1. Getting the correct Hibernate template in a generic Spring CRUD DAO stackoverflow.comI'm still quite new to Spring, and I've found it to irritating making all these CRUD DAOs, so I've made a "public class GenericCRUDDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport implements CRUDDAO". In my service ... |
2. Generating simple crud applications in Spring based off existing database or hibernate configurations? stackoverflow.comI'm attempting to learn Spring MVC but have been spoiled by Grails. While I am able to get a basic web application working I was wondering if there were any tools ... |
3. Single DAO & generic CRUD methods (JPA/Hibernate + Spring) stackoverflow.comFollowing my previous question, DAO and Service layers (JPA/Hibernate + Spring), I decided to use just a single DAO for my data layer (at least at the beginning) in an ... |
4. Basic CRUD application using spring and Hibernate stackoverflow.comI have to develop a base implementation using spring MVC and hibernate that will show "search", "edit", "Add" "OK" and "Cancel" button in every pages, and each page will represent a ... |
5. How to build a GenericDao without repeating CRUD, with Spring JPA and Hibernate stackoverflow.comI have the following situation.
6. Spring+Hibernate CRUD app with prev/next page forum.springsource.orgSpring+Hibernate CRUD app with prev/next page Hi, I want to use an HibernateTemplate based form to admin records in a table. Mapping works fine, i did a small DAO which fetchs ... |
7. help with simple CRUD/Hibernate config forum.springsource.orghelp with simple CRUD/Hibernate config I'm just trying to test simple CRUD using Spring,Hibernate,Tomcat,MySQL - without any success so far. Classes that extend HibernateDAOSupport have NPEs on calls such as: getHibernateTemplate().save(pojoObj) ... |
8. Lucene Indexes are not updating when i did CRUD Operations on Hibernate Objects forum.springsource.orgJan 22nd, 2007, 04:17 AM #1 srinikanta View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2007 Posts 12 Lucene Indexes are not updating when i did CRUD ... |
9. CRUD Dao with spring+hibernate forum.springsource.orgCRUD Dao with spring+hibernate Hi, I would like to have your comments about the methods I use to make a crud with spring+hibernate. My dao is working without problem but i ... |