cdi « JSF « Spring Q&A

1. Injecting a Spring bean using CDI @Inject

I'm trying to inject a bean defined in a Spring context into a CDI managed component but I'm not successful. The bean is not injected, instead a new instance gets created ...

2. CDI Bean accessing Spring beans?

I know this sounds strange, mixing CDI (Weld) and Spring for the controller. But imagine this situation :

  1. With CDI, i can make use of the @ConversationScoped, which is one of my requirement ...

3. Any one had Logging interceptor for JSF 2.0 Managed bean working

I have a managed bean with lots of methods. I want to log the entry and exit times of each method invocation . I thought of reusing the Interceptor that works ...

4. JSF 2.0 and CDI and Spring