Spring vs JPA « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Spring vs Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

Just trying to get my head round Spring and figuring out how I wire up an Oracle connection in xml config file, and now find out I need yet another framework! ...

2. many-to-many (self referencing problem) vs double one-to-many    stackoverflow.com

I'm facing some of the problem some of you already talked about and sorry to bring this out again. It's just like I still don't get certain aspect of hibernate. I'm using ...

3. Hibernate vs. JPA+Hibernate    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Is there any advantage for using Hibernate via JPA with Spring over using Hibernate with Spring considering future plans for Spring JPA support ? I know there is already JPA ...

4. JPA ExtendedEntityManagerCreator vs SharedEntityManagerCreator w/hibernate    forum.springsource.org

JPA ExtendedEntityManagerCreator vs SharedEntityManagerCreator w/hibernate I'm really confused about a particular flow. (This is somewhat complex, and focused on spring internals) - In SharedEntityManagerCreator$SharedEntityManagerInvo cationHandler.invoke() where the method is "persist" - ...

5. TransactionSynchronizationManager on Hibernate vs JPA    forum.springsource.org

TransactionSynchronizationManager on Hibernate vs JPA Hi, I try to simulate the OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter for my test (test at service level). so i do something like that (inspired by the filter code) public ...

6. JPA vs. hibernate    forum.springsource.org

While going through the airline example provided with SpringWS I came across the JPA DAO. I wonder what the advantages of using JPA over using plain hibernate are? Furthermore I wonder ...

7. AbstractTableMasterForm vs Hibernate    forum.springsource.org

AbstractTableMasterForm vs Hibernate Hi, I just bumped into a "org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection, no session or session was closed" problem. I implemented my code according to this : ...

8. ContextLoaderListener vs DispatcherServlet and JPA    forum.springsource.org

ContextLoaderListener vs DispatcherServlet and JPA I am trying to setup Spring 3.0 to use Annotation based config. I have a specific RPC mechanism I have setup properly with a Spring URL ...

9. j2ee vs struct vs spring vs hibernate    forums.oracle.com