relationship « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. testing hibernate parent/child relationship

i use spring and hibernate for my data access layer i'll like to have some guidance about how to construct my unit testing to test if hibernate is effectively insert in the ...

2. what's the best practice to config Hibernate-Spring for multiple database relationship?

We have a main mysql database which all of the applications within our organization need the data within this database. How can I config my java web application to use this ...

3. OJB Reference Descriptor 1:0 relationship? Should I set auto-retrieve to false?

I am having an issue while using Apache OJB with Spring 2 inside my web app. I'm using OJB reference-descriptor with 2 foreign key properties. I have an object ...

4. Hibernate: update on parent-child relationship causes duplicate children

I have a parent child relationship in which the parent has a collection of children (a set to be specific). The child collection is setup with cascade="all-delete-orphan". When I initially save ...

5. Relationships between Spring, Hibernate, JDBC

I just start reading Sun's JDBC tutorial. I installed MySQL Connector/J and was just skimming through its menu, then came across this statement: "Although JDBC is useful by itself, we would hope ...

6. hibernate @onetomany relationship updates instead of insert during save

Please help me figure this out. I've tried so many combinations but nothing seems to work. I'm trying to implement hibernate mapping using annotations but during the saving of my parent ...

7. Hibernate: NullPointerException when adding one-to-one relationship

when I'm trying to create one-to-one relationship in Hibernate with Spring MVC, it throws me this error with such stacktrace.
The keys are both foreign, not primary.
Any ...

8. Spring-Hibernate: How to submit a for when the object has one-to-many relations?

I have a form changeed the properties of my object CUSTOMER. Each customer has related ORDERS. The ORDER's table has a column customer_id which is used for the mapping. All works ...

9. how to construct a dynamic query for a many to one relationship using the CriteriaBuilder of JPA 2.0

Hi all
I am a bit stucked constructing a dynamic query using the CriteriaBuilder of JPA 2.0. My application is Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.6.0 + jpa 2.0 ...

10. hibernate relationship jstl question

Im following a hibernate tutorial in which my database has a relationship between "Person"s and "Events" there is a many-to-many relationship between the two. Each Person has a set of events in ...

11. Hibernate annotations-Question on one to many relationship with composite primary key

First of all, kindly look at my design, I have two tables T1(a,b,c,d)- a is primary key T2(a,e) where (a,e) is composite primary key ...

12. Hibernate not inserting column in onetomany relationship

I have two tables Person

@Column(name = "PERSON_ID")
 public Integer getId() {
  return id;

@Column(name = "FIRST_NAME")
public String getFirstName() {
 return firstName;

@Column(name = "LAST_NAME")
public String getLastName() {
 return lastName;

@Column(name = "MONEY")
public ...

13. deserializing entities with relationships

We receive JSON that looks like:

{ name: "john", surname: "smith", company: "1234342" }
Our Client Side framework can also handle relationships between objects and company is mapped to its ID. We have an ...

14. What is the best way of extracting information from a existing database without having the complete entity structure in a new java application?

The current application that I'm involved in is somewhat a monster with a very complex entity structure and a very tight coupling to the Seam framework. In a couple of weeks ...

15. Spring MVC 3: Add Form for ManyToMany Relationship throws Neither BindingResult Exception

I have an Account Entity with a @ManyToMany relationship to Role Entity. (This way I am able to have an Account with multiple Roles). In my (Entity) i have defined the relationship ...

16. Mapping a relationship between 3 entities in Hibernate

I am trying to get to grips with hibernate and have a problem trying to map a relationship between 3 entities: For example I have the following classes: Distributor (id, name) e.g.: TNT, ...

17. how to make onttomany relationship in spring hibernate

I am trying to relate two tables with spring / hibernate in MYSQL like this

    @Table (name = candidatresumeinfo)
    public class ...

18. (No value specified for parameter 4) many to many relationShip error

i use java hibernate i have 2 Tables Table1 and Table2 with many to many relationship Table1:

public class Table1 implements Serializable {

19. problem in persisting the object in oneToMany and manyToOne relationship in hibernate

I have one doubt which is related to hibernate ... if I have following scenerio

public class Continent {

private Integer id;

private String name;

@OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "CONTI_ID")
private Set<Country> countries;
public Continent() {

Following ...

20. Spring-Hibernate One to many relationship persistence

we have Three tables People(id, name), Registrations(id, p_id, sub_id,sem, date), Subjects(id,name, instructor)... I want to know what is the correct layer to write logic to persist list of Registration objects to ...

21. How to get Hibernate to do no more than one SQL query per a parent/child relationship on WebLogic 10g?

We need to get back a collection of Widgets, where each widget can contain zero or more Fidgets. Our problem is that whenever we run from Widget, Hibernate generates one ...

22. Spring MVC 3 Hibernate JPA Annotations onetomany and manytoone relationships cascade delete

I have the following entities and I have to delete the ServiceRegistration and ServiceChannels entries when I delete the ServiceRegistration record. But now, if I delete a record in serviceregistration, it ...

23. hibernate relationship

I have a table model like below:

public class Questionnaire {

    @Column(name = "QUESTID")
    private long questionID;


24. Not able to save ManyToMany self-reference relationship in hibernate

I have a ManyToMany relationship between person that I'm trying to describe with Hibernate annotations. I have also created a test for this but the problem is that the relationship isn't ...

25. One-to-many relationship with Hibernate

I'm using Hibernate with Spring and Hibernate return this error:

Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Column 'ID_TAREA_FK' cannot be null
I have two classes
public class Tarea {
 private List<Sesion> sesiones;

public class Sesion {
 private Tarea ...

26. Many-to-many relationship Spring Form Intergrate Hibernate

Jan 4th, 2011, 05:03 AM #1 cddthd View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2011 Posts 4 Many-to-many relationship Spring Form Intergrate Hibernate I take a ...

27. One-to-many relationship Hibernate Problem

One-to-many relationship Hibernate Problem I'm having Spring intergrate Hibernate project.But I add one-to-many in project I got error My SQL Script: Code: create table users( username varchar(50) not null primary key, ...

28. Relationship between Entities

Relationship between Entities Hej, here I have a little example for a blog, that consists of posts with comments. A post could have many comments. A comment belongs to one post. ...

29. @ManyToMany relationship attributes

@ManyToMany relationship attributes Hi I have two entities Employee and Project in my application and there is many to many relationship between them. The application uses JPA and Hibernate. I have ...

30. Spring + Hibernate ManyToMany relationships

31. Column of HashSet (1:m-relationship) is empty in entities' list HTML-page

Example: I've got a class book which contains a ONE_TO_MANY relationship with pages. The field of the entity would look like this: Code: @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private Set pages = new ...

32. OneToMany bi-directional relationship - OneToMany set is always empty

I have a OneToMany, bi-directional relationship set up with Roo/JPA. I am using the following: Spring Roo 1.1.5.RELEASE EclipseLink MySQL 5.5.14 Java 1.6.0_23 Windows 7 My relationship is defined as follows: ...

33. Strict one to one relationship between entities

Strict one to one relationship between entities I have an entity created that is "port" and other entities called 'clock' and 'power'. The relationship that I want to create is that ...

34. Deleting an instance of an object with a MANY_TO_MANY relationship without cascading?

Deleting an instance of an object with a MANY_TO_MANY relationship without cascading? I've got two classes (Students and Courses) which have a many-to-many-relationship. Instances of them can exist without the other ...

35. OneToMany relationship and persisting target objects

OneToMany relationship and persisting target objects In my application, I have a OneToMany relationship between a Job and a JobTime. So the Job can have multiple JobTime instances associated to it. ...

36. AfterInvocationProvider and parent/child relationship

AfterInvocationProvider and parent/child relationship What the best way filter child objects? Suppose we added Collection subContacts; property into Contact class. How this collection will be filtered? I mean if we have ...

37. Parent child relationship Issue in hibernate

Parent child relationship Issue in hibernate Hi all, I need help in establishing relationship between parent and child in hibernate. In my application, we don't have foreign key constraint on table. ...

38. bidirectional relationships and JPA

If you have a bi-directional relationship you are going to have to maintain it in this way. Its good practice to use methods like this to do it. category.getItems().add(item); // The ...

39. Best practice for many-to-many hibernate relationships

Best practice for many-to-many hibernate relationships In current project there are a lot of many-to-many relationships via a link(join) table. Not sure if these should be or not but I'm working ...

40. hibernate and null valued relationships

hibernate and null valued relationships Dear Sirs I've got two entities, one is called FolderEntry the other is StoredFile. There is a one-to-one relationship between them. However, there can be special ...

41. spring+jpa (hibernate) OneToMany relationship

42. Set Parent Child relationship in Spring configuration XML file

Set Parent Child relationship in Spring configuration XML file Hello All, I have just started learning Spring and i really find it very very intresting. While studying i came across one ...

43. Parent/Child context relationship

If I am using Tomcat embedded and with that have a bunch of beans that I want to wire up with Spring and then create a servlet... is it possible to ...

44. Foreign Key Relationship Problem [Spring+Hibernate with annotation]

Hi there, I am quite new to Hibernate Annotations and I am facing a problem while using foreign key relationships using Hibernate Annotation. I request the group to please help me ...

45. Aop in child-parent context relationship

Aop in child-parent context relationship I have a problems with my AOP configuration. I am having quite a big project on WAS, Spring 2.5.4. My projects is a EAR that ...

46. Relationship between JPA Units

Relationship between JPA Units I have two jpa units: basic-model and app-model app-model has Entities extends Entities in basic-model app-model also has Entities that have n-m relationships with Entities in basic-model ...

47. Hibernate Parent Child Relationship

Hibernate Parent Child Relationship Hi all, 1. am having the parent child relationship for some of my beans, i have the scenario like am updating the childs & setting those as ...

48. Saving one to many relationships in hibernate

Saving one to many relationships in hibernate So, I've got recipes and ratings. A recipe can have many ratings. The recipe class has a collection of ratings. I would like to ...

49. hibernate: many-to-many relationship problem

Hi All, I'm new to Spring and Hibernate and got a problem when mapping the many-to-many relationship. I had a business requirement to delete only the association table and children. I ...

50. Relationship between parent and child application context

Relationship between parent and child application context I am programmatically creating a FileSystemXmlApplicationContext within a web application which parent context is set to the Spring MVC servlet application context. The context ...

51. How to update fields/relationships/entities afterwards

If the Roo Shell is open for your project, just change the field name directly in the java source code. Roo will detect that the file has changed, and will cascade ...

52. problem with generated entity tests when entities have relationships

problem with generated entity tests when entities have relationships Hi, I generated a set of entities which have relationships. For example: 1 Profile <- many Workload Associations are defined as follows: ...

53. Entity relationships with cardinalities

Great framework!! I ran the clinic.roo sample. Looks great!! Thanks! However, I am unable to create associations. For example, associating a pet with the owner and vice-versa. Does Roo not support ...

54. Persist entity with one-to-many relationship

Persist entity with one-to-many relationship Hi, if I have the following pojos: Code: @Entity @Table(name="authors") public class Author { private Integer id; private String name; private List bibliography; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) public ...

55. why no OneToOne relationship?

I guess he means, that if you use the roo shell and type Code: field reference --fieldname foo --type bar for creating a relationship to another entity, roo assumes that this ...

56. Spring Hibernate One to Many relationship issue

Spring Hibernate One to Many relationship issue Hi, I have one parent table(EmployeeEntity) and one child table(LanguageEntity). Employee entity has one to many mapping with LanguageEntity (that means one employee may ...

57. Status of entity relationships in App Engine?

Status of entity relationships in App Engine? What is the status of entity relationships in a Roo application deployed to App Engine? Is it possible to create an application with --provider ...

58. Need advice on modeling a ManyToMany relationship

Need advice on modeling a ManyToMany relationship Hi, i need some advice in creating DB and Hibernate relationship on the following. I have a Basket class to hold Products (Online Cart ...

59. perform test fail with OneToOne relationship

perform test fail with OneToOne relationship I created a new roo project and performed the following commands Code: persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --database POSTGRES --databaseName db --userName user --password pass entity ...

60. No "id" is persisted in a ManyToOne relationship

No "id" is persisted in a ManyToOne relationship Hi I got two simple classes : 1. Person Code: @Entity @SequenceGenerator(name = "person_seq", sequenceName = "person_seq", allocationSize = 1) public class Person ...

61. Are optional ManyToOne relationships supported?

Modifying the clinic so that I can have a pet without owner (contrived): Code: @ManyToOne(targetEntity = Owner.class, optional = true) @JoinColumn private Owner owner; The UI generated is still a ...