AMQP « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. Java JMS Messaging

I have a working example of sending message to server and server receiving it via qpid messaging. Here is simple hello world to send to server : And here is ...

2. Declaration of exchanges and queues in Spring AMQP

I'm using RabbitMQ and trying to refactor my current native java implementation to using the Spring AMQP abstraction. Declaration of exchanges, queues and their binding using the Spring library is via ...

3. Using existing JMS libraries with a AMQP broker (RabbitMQ)

We use RabbitMQ and Spring-AMQP for our messaging system. However there are many Java libraries that use JMS that I would rather not rewrite to AMQP. I failed to Google a JMS client ...

4. Adding Queue to RabbitMQ Listener after Listener is started

I am using SimpleMessageContainerListener. I have multiple queues required to listened with same Consumer. But Queues will be created dynamically after listener is configured and started. I cannot go with Topic because ...

5. Where is the spring rabbit XSD (schema location for the rabbit: namespace) mentions the rabbit: namespace, but never mentions what is the schema location. Googling (and naming conventions) ended up with:
but this files does not ...

6. Spring AMQP Template

Please help me. Is instance of AmqpTemplate class from RabbitMQ (implementation of AMQP protocol) thread safe. Can it be accessed from multiple threads? Thanks

7. RabbitMQ basic.get and acknowledgement

I'm invoking:

GetResponse response = channel.basicGet("some.queue", false); // no auto-ack
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, ...);
However, when I invoke basicGet, the messages in the queue stay in "Ready", rather than in "Unacknowledged". I want them to be ...

8. AMQP NamespaceHandler

AMQP NamespaceHandler I'm trying to get a POC working using spring integration and AMQP. My spring configuration has this entry: Code: When I run my sample ...

9. performance of amqp-inbound-gateway with various values of concurrent-consumer

performance of amqp-inbound-gateway with various values of concurrent-consumer Hi, I am using amqp-inbound-gateway in one of my projects to receive/send messages over a synchronous call. I was playing around with different ...

10. Gateway not working well with with amqp- inbound, amq -outbound adapter pair

Gateway not working well with with amqp- inbound, amq -outbound adapter pair Hi I am trying to to a scatter gather pattern for making aggregated service calls over AMQP. My clients ...

11. AMQP Channel Adapter

We are currently experimenting with various implementation of AMQP Channel Adapter as well as other AMQP related components (e.g., channels, routers etc..). Unfortunately they are largely dependent on the state of ...

12. Issue with

Took spring-integration-amqp from the sandbox for a test drive. I was able to get the amqp:inbound-channel-adapter to work but I'm having issues with the amqp:outbound-channel-adapter. Here is my configuration (ommiting rabbit ...