Tiles « JSF « Spring Q&A

1. JSF and Tiles    forum.springsource.org

JSF and Tiles I'm working on architecture for a client who want to build a portal-like application but doesn't want to go portal route (JSR-168 etc) staying instead within a servlet ...

2. jsf and tiles    forum.springsource.org

Its difficult to help you without knowing your dir struture and confi file. Obvious problems would be navigation definations, missing jars, etc. Working tuts can be dowloaded from, http://www.coreservlets.com/JSF-Tutorial/#Section12 All the ...

3. Struts Tiles or JSF?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, We are working on a project using spring webflow. Can anyone give some idea of which one is better interms of performance, reusability and security.. Thanks Venkat

4. Mixing JSF with Tiles+Struts+Spring    seamframework.org