understanding Ldap    forum.springsource.org

Understanding Ldap Hello, Can anyone please explain me how actually the Ldap search is done. For example, I have a user 'mohanrao' for jasper application. When I try to login, I ...

66. Accessing LDAP source via web container resources    forum.springsource.org

Accessing LDAP source via web container resources I want to access an LDAP server from a servlet Filter object. Now I've been reading the Spring LDAP stuff, and it's clear enough, ...

67. RememberMeServices and LDAP    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to implement the remember me services for my application. We are using LDAP to authenticate users. I was just reading somewhere that LDAP and RememberMeServices cannot be used ...

68. working configuration with ldap provider    forum.springsource.org

Hi there, i can't get my webapp working with ldap auth. is there a working xml with ldap providers as auth backend ? i dont want to use a html form ...

69. Multiple context LDAP consumes grace logins    forum.springsource.org

Multiple context LDAP consumes grace logins All, We're using eDirectory as LDAP credential store. Authentications are working, however, we authenticate against a list of several possible contexts. The default bind authenticator ...

70. Multiple ldap URLS    forum.springsource.org

Multiple ldap URLS We are using acegi security and all works well. We have the following bean config, which works fine. .... ${oid.security.principal} ...

71. LDAP auth provider question    forum.springsource.org

LDAP auth provider question Hi, My application accesses 2 LDAP servers for authentication (in a particular order). Although this has been working well for some time, the backup LDAP server was ...

72. Good LDAP Design    forum.springsource.org

Good LDAP Design I'm trying to use Acegi to extend an existing system that uses LDAP to maintain the User database. I think I have a good start on the Login ...

73. LDAP: PasswordPolicy    forum.springsource.org

Hi, does the LDAP authentication code of acegi support the password policy control Will a control response handled, thus the user can see that a password has expired or ...

74. Remember me + LDAP - I did it all and still nothing    forum.springsource.org

Remember me + LDAP - I did it all and still nothing Hello everyone, I've been recently writing an aplication, which uses LDAP for authentication and authorization, it works "like a ...

75. LDAP groupSearchFilter    forum.springsource.org

LDAP groupSearchFilter Hi! I am configuring JasperServer to authenticate users from LDAP and assign their roles/groups. JasperServer security authentication is based on AcegiSecurity bean so I try searching help in this ...

76. LDAP and ACL Combination?    forum.springsource.org

I have successfully implemented method-level security using Acegi and LDAP. I would now like to add ACL security. I have a fairly good understanding of the "contacts" sample application, so I'm ...

77. the pacakge org.springframework.ldap.support.filter.Filter;    forum.springsource.org

i 'am installing eclipse and i wante to add le jar including this import "org.springframework.ldap.support.filter.Filte r;", t don't found this jar.

78. ldap loading authorities problem    forum.springsource.org

ldap loading authorities problem Hello everyone! I have tried out the new Spring Security 2.0 namespace configuration in my project and cant get the loading authorities process to work. I would ...

79. Samples tutorial using embedded ldap server    forum.springsource.org

There is a separate ldap sample in the project now which demonstrates a simple ldap configuration. I'd recommend you check that out. You can either build from source (follow the simple ...

80. samples-ldap war doesn't include dependencies    forum.springsource.org

samples-ldap war doesn't include dependencies Running this war... http://s3browse.com/explore/maven.sp...5.105012-1.war In Tomcat 5.5.26 produces this error: [ERROR,ContextLoader,main] Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionSt oreException: Unexpected exception parsing XML doc ument from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml]; ...

81. Exception when configuring LDAP Authenticating    forum.springsource.org

Exception when configuring LDAP Authenticating I'm a Spring newbie and am trying to set up 2.0 security to authenticate against my LDAP server. I need to search for my login name ...

82. rolePrefix on RoleVoter not working in samples-ldap    forum.springsource.org

rolePrefix on RoleVoter not working in samples-ldap Trying to apply a rolePrefix to a RoleVoter in the samples-ldap example. The rolePrefix setting appears to be ignored. This accessDecisionManager config works fine ...

83. LDAP Initial Context Factory incorrectly set    forum.springsource.org

LDAP Initial Context Factory incorrectly set I'm trying to use Spring Security to validate users against a Sun ONE Identity Management server, using LDAP. I am using Spring's PropertyOverrideConfigurer to inject ...

84. Configuring custom LDAP UserDetailsContextMapper    forum.springsource.org

How to configure (inject) custom LDAP UserDetailsContextMapper if using namespace configuration, i.e.:

85. samples-ldap fail to login w/ traditional bean config    forum.springsource.org

samples-ldap fail to login w/ traditional bean config In the samples-ldap applicationContext-security.xml I've commented out the namespace bean to try the traditional bean version config. I'm unable to login, ...

86. LDAP and isAccountNonExpired()    forum.springsource.org

Hi I'm trying to figure out what if any support there is for the LdapUserDetailsImpl methods isAccountNonExpired(), isAccountNonLocked() etc. I can't find anywhere a reference to which ldap attributes map to ...

87. LDAP groupSearchBase = root?    forum.springsource.org

LDAP groupSearchBase = root? I have two groups one is "ou=GW,ou=SVCS,o=dec" the other is "ou=OPP,ou=APPS,ou=CO,o=dec". Since the only common point between them is the root (o=dec), I need to perform my ...

88. LDAP for authz and Siteminder for authn Configuration    forum.springsource.org

Jun 5th, 2008, 06:33 PM #1 Loumeister View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Aug 2004 Posts 208 LDAP for authz and Siteminder for authn Configuration We ...

89. Help needed on sample ldap application    forum.springsource.org

Help needed on sample ldap application I'm trying to run the sample ldap application (available from the maven repo) that comes with Spring Security. After making some changes for my environment, ...

90. Inconsistency in LDAP example, traditional vs single namespace config?    forum.springsource.org

Inconsistency in LDAP example, traditional vs single namespace config? I've found what looks like an inconsistency in the LDAP example WAR, and I was hoping somebody here could help me resolve ...

91. LDAP error 49 (seems simple?)    forum.springsource.org

Aug 1st, 2008, 02:11 PM #1 tharsch View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2008 Posts 16 LDAP error 49 (seems simple?) Hi all, I have ...

92. How to set LDAP details dynamically    forum.springsource.org

How to set LDAP details dynamically I specified LDAP details in applicationcontext file . But i need to set these details dynamically.I have to connect to multiple LDAP's for diffrent requests.How ...

93. How to map LDAP attributes?    forum.springsource.org

How to map LDAP attributes? As with many others on the forum I'm new to Spring Security and have a newbie type question. How would you go about getting additional attributes ...

94. Slow LDAP Processing for the first login    forum.springsource.org

Slow LDAP Processing for the first login I am not sure whether it is a Spring Security issue but I am facing with a weird issue. After restarting a Tomcat, I ...

95. Problems with LDAP Sample Application    forum.springsource.org

Problems with LDAP Sample Application Hello, I've built Spring Security 2.0.4 from source to get the LDAP sample. I've deployed the resulting .war file to Tomcat 5.5.27 and Tomcat 6.0.18. I'm ...

96. ldap embedded server    forum.springsource.org

oh, better to add my config for ldap Code: cn={0},cn=Users ...

97. Storing Bean Definitions in LDAP    forum.springsource.org

Storing Bean Definitions in LDAP Hi, In the javadoc of BeanFactory the following statement is given There are no constraints on how the definitions could be stored: LDAP, RDBMS, XML, properties ...

98. Accessing LDAP attributes    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I'm new to spring security and I've implemented LDAP authentication using spring namespace like: Code:

99. LDAP problem    forum.springsource.org

You don't need a password encoder if you are using normal bind authentication - only if you are doing a compare against the password. You should check the configuration and log ...

100. LDAP server timeout is too long    forum.springsource.org

LDAP server timeout is too long I am a spring/java newbie and thanks to great documentation and this excellent forum have been extremely successful my webapp up and running in little ...