Sequence « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Hibernate and strange behavior with DB2 sequences

I am using Hibernate with Spring and DB2. I am using sequences to generate primary key for entities. All entities use the same sequence HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE, which is the hibernate default. The problem ...

2. sequence generators are getting ignored

I'm getting the following error while saving a object. However similar configuration is working for other model objects in my projects. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@Table(name = "ENROLLMENT_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS", schema ...

3. Strange DB2 JPA sequence generation

I found the sequences in my JPA project using eclipselink, spring and db were not generated continuously. JPA seems retrieve the next cached sequence numbers even the current sequence numbers don't ...

4. Problem calling Oracle Sequence from Hibernate DAO

Problem calling Oracle Sequence from Hibernate DAO There may be a better way to do this but I have to use a table with a composite key which is comprised of ...

5. Hibernate3 + Oracle Sequence.

Hibernate3 + Oracle Sequence. I created a sequence in Oracle 10g named "seq_customerid". And want to use it on Customer table. I know that the Hibernate mapping (customer.hbm.xml) will have

6. Sequence not picked up by Hibernate

Sequence not picked up by Hibernate For some reason Hibernate doesn't pick up the Oracle sequence to generate a unique identifier in the query. In PostgresQL which also uses sequences my ...

7. help me understand hibernate sequence

AllocationSize means that the sequence generator reserves a batch of sequence id's of this size and caches them so it doesn't have to go to the database to get a new ...