1. Is there a recommend way to get Spring 2.5+ to autowire Hibernate domain objects stackoverflow.comIs there a recommend way to get Spring 2.5+ to autowire Hibernate (3.0+) domain objects. I realize that there is a way to do this using AspectJ ( |
2. Could not autowire field, but I have the definition stackoverflow.comMy app-config.xml has a definition for my UserDao bean:
I have my component scanning:
3. Cannot autowire child bean (defined in a web context) from root context stackoverflow.comI have a bean in the root context (ApplicationContext) which autowires another bean in a WebContext and it's throwing:
4. How to pass a HashMap of properties to an Autowired bean in Spring? stackoverflow.comInstead of instantiating a
5. Autowiring HibernateInterceptor as Advice stackoverflow.comI am trying to use HibernateInterceptor as a Advice and I am trying to autowire it. The code is as follows,
6. Autowired filed is still null stackoverflow.comI have the following class (which is a JPA entity listener):
7. Spring : @PersistenceContext and @Autowired thread safety? stackoverflow.combased on this example :
Please help ... |
8. Hibernate entity autowire stackoverflow.comCan you please advice me, how can I nicely enable Spring autowiring for Hibernate entities? Let's say I have an entity and would like to have mail-sender there:
9. Little trouble with hibernate autowire in a spring project, bean not found error stackoverflow.comi wanted to try the
i have a manager class which knows how to create any POJO ... |
10. Spring 3 unit testing stackoverflow.comI'm trying to write a unit test for my DAO class, but the thing is I get this error:
11. Why Spring tc localhost server throw nullPointerException instead of autowiring? stackoverflow.comI'm struggling for a problem that seems to be stupid but that I can't understand. I'm testing a very simple servlet using the localhost server provided with SpringSource. This is the meaningful ... |
12. Autowired issue with Spring test stackoverflow.comI have spent hours trying to figure out why my code will thow the following exception. At this point, I am hoping that someone can be more clever than I ... |
13. autowire exception while trying to set up spring and jpa with hibernate adapters stackoverflow.comI'm trying to make a project using Spring MVC and JPA but I have a problem when I'm trying to launch the app - there's an exception that looks like this ... |
14. Spring 3.0 + Hibernate JPA Implementation - Autowiring not working forum.springsource.orgSpring 3.0 + Hibernate JPA Implementation - Autowiring not working I am stuck on this issue. I have a simple DAO test case to test out its features. I am persisting ... |
15. spring-data-jpa Repository @Autowired throw exception forum.springsource.orgMay 1st, 2011, 03:05 PM #1 Shishir.Kumar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2011 Posts 24 spring-data-jpa Repository @Autowired throw exception I am trying to ... |
16. @Configuration with autowired child configuration in Dispatcher servlet configuration forum.springsource.org@Configuration with autowired child configuration in Dispatcher servlet configuration Hi there, I'm trying to follow the examples of http://static.springsource.org/sprin...-container-web This is to try to migrate from standard xml configured to annotation ... |
17. Spring Load Time Weaving doesn't autowire fields in JPA entity listener forum.springsource.orgSpring Load Time Weaving doesn't autowire fields in JPA entity listener I configured Spring LTW and have a JPA entity listener that gets some fields autowired. LTW is launched and processes ... |
18. HibernateInterceptor: unable to able to autowire forum.springsource.orgHibernateInterceptor: unable to able to autowire Hi, I'm trying to use the HibernateInterceptor like so: Code: |