orm 1 « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. ORM solutions (JPA; Hibernate) vs. JDBC    stackoverflow.com

I need to be able to insert/update objects at a consistent rate of at least 8000 objects every 5 seconds in an in-memory HSQL database. I have done some comparison performance testing ...

2. What is org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.BlobByteArrayType good for?    stackoverflow.com

What is org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.BlobByteArrayType good for?
Why not map a byte[] as the Hibernate basic type "binary"? What are the differences? When to use which? Thanks!

3. spring+hibernate mapping class without xml    stackoverflow.com

in my applicationContext.xml, this is how I map xml to POJO. how to map directory to class file without required to create xml?

<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="mappingResources">

4. Spring JDBC RowMapper with Class Hiearchies    stackoverflow.com

I wanted to know what the community considers the "best practices" in respect to mapping class hierarchies with Spring JDBC. We do not have the ability to use a full ...

5. cannot do 2nd level cache    stackoverflow.com

in my applicationcontext.xml

<bean id="annotatedsessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="packagesToScan" value="testonly.package.model" />
<property name="hibernateProperties">
        <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect</prop>
        <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>

6. H2 database In memory - Init schema via Spring/Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring/Hibernate application with H2 database and I have a few issues with configuring H2 to run in an embedded mode (in memory):

1. I want spring to start the ...

7. how does spring allow for lazy-loading?    stackoverflow.com

If you have a call in a Dao method like (pseudo code): return ..getHibernateTemplate( get by id ); Now say that entity has a lazy-loaded collection. Once you return from your Dao ...

8. Another Spring + Hibernate + JPA question    stackoverflow.com

I'm still struggling with changing my Spring Application to use Hibernate with JPA to do database activities. Well apparently from a previous post I need an persistence.xml file. However do I ...

9. Spring 3.0 ORM with JPA 2.0 ClassCastException    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to use JPA 2.0 in Spring 3.0 ORM. The JPA vendor is Hibernate 3.5.0-Beta-3. It works well with JPQL, but when I tried to ...

10. Eclipse plugins for Spring / Hibernate development?    stackoverflow.com

I have a running dynamic web project in Eclipse (Java EE + Maven + Spring). I am at the point where I need to integrate a persistence layer and want to ...

11. how to do logging in iBatis ORM    stackoverflow.com

We use iBatis + Spring intensively. Everything we get from the DB is fetched via stored procedures. At times when troubleshooting an issue we want to know the exact ...

12. hibernate query cache specify cache duration    stackoverflow.com

below is how i do query cache

   List<IssSection> result = (List<IssSection>) getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(crit);
may i know how to specify duration of maximum time to cache ...

13. spring+hibernate+ehcache, how to clear all cache    stackoverflow.com

i'm using 2nd level cache and query cache. may i know how to programatically clear all caches?

14. Getting fewer columns with hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a table with 11 columns, but I need to get only 2 of them in my application, I'm using spring/hibernate/DAO combination. For now I have a domain class which ...

15. em.persist seems doesn't persist data on postgreSQL db    stackoverflow.com

I've got a simple java main which must write bean data on a PostgreSQL database. I use Entity manager to persist or update object. I use hibernate and toplink driver connection ...

16. Map enum in JPA with fixed values?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for the different ways to map an enum using JPA. I especially want to set the integer value of each enum entry and to save only the integer value.

@Table(name ...

17. about j2ee, spring and hibernate    stackoverflow.com

Basically i want to learn this technology. I already know J2SE. My question is, where is the good start to learn Spring and Hibernate? Is the book Head First JSP and ...

18. how to call stored procedure using spring and hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I get an error message as java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException and Invalid column name. Can you help me why am i getting this error.

19. Bypass GeneratedValue in Hibernate (merge data not in db?)    stackoverflow.com

My problem is the same as described in [1] or [2]. I need to manually set a by default auto-generated value (why? importing old data). As described in

20. ORM using Hibernate's annotations with Spring    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying integrate spring with hibernate but catch exception on project start.

Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: An AnnotationConfiguration instance is required to use <mapping class="com.domain.Worker"/
My config: from spring
<bean id="myDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">

21. Integrating JPA2.0 and Spring    stackoverflow.com

Hello last few hours I try to test with spring jpa 2.0 3.0 Finally I could recover objects persisted but when I try to persist a new object I receive the following error message:


22. Why is an object found by id in JPA, but not through a JPQL query?    stackoverflow.com

I have a JUnit 4 test case with the Spring @Transactional annotation that saves an object, and then attempts to find it. The test case passes when I use this implementation:

public ...

23. MySQL view to CSV file using Java, Spring, and Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I've been asked to output a CSV file from a view in MySQL. The app I currently am writing uses Spring and Hibernate to create the database, but the view ...

24. Hibernate annotation configuration with Spring can't find domain object    stackoverflow.com

I am having a problem with Hibernate seeing my domain objects doing a purely annotation configuration for Hibernate. I'm getting org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: User is not mapped [from User u where u.userName=:userName] I thought all that ...

25. How to use JPA in spring sample petclinic?    stackoverflow.com

I am learning spring samples. In the petclinic project, by default it uses jdbc. I change the following line to jpa, and can't run it anymore

Here is the error message:
Caused by: ...

26. How to use ORM in Spring Framework...?    stackoverflow.com

How to use ORM in Spring Framework...? Give me Clear Example...

27. Hibernate Cache and JdbcTemplate    stackoverflow.com

Will the Hibernate caching(1st, 2nd, or Query) work when I use JdbcTemplate? I got to know that the caching is one of the advantage in using ORM instead of traditional JDBC. So, ...

28. Spring+JPA+Hibernate+Oracle insert query showing but data not inserting into DB    stackoverflow.com

Help to solve this issue: Spring+JPA+Hibernate+Oracle insert query showing but data not inserting into DB : One to One relationship, here query for One table is showing second table insert query ...

29. How can I serve i18n messages from database effectively    stackoverflow.com

I'm using latest versions of Spring Framework and Hibernate. I know how I can create custom version of MessageSource. But what would be best way to serve i18n messages. Because if ...

30. Pattern for working with different database dialects via JDBC    stackoverflow.com

I'm creating an application that has to work with different databases (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL...) through JDBC. I have to work via JDBC because my application calls stored procedures in these databases. What ...

31. Spring ORM or Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I'm just wondering why the combination of Spring and Hibernate is so popular, when it would be possible to leave Hibernate out and use just Spring ORM?

32. HIbernate InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException - read-only mode    stackoverflow.com

Summary: the Exception is telling me that the transaction is read-only; a debug println seems to indicate that I'm not in read-only mode. Classes edited for internet publishing - sorry if I ...

33. Hibernate+Spring framework project mapping error(exception)    stackoverflow.com

Caused by:

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: controler.Role, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(ROLE)]
Can you please help me on this? this is my mapping class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD ...

34. hbm files in hibernate    stackoverflow.com

i am working on some updation in Hibernate application. in which Struts and Spring used. we do entries of .hbm file in configration file(.cfg file). but when using spring with hibernate app ...

35. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: could not deserialize;    stackoverflow.com

I am getting the following error org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: could not deserialize; nested exception is org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize All my classes implements serializable. Acutally I am fetching one list from DB and using it's ...

36. Query execution problem using Spring and HIbernate together with FLEX    stackoverflow.com

So I'm going to be using Flex 4 with Spring and Hibernate. Everything is configured and working. I know this as I can do simple queries, like listing all values in a ...

37. getting java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException over hibernate orm    stackoverflow.com

I have HibernateInterceptor for a method which takes the hibernate ORM as argument I am getting java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException when the method is invoked. The cause is shown as Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: $Proxy25.saveData(com.test.orm.Employee$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$bcc67d7, java.util.HashMap) The saveData(com.test.orm.Employee, ...

38. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: ... why it was?    stackoverflow.com

Hi i am using Spring-Hibernate with HibernateDaoSupport, where my Dao was extends by HibernateDaoSupport. when i am getting the data from table the following error was raising, when i am submitting ...

39. NewbieQuestion: Can I somehow pass arguments to Spring+Hibernate from a DAO?    stackoverflow.com

In the code I am currently working on I came across a piece code where the fields of MyClass are supposed to be set according to the language in use. But ...

40. Executing a query --- Hibernate + Spring    stackoverflow.com

I am using spring and hibernate together. Can any body suggest me how can i execute a simple query? For example, I want to execute "select count(*) from USER_DETAILS"; Thanks,

41. JPA-Mapping problem    stackoverflow.com

Reference(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4688709/problem-in-jpa-mapping) I have a situation where my DB tables are like below, I am wondering how to have JPA mappings for this kind of tables , espacially for the auction_param_values which do ...

42. Spring freezing application    stackoverflow.com

I've just suffered a horrible time of having my application freezing after a few certain requests. Debug shown that the code was breaking without any stacktrace or thread termination on the line ...

43. Better design choice: Method returning Object or passing 'Class type' as argument?    stackoverflow.com

I encountered this during object-relational mapping while creating a row mapper (to map a row into >= 1 objects). I was playing with DBUtils, and you need to implement ...

44. Construct an object from a database using spring specifying the row ID to construct object from    stackoverflow.com

To Simplify this question, is it possible to make spring behave in a very basic active record pattern Background: I have a system with multiple types of existing data models all with ...

45. How to use object oriented programming with Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

While using ORM tools such as Hibernate, I've found it is advantageous to keep all business logic out of my business objects and instead keep it in a service layer. The ...

46. spring orm package memory consumption    stackoverflow.com

I am new to spring. Our application uses hibernate. I have plans to integrate spring with hibernate(spring-orm package). I have few doubts before starting. I have just started using profilers to ...

47. How do Morphia, Mongo4j and Spring data for MongoDB compare?    stackoverflow.com

I'm interested in how to they compare to each other, what's more mature, has more features, better for some use cases. My own use case is to create a real-time monitoring service ...

48. Hibernate using multiple databases    stackoverflow.com

Someone know how to add a another datasource in hibernate configuration and how to configure Spring to that datasource its autoinject in my respective DAO? This is my code with one datasource, ...

49. Spring dao exception translation behaving differently in test and production    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Spring exception translation in my application to translate exceptions from the underlying ORM framework (Hibernate) and I have discovered that ConstraintViolationExceptions are being translated differently in my test and ...

50. Spring ORM support for JDBC?    stackoverflow.com

as it is stated at http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.0.8/reference/orm.html The Spring Framework provides integration with Hibernate, JDO, Oracle TopLink, iBATIS SQL Maps and JPA: My question here is does not spring provide ORM support ...

51. Any alternatives to Spring Data Graph, jo4neo, ogrm?    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for easy-to-use graph DB + ORM solution. The requirements are:

  1. Fluent Java interfaces, no need to use any XMLs.
  2. Ease of graph traversal: "give me all entities of these types, starting ...

52. Java, Spring, Hibernate cannot find org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to make spring+hibernate+ant project And at the moment I get this error:

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling ...

53. JPA save or merge, how to know updated fields    stackoverflow.com

How can I know what fields/columns are updated after an object is saved by jpa/hibernate. I know there is a interceptor to do this, but cannot find what it is. need ...

54. Spring ORM with C3P0 or DBCP is leaking connections    stackoverflow.com

On the latest versions of both DBCP and C3P0, using Spring's Ibatis support, I am running into an issue where both leak connections. The scenario is that there is a ...

55. Hibernate loading object immediately after create    stackoverflow.com

I have a Hibernate entity which has one or more <many-to-one mappings, e.g.

  <class name="MyClass" table="my_table">
    <cache usage="nonstrict-read-write"/>

56. Hibernate + Spring - xml mapping not found    stackoverflow.com

I have simple application with following folder structure:

  • ProjFolder
  • |-----src
  • |----------packagename
  • |---------------{sourcefiles}
  • |----------META-INF
  • |---------------{beans.xml}
  • |---------------{hibernate.cfg.xml}
  • |---------------{EntityMapping.hbm.xml}
here is the part of beans.xml Spring config file:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer"  class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location" value="classpath:./META-INF/jdbc.properties" />

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">

57. Which java orm that works with spring is the most light weight?    stackoverflow.com

I have a very simple spring application that I am building. I don't need any relationships or feature rich change tracking/session management or any other fancy features when it comes to an ...

58. springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransaction Manager    forum.springsource.org

springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransaction Manager Hi all, I am using Spring/Hibernate and i need some help ! I'm using the org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateTransac tionManager for test purposes and when i look at the logs , it ...

59. Spring ORM support for JDBC?    forum.springsource.org

Spring ORM support for JDBC? as it is stated at http://static.springsource.org/sprin...rence/orm.html The Spring Framework provides integration with Hibernate, JDO, Oracle TopLink, iBATIS SQL Maps and JPA: My question here is does ...

60. ClassNotFound: org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support.OpenSess ionInViewFi    forum.springsource.org

I am getting an error Caused by: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role. So I wanted to try and add the OpenSessionInViewFilter in my web. To fix the ...

61. Missing Hibernate Classes/Interfaces in spring-orm-3.1.0.RC1    forum.springsource.org

Missing Hibernate Classes/Interfaces in spring-orm-3.1.0.RC1 As mentioned in an earlier post, we are attempting to convert to spring 3.1.0.RC1 and Hibernate 4 (4.0.0.CR5). It seems that several classes/interfaces are no longer ...

62. org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateSystemE xception:    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateSystemE xception: This is the piece of code I am wrting public List executeNamedQuery(String queryName,Long oid){ try { Query query = getHibernateTemplate().getNamedQuery(getSession(), queryName); query.setParameter(0,oid); return query.list(); } catch (HibernateException e) { ...

63. Is ORM the right solution?    forum.springsource.org

Is ORM the right solution? I have been doing quite a bit of reading on Spring and its integration with JDBC, iBatis, and Hibernate. But what I am still having a ...

64. First Steps at Torque ORM support    forum.springsource.org

First Steps at Torque ORM support Following the advice from Rod at: http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=13393 I have started work on implementing support for torque in Spring. Following the pattern of what is out ...

65. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/orm/hibe    forum.springsource.org

Jul 16th, 2005, 05:55 AM #1 tony_k View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jul 2005 Posts 92 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/orm/hibe working with a tomcat app and i have ...

66. Combining ORM and Jdbc templating?    forum.springsource.org

Most presentations and books on Spring give the impression that one must choose ORM (like Hibernate) or Spring JDBC. Can they co-exist, such as using Spring's Hibernate support and Springs JDBC ...

67. Wrapper around ORM query APIs    forum.springsource.org

Wrapper around ORM query APIs Hey all, I saw this mentioned once on this forum but there wasn't much in the way of resolution. Does anyone know about any wrappers around ...

68. ORM with SpringJDBC?    forum.springsource.org

Hello. I think i'm asking the same thing that godwinal in this thread. However my english comprehension is not that good (neither my writing), so i'm opening a new thread to ...

69. where is org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.Hiberna teDaoSupport    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm using Spring 2 M2 te develop an application. I'm trying to import HibernateDaoSupport but it doens't appear to be in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support package. I have spring.jar on my project classpath. ...

70. Integrating Spring DAO/ORM with J2EE (WebLogic/SLSB)    forum.springsource.org

Integrating Spring DAO/ORM with J2EE (WebLogic/SLSB) I would really like to utilize the robust functionality of the Spring framework inregards to the DAO and ORM modules. My application is pretty simple ...

71. Integrating Spring DAO/ORM with J2EE (WebLogic/SLSB)    forum.springsource.org

Integrating Spring DAO/ORM with J2EE (WebLogic/SLSB) Moving this thread from Architecture to here to see if I can get a response. I would really like to utilize the robust functionality of ...

72. JDBC or ORM framework?What are the pros and cons?    forum.springsource.org

JDBC or ORM framework?What are the pros and cons? General Speaking,Using orm framework just like hibernate and jdo will make your application esay to maintain,test,and have high portability. It can map ...

73. package .../orm/jpa not found in M4 src    forum.springsource.org

74. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystem Exception: illegally attempted to a    forum.springsource.org

Jul 20th, 2006, 03:46 AM #1 alexandre View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date May 2006 Location Switzerland Posts 24 org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystem Exception: illegally attempted to ...

75. getMethod() throwsNull pointer exception, i'm using Hibernate for ORM    forum.springsource.org

getMethod() throwsNull pointer exception, i'm using Hibernate for ORM my get method: Code: public Exchange getEntity(String entityId) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println(" Entity id submitted = "+entityId); ...

76. Spring framework using both DAO and ORM    forum.springsource.org

Spring framework using both DAO and ORM We are starting a new development project and want to use the best of breed technologies. We do have a business requirement which requires ...

77. using both DAO and ORM in the Spring framework    forum.springsource.org

using both DAO and ORM in the Spring framework Sense I am new to the Spring Forum and unsure which sub-forum to post a question to regarding architecture and/or data acccess ...

78. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystem Exception    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystem Exception I am using OpenSessionInViewFilter and lazy loading to implement long session. I got an exception when I try to delete an persistent object. Here is the exception: org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException: a ...

79. spring-orm.jar    forum.springsource.org

It depends on which aspect of ORM you are using. There are now specific jars for each of the ORM tools e.g. spring-hibernate3.jar, spring-iBatis.jar etc..

80. AnnotatedSessionFactory and orm.xml mapping file    forum.springsource.org

AnnotatedSessionFactory and orm.xml mapping file Trying to set up a small Hibernate Annotations example using AnnotatedSessionFactory. The example works fine when I'm using JPA annotations to configure the entities, but when ...

81. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSource ConnectionProvider    forum.springsource.org

Jan 17th, 2007, 04:40 PM #1 keweedsmo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Posts 11 org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSource ConnectionProvider I worked on my project 3 days ...

82. Where is the Spring *.orm.jpa.* Source Code??    forum.springsource.org

83. org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateSystemE xception: Batch update row count w    forum.springsource.org

Jun 28th, 2007, 06:34 AM #1 rbvignesh View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 2 org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateSystemE xception: Batch update row count w Hi All, ...

84. using org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support.ClobStri ngType    forum.springsource.org

using org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support.ClobStri ngType How to use org.springframework.orm.hibernate.support.ClobStri ngType ...any example ? i am getting some error like org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean with name 'factory' defined in class path resource [no/netcom/ipl/context.xml]: ...

85. orm.xml     forum.springsource.org

orm.xml Hey all, Trying to use Hibernate JPA adapter with a MS SQL 2000 database with the jtds 1.2 driver on Spring 2.0.6. Using non-annotated dto bean, I'm placing all ...

86. Filling some non-ORM gaps between Spring JDBC and Hibernate    forum.springsource.org

Filling some non-ORM gaps between Spring JDBC and Hibernate After years of recommending Hibernate for new cross-platform development, some long-standing issues (list available on request) have decided me to try something ...

87. Maintain XML and generate Java ORM vs. annotate Java ORM objects and generate XML    forum.springsource.org

Maintain XML and generate Java ORM vs. annotate Java ORM objects and generate XML For maintaing the ORM layer, what are the pros, cons and best practices with these two approaches: ...

88. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryE xception    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryE xception Hi all, I am getting the following error, please can anybody let me know cause of this error org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryE xception: Expected positional parameter count: 3, actual parameters: The below ...

89. "org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation .AnnotationSessionFactoryBean"    forum.springsource.org

"org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation .AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" Hi, i havy a nasty (most likely easy to solve, but obviously not for me) issue with org.springframework.orm.hibernate.annotation.Annot ationSessionFactoryBean class. It is referenced in my applicationContext.xml: Code:

91. cannot find jar containing org.springframework.orm.jpa.support.JpaDaoSupport    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I am extremely new in using the spring framework, so I started working with a tutorial which I found from IBM's website. The tutorial is creating a class which ...

92. org.springframework.orm.jpa - Where's the source?    forum.springsource.org

I'm looking for the source so I can extend the JpaTransactionManager and inject user credentials into DataSource.getConnection(username,password). Any idea where or alternatives to this approach? Thanks, Phil

93. DOM versus ORM    forum.springsource.org

DOM versus ORM I'm trying to clarify in my own mind where the seperation between the Domain Object Model (DOM) sits and any potential Object Relational Mapping (ORM) "layer" in a ...

94. org.springframework.orm-2.5.5.A bundle showing uses conflict    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.orm-2.5.5.A bundle showing uses conflict Hi We have an OSGi application running perfectly with spring orm 2.5.2 and hibernate bundles. When Spring orm bundle is upgraded to 2.5.5.A, the application breaks ...

95. Class org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder does not implement the requeste    forum.springsource.org

Aug 20th, 2008, 10:54 PM #1 rdelaplante View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Aug 2008 Posts 54 Class org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerHolder does not implement the requeste Hi, After having ...

96. org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateObject RetrievalFailureException: Norow    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateObject RetrievalFailureException: Norow can any one help me out.i am trying to do a simple application on struts+springs+hibernate.(using mysql) when i am running the application i am getting the following error. ...

97. ORM + Hibernate3 - Which bundles?    forum.springsource.org

Hi! Can someone please tell me which bundles I need to use Spring ORM and Hibernate3 on Equinox? I already got a working Spring-DM application. Any ideas? Best regards, Fabian

98. Source code for spring-orm    forum.springsource.org

All, Could someone please point me to the source for Spring-orm 1.2.7 (as a zip file or as a CVS repo)? I am trying to debug an issue with Kodo-Jdo and ...

99. Spring ORM    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Spring's documentation on Hibernate says that in production environments, transaction management must be done using JTA. Servers like websphere provide transaction management, is it advisable to delegate this to the ...

100. Unit testing Spring ORM methods. Please help!!    forum.springsource.org

Unit testing Spring ORM methods. Please help!! Hi, I don't know if this is the proper forum for this but I am hoping I can get a reply. We are using ...