binding « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Spring MVC form:select Tag, multiple selections not binding correctly?

I am trying to create a form to edit an existing database row. I am using the Spring MVC form tag to auto bind the html to a form backing object. ...

2. How do I use Spring's IdToEntityConverter to do my Entity Type Conversion during form binding?

I'm sick of writing extending PropertyEditorSupport for every single Entity in my system. I notice that Spring 3.0 has an IdToEntityConverter, but there is really not much documentation on how to use ...

3. Hibernate, Spring and SLF4J Binding

I'm trying to setup a webapp with maven2 managed dependcies. Here my pom.xml

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

4. spring-mvc + jpa: data binding

I have simple application which manages football teams and matches. I am using JPA, in the form editMatch.jsp i have property team_1, team_2 (instance of class Team) for choosing the ...

5. How to bind spring MVC jsp page to two classes

I have two classes Person and Passport. Passport has foreignkey = personid. This is my controller

model.addAttribute("personAttribute", new Person());
<form:form modelAttribute="personAttribute" method="POST" action="${saveUrl}">

6. Do i always need to explicitly set sub objects while saving Hibernate main Object

I have Class Person

public Person() {
    //passports = new AutoPopulatingList<Passport>(Passport.class); 
    passports = new AutoPopulatingList<Passport>(new PassportFactory(this));

@Column(name = "PERSON_ID")
 public Integer getId() {
  return id;

7. How to bind uuid field with spring mvc and hibernate

I have entity class which is annotated with hibernate and MySQL. I want to generate a UUID and insert it in the user table.

  1. How can I map that field with hibernate?
  2. How ...

8. Spring MVC - Child entity lost after submit

I'm going to try to explain my problem as completely and shortly as I can... A web application, made on Spring MVC 2.5 + Hibernate + Java 6 (not using annotation!). I've got ...

9. Hibernate hashsets binding in Spring

When autogenerating POJOS in Netbeans, hibernate makes hashsets out of table relationships like: However, i haven't yet still been able to figure out how to bind these sets on Spring ...

10. Spring MVC + JPA - Binding/Updating Associated Entities

Some of this question is related to JPA, but it's more about approaches than technology so hopefully someone will be able to offer advice. I'm using Spring MVC and Hibernate to power ...

11. How to bind composite key Spring

How to bind composite key Spring I have ProductItemVO class contains instance a class is composite key named ProductItemPk ProductItemVO class Code: @Entity @Table(name="product_item",schema="public") @AssociationOverrides({ @AssociationOverride(name = "pk.item", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name ...

12. Hibernate binding

13. Spring MVC + JPA - Binding/Updating Associated Entities

Spring MVC + JPA - Binding/Updating Associated Entities Hi all, Some of this question is related to JPA, but it's more about approaches than technology so hopefully someone will be able ...

14. Form Binding with HashSet fields generated by Hibernate

Hi Experts, I generated classes for hibernate domains from database: private Set formAttributes = new HashSet(0); In JSP I tried: I ...

15. Binding map values with non-string keys?

Binding map values with non-string keys? I need help convincing Spring to bind to a map which has non-String keys. It may not be possible, in which case, some suggestions as ...

16. using bind with hibernate domain objects with nested props

using bind with hibernate domain objects with nested props I am using domain classes with hibernate mappings as command objects in my commandcontroller (SimpleFormController). I have a Person class that has ...

17. Binding map keys which contain (nested) brackets ([])

Binding map keys which contain (nested) brackets ([]) I'm binding several values to a map, and from time to time, the map key will contain square brackets. This results in some ...

18. Bind to Hashmap Key

I need to modify the key of a hashmap. Is it possible to bind to the key and update it? I can so far only update the value. Thanks.

19. Binding to a Map with non-string keys.

Binding to a Map with non-string keys. Hey, I have a map whose keys are BigDecimals, and whenever I try to bind to a value in the Map, I get a ...

20. How to connect spring:bind to a non-string map key?

How to connect spring:bind to a non-string map key? hi! In my project I have to access a map. The map key is a custom java POJO with an id string ...

21. Binding command objects loaded by Hibernate

Binding command objects loaded by Hibernate Hi, I'm trying to use Spring form tag library (from Spring 2.0) and bind some command objects with map and collection which will be saved ...

22. Nested / Recursive Class - Binding error (Spring / Hibernate)

Nested / Recursive Class - Binding error (Spring / Hibernate) I've got a Tab table which has the following columns: ID Name URL PARENT_TAB_ID --> points back to ID if the ...

23. How to spring:bind a join table with composite-keys

How to spring:bind a join table with composite-keys I think this is something common and I am hoping someone could give me some insights on my problems as follow: I have ...

24. Binding Error with multipe fields - parent/child - FormBackingObject

Jul 27th, 2007, 05:22 PM #1 sjhyam View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 4 Binding Error with multipe fields - parent/child - FormBackingObject ...

25. JNDI binding issue [Tomcat + Spring + Hibernate]

Oct 17th, 2007, 12:55 AM #1 balamurali View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2007 Location Bangalore, India Posts 1 JNDI binding issue [Tomcat + Spring ...

26. Late binding with embedded key

When using late binding with an embedded key, the late binding only happens once. I was able to reproduce this by modifying slightly one of the spring-batch-samples unit test. Late binding ...

27. Binding problems with a OneToOne map

Binding problems with a OneToOne map Hi, in my web project exists two classes:one project class and one Cron class. What i want to do is that i can bind the ...

28. problem with hibernate + web flow binding

This might ba a bit lame but I'm experiencing some problems with joining hibernate mapped classes and web flow 2.0. When fetching object i get java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSet. How do I solve ...

29. Uploading a File and binding it to an entity

Hi, I have an entity that among other fields should have a file associated with it. I found the upload tutorial, but somehow I don't know yet how to do the ...

30. Spring+Hibernate Dynamicn Binding

Apr 15th, 2010, 03:11 AM #1 eswarloges View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Posts 10 Spring+Hibernate Dynamicn Binding Hi I am using spring and ...

31. Using an object as a map key in a bind path

Using an object as a map key in a bind path I'm having trouble figuring out how I can use an object as a map key for spring binding. I have ...

32. Bind to specific key in map?

Bind to specific key in map? I can bind html controls to specific elements of lists via if "foos" is a property of type java.util.List on the command object. ...

33. Composite primary key nested class not binding properly.

The UI portion does not bind the entered data to the fields of the identifier type. The fields of the identifier type class end up being null. Would a custom binder ...

34. Binding entities to your view

Binding entities to your view Hi guys, We've been binding entities directly to our views quite successfully using the different PropertyEditors. We are now running into 2 situations which seem to ...