jmstemplate « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. Creating temporary JMS jms topic in Spring

I'm trying to refactor some legacy code to use Spring to handle the jms connections to a mainframe service. I need to connect create a temporary topic for the mainframe service ...

2. how to configure jms template at spring for weblogic?

as my question title, how to configure jms template at spring for weblogic? i follow an example at some website, but spring always complain about defaultDestination at JmsTemplate how to configure ...

3. Weblogic JMS System Error

We're getting a JMS error which we don't have a lot to go with:

org.springframework.jms.UncategorizedJmsException: Uncategorized exception occured during JMS processing; nested exception is weblogic.jms.common.JMSException:[JMSClientExceptions:055039] A ...

4. Spring 3 JmsTemplate in out queue different

org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate only supports one queue using defaultDestination..... what do I need to do when I have different in and out bound queue? thanks

5. Spring JmsTemplate low-value x'00' characters

I am trying to send message using Spring 3 JmsTemplate to a mainframe queue. It works, but I need to substitute low-value x'00' characters with do I do that? thanks

6. Compile Error when using Spring JMS

I'm running into a compile error while trying to use Spring-JMS. A quick Google search only turned up one matching result, but I was unable to get anything useful out ...

7. Spring JMSTemplate Durable Subscriber

Can a spring JMSTemplate implementation be used as a durable subscriber? If so, any reference documentation or examples to do so would be appreciated.

8. Spring JMS consumer pull

I need to implemt a pulling consumer. Most of the examples I see are the producer pushing a message to the consumer; Assuming consumer is always up. I want the producer to ...

9. How do I debug JmsTemplate?

I am using SpringsourceTool and the Spring framework. I have some code that uses JmsTemplate to send messages via convertAndSend(Object). I want to debug it as a Junit test. So, for ...

10. Spring Configuration file error

I am trying to run a simple program using a spring configuration file. In the configuration I am creating a bean for the JMS template. When I run it from eclipse ...

11. Spring, Multithreading and jms

Should the JmsTemplate bean be declared as a prototype bean or as a singleton? I think either option is reasonable and it seems to me it's mainly a question of how ...

12. what does the purpose of JMSTemplate.execute

Anyone can explain the real purpose of JMSTemplate.execute method. It can accept a session callback. The Spring document does not say any details about it.

13. Lazy init not honored for JmsTemplate

We are developing a Spring-based application that utilizes JMSTemplate to send/receive JMS messages to/from the Tibco EMS Server. With the current implementation, during the TomCat start up the project fails if the ...

14. Spring JMS injection causing application not to startup

We have a spring application that publishes and listens to queues on a remote application server. My publisher and listener which are spring based listen within our own application server. ...

15. Messenger facade vs Spring JMSTemplate?

Do you recommend to use Messenger as a simple JMS facade or should I use Spring JMSTemplate for it? It looks to heavy for just JMS abstraction layer. Wonder what is ...

16. Messenger facade vs Spring JMSTemplate?

Messenger facade vs Spring JMSTemplate? Do you recommend to use Messenger as a simple JMS facade or should I use Spring JMSTemplate for it? It looks too heavy for just JMS ...

17. Memory consumption using JmsTemplate

Jun 16th, 2005, 11:39 AM #1 scornflake Guest Memory consumption using JmsTemplate Hi everyone. I've got an app that I've been profiling, that is slowly using lots of memory. I've now ...

18. JmsTemplate and retrieving the JMSMessageID

JmsTemplate and retrieving the JMSMessageID I am using the JmsTemplate to send messages. However, after the message is sent, I want to retrieve the Message instance so that I can call ...

19. Drawbacks of using JmsTemplate?

Drawbacks of using JmsTemplate? Hi, I'm pretty familiar with JMS and its use outside of the Spring Framework. However, I'm looking into using JmsTemplate and had a few questions. 1. If ...

20. Using JmsTemplate outside a container

Using JmsTemplate outside a container Hi, We've been using the JmsTemplate for some time now to send messages, e.g., jms_template.send(workflow_status_topic, new MessageCreator() { public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException { return ...

21. Error creating bean with name 'jmsTemplate'

Error creating bean with name 'jmsTemplate' Hi! I have the following error when I try to set the jmsTemplate into my bean. the jsmTemplate bean: ...

22. Problems with unit testing JmsTemplate and ActiveMQ

Problems with unit testing JmsTemplate and ActiveMQ Hi, I'm currently trying to unit test JmsTemplate with ActiveMQ. I use a vm: transport style connection factory for that. I test receiving and ...

23. Request/Response with Temporary Queue and JMSTemplate

Request/Response with Temporary Queue and JMSTemplate Hello. I want to create a synchronous JMS call (request/response) with the JMSTemplate and temporary queues but Im struggling with all the JMS details. As ...

24. JmsTemplate with ActiveMQ

I want to use ActiveMQ with Spring under Jboss instead JbossMQ Currently with JbossMQ I define the following: Code: ${java.naming.provider.url} org.jnp.interfaces:org.jboss.naming org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory ...

25. jmsTemplate.receiveSelected returns null

jmsTemplate.receiveSelected returns null Hi I'm new to this forum and new to Spring and JMS as well. I'm facing a problem with using receiveSelected() method. When I use a selector, the ...

26. Exception thrown when trying to send event using JmsTemplate

May 14th, 2008, 09:33 PM #1 aspring1 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2008 Posts 2 Exception thrown when trying to send event using JmsTemplate ...

27. JmsTemplate: different timeouts for different receive calls

i'm interested in using a single JmsTemplate in a multi-threaded environment for concurrent receive calls *with different timeouts*. right now i'm a little perplexed at the timeout being set globally for ...

28. How to use EasyMock to mock a MessageCreator for testing JmsTemplate.send()?

How to use EasyMock to mock a MessageCreator for testing JmsTemplate.send()? I have a method which looks like this: Code: public void registerHost(final String hostManifestLocation) { // send an AdminMessage for ...

29. new thread always created for JmsTemplate & Webpshere

new thread always created for JmsTemplate & Webpshere Hi, I try to use JmsTemplate for sending a message, it occurs every 30 secs or frequently, and we observe on WAS that ...

30. InvocationTargetException in jmsTemplate.send & createConnection is NoSuchMethodError

Apr 29th, 2010, 04:58 AM #1 megitsune View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 4 InvocationTargetException in jmsTemplate.send & createConnection is NoSuchMethodError Hi, I've ...

31. Using JmsTemplate retrieving the JMSMessageID

Using JmsTemplate retrieving the JMSMessageID Hi Guys, I am using SI 1.0.4 and using spring jmsTemplate to post the message. I need to do two different things here 1) Client post ...

32. Exception handling while doing a jmsTemplate.send

My configuration is like this: ......... ...

33. JmsTemplate with Tibco Queue

JmsTemplate with Tibco Queue I'm having problems getting messages to send, and can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm close (I hope). If I set jndiName on ...