ioc « JSF « Spring Q&A

1. How to @autowire into jsf managed beans

In order to use the @Autowire annotation, the object where you use the annotation must come from the spring context. JSF managed beans are created by JSF's IOC not Springs, therefor ...

2. Spring bean is not injected into JSF managed bean (which is an abstract superclass)

I have an abstract super class bean called FooBean and all of my other beans extend this class. I have wired up my dao in applicationContext files and I want to ...

3. Dependency injection in FacesValidator (JSF Validation)

i want to inject a spring bean (dao or service) inside a faces validator class. what i did:

public class EmailExistValidator implements Validator {

    private UserDao userDao;
but ...

4. JSF and component wiring with IOC

I have a managed bean that is being placed in the session scope lets name it beanA. Im using Spring DelegatingVariableResolver to wire my managed bean to the spring initialized component ...

5. JSF and Factory ManagerBean using spring IOC

Hi! I need some help. Does someone know how can I use Spring IOC to create managed beans for JSF? I need JSF to use Spring's managed-beans, so I want to ...