QueryForInt « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. What does SimpleJDBCTemplate.queryForInt do when the database returns null?    stackoverflow.com

What does SimpleJDBCTemplate.queryForInt do when the SQL query's actual result is null? In particular, what happens if I run queryForInt("select max(foo) from f") and f has no rows? While I'm on this subject, ...

2. Which method is faster?QueryForRowSet or QueryForInt    forum.springsource.org

Which method is faster?QueryForRowSet or QueryForInt Hi, I am about to tune the performance of a method. The main purpose of the method is to get the number out from the ...

3. queryforint compiled?    forum.springsource.org

queryforint compiled? I'm looking into which methods I am going to be using from the JdbcTemplate. I want to use prepared statements. So far I have figured out that prepared statements ...

4. Question on JdbcTemplate.udpate and JdbcTemplate.queryForInt...    forum.springsource.org

SqlUpdate su = new SqlUpdate(ds, "delete from Archive where convert(varchar(11), date) = ? "); su.declareParameter(new SqlParameter("delete", Types.VARCHAR)); su.compile();

5. queryForInt() exception issue    forum.springsource.org

queryForInt() exception issue when i use getSimpleJdbcTemplate().queryForInt() and if there is 0 or more then one results, i receive IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException . it is fine, but i think it could be better. ...

6. SP call and queryForInt    forum.springsource.org

org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SP(?, ?)]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect syntax near '@P0'.

7. DataAccessException in queryForInt method    forum.springsource.org

DataAccessException in queryForInt method Hi All, I'm executing below query select count(0) from EMPLOYEE where DEPT_NO = ? I'm executing this query with 'queryForInt' method, When I'm passing DEPT_NO '20' it ...