saveOrUpdate « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. spring saveOrUpdate

I am trying to build a web application using Spring and Hibernate. I have an object which is being saved in the database (hibernateTemplate.SaveOrUpdate method) with an id generated by hibernate. ...

2. How do you debug getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate()?

How do you debug getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate()? All, I am receiving a NullPointerException when all call saveOrUpdate. I have made sure the object I am passing in is not null. How do I ...

3. hibernate template save and saveorupdate problems

hibernate template save and saveorupdate problems Hi I've gotten my spring application to work. Well mostly. I tried adding a new entity to the database (Hibernate) using getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(splash); but if I ...

4. saveOrUpdate issue

Oct 28th, 2004, 06:34 PM #1 nonmin View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2004 Posts 8 saveOrUpdate issue Hello, I have met a problem for ...

5. Hibernate - saveOrUpdate problem

Hibernate - saveOrUpdate problem Hy, I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 and Spring 1.1.0. whit HibernateInterceptor in my HibernateDaoSupport class. Every time that I try to update a saved object, it just doesn't ...

6. Issues with Many TO Many Update - getHibernateTemplate().SaveOrUpdate()..Urgent pleas

Issues with Many TO Many Update - getHibernateTemplate().SaveOrUpdate()..Urgent pleas Hi, I have a many to Many Mapping between, the three tables. User, Role and user_role(mapping table). Role table has the following ...

7. Hibernate Query by example and saveOrUpdate

Hibernate Query by example and saveOrUpdate How to properly use Hibernate's 'Query by example' and later to update objects retreived that way? It seems that Hibernate sessions are mixed up. This ...

8. getHibernateTemplate().merge vs. saveOrUpdate()

First the quotes from the petclinic source : // Note: Hibernate3's merge operation does not reassociate the object with the // current Hibernate Session. Instead, it will always copy the state ...

9. saveOrUpdate fails on insert

saveOrUpdate fails on insert On a table where the pk is oracle sequence using saveOrUpdate works for either inserts or updates. But on tables where the pk is anything else, typically ...

10. Call to getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(Object) does not persist the data

Code: public void saveChangeCase(final ChangeCase changeCase) { HibernateTemplate template = getHibernateTemplate(); template.execute( new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); tx.begin();; tx.commit(); session.close(); return ...

11. saveOrUpdate betwen pages in a WizardController

saveOrUpdate betwen pages in a WizardController Hello everybody! I'm in trouble using Wizards and Hibernate. I'm building a web app where researches submit their works, passing through 7 steps. I've created ...

12. Hibernate saveOrUpdate() dosen't change the database

You should always use a transaction. Units-of-work in O/R mapping tools like Hibernate's Session are intended to be associated with a transaction. It is almost always very bad practice to try ...

13. Hibernate saveOrUpdate()

The HibernateTemplate has only one saveOrUpdate() method, while the Hibernate Session Interface has two saveOrUpdate(). This is just something that I noticed looking at the API's for Hibernate and Spring. The ...

14. NOOB: getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(); not saving/commiting?

Jul 5th, 2006, 01:18 PM #1 dshopkins View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 21 NOOB: getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(); not saving/commiting? Hi all, just getting started ...

15. HibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate does not persist data on update

HibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate does not persist data on update Im using getHibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate(Environment pObj) for updates on java objects and during updates of Environment, the updates are not persisting those changes to DB. Ive ...

16. Where's the saveOrUpdate method of JpaTemplate?

Where's the saveOrUpdate method of JpaTemplate? HibernateTemplate has the saveOrUpdate method, but JpaTemplate doesn't. JpaTemplate has merge and persist methods. Is it very difficult to write mergeOrPersist method for JpaTemplate? Right ...

17. getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate only updating

If you want to do an insert, but saveOrUpdate behaves as an update, what object is it trying to update ? Maybe the object you pass to saveOrUpdate doesn't have the ...

18. saveOrUpdate not working

saveOrUpdate not working Hi Everybody. I am using spring + hibernate. This works fine all accross my whole application except in one location. If I call getHibernateTemplate().saveorUpdate(obj) the object doesnt seam ...

19. Getting generated id after getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate()

What is the best way to get the generated id (primary key) right after I save a newly created object using getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate()?

20. Source Code of merge and saveOrUpdate methods

How can I see the code written inside merge and saveOrUpdate methods. Actually we are calling merge/saveOrUpdate methods of HibernateTemplate class and want to see what actually happens inside these methods. ...

21. hibernate cache and saveOrUpdate() question

hibernate cache and saveOrUpdate() question Hello - I have a need to fetch an object to capture a "before" snapshot and then update the object, persist the change to DB, then ...

22. Data not getting displayed while calling find after saveOrUpdate action is performed

Data not getting displayed while calling find after saveOrUpdate action is performed Hi All, I am able to figure out the problem, but could not able to find how it is ...

23. HibernateDaoSupport.saveOrUpdate problem

HibernateDaoSupport.saveOrUpdate problem Hello everyone! I've got an exception calling saveOrUpdate method after deleting and object. The following example demonstrates the problem public class HiberTest { public static void main(String[] args) { ...

24. HibernateDao saveOrUpdate problem

HibernateDao saveOrUpdate problem hi im new to spring using cocoon,hibernate and spring in my application. when im trying to use saveOrUpdate() method in the HibernateDAO Class. Country country=new Country(); country.setCountryId(cid); ...

25. saveOrUpdate() is not inserting data

Hello I am using Spring with hibernate for data persistent. I have problem when data already exist then it update the record but it do not insert new record. Thanks for ...

26. problem using saveOrUpdate

Jun 12th, 2008, 07:33 PM #1 olimpiu.pop View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2008 Posts 25 problem using saveOrUpdate Hello, I have a problem when ...

27. saveOrUpdate puts null values when updating

saveOrUpdate puts null values when updating Hi, I found that when a data is retrieved using the database and the object is populate it updates fine. However, if the same entity ...

28. Null values in saveOrUpdate

Null values in saveOrUpdate Hi, I have a problem when using the saveOrUpdate method of the HibernateTemplate. I try to explain the problem without attaching any code to begin with since ...

29. HibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate(entity) does not always commit...

HibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate(entity) does not always commit... Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0 M3, Hibernate 3.3.1... and I'm using everything the annotated way... Here's my problem... I have a need to increment the log ...

30. hibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate does not commit

hibernateTemplate.saveOrUpdate does not commit Hello, Can anybody help me? I am following a tutorial on, however I found that I could not insert data into Sybase (or value was not ...

31. SaveOrUpdate

I have a table that has a Primary Key and a non-null able field. I am retrieving each record. Then updating the record at some point and trying to run a ...

32. Spring/Hibernate saveOrUpdate don't execute

Spring/Hibernate saveOrUpdate don't execute this is part of my sessionFactory in project-servlet.xml [...] Code: it.home.River.model.Aggregator it.home.River.model.Blog it.home.River.model.BlogAggregator it.home.River.model.Comments it.home.River.model.Post it.home.River.model.PostAggregator it.home.River.model.Replies it.home.River.model.User it.home.River.model.Categoria ...

33. ElementCollection saveorupdate

ElementCollection saveorupdate Hi all! I have a problem with ElementCollection in a spring and hibernate environment. I have a entity Code: @Entity public class MatchFilter { private int id; private ...

34. SaveorUpdate() causing merging of previous and current entry

SaveorUpdate() causing merging of previous and current entry Hi I am new to hibernate.I found particular problem while working with attachdirty() stuff. My links is a collection , which is being ...