Inject 2 « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. EntityManager not injected

EntityManager not injected Right before the first use of my EntityManager, I check for null and log a debug message: 2010-07-01 16:18:06,006 DEBUG [main] services.MobileAccountServices ( - mobileEntityManager is still null!!! ...

2. Issue of EntityManager injection

Issue of EntityManager injection Why my EntityManager always be null? my source code: @PersistenceContext(unitName = "Test_PU") EntityManager em; configuration file: persistence.xml org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence com.myorg.springmvctutorial.web.pojo.Test a ...

3. Injection another class to the same field in parent class and child

Injection another class to the same field in parent class and child I'm not good at English, sorry. Please teach the way of injection another class to the same field in ...

4. Problem injection EntityManagerFactory

Sep 20th, 2010, 04:36 PM #1 Promachos View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2008 Location France Posts 18 Problem injection EntityManagerFactory spring version used : ...

5. IllegalStateException (Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JA

IllegalStateException (Entity manager has not been injected (is the Spring Aspects JA Im using spring roo on a mac in either eclipse or STS and I keep randomly getting this errror ...

6. Spring+Hibernate model/POJO question with entity injection

Spring+Hibernate model/POJO question with entity injection Our design has an abstract class called AbstractHome that has a bunch of find, saveOrUpdate, etc methods. We have an interface called Home. We then ...

7. EntityManagerFactory injection problem for Multiple PersistentUnits

EntityManagerFactory injection problem for Multiple PersistentUnits Hi, I have two DBs(both Postgres) and have defined two persistence units(one for each DB) and in turn defined two EntitManagerFactories one for each DB/PersistenceUnit. ...

8. How to inject a non-entity to a Domain Object

How to inject a non-entity to a Domain Object Not sure if this is a roo issue or me misunderstanding JPA Entities. Shouldn't I be able to have a reference to ...

9. Dependency Injection in JPA Entity Listener

Hi, I have a JPA Entity Listener attached to my domain objects and I am trying to inject a service into the Entity Listener and I am having problems. I am ...

10. DAO injection with Hibernate Factory implementation

DAO injection with Hibernate Factory implementation Hi, i have followed the hibernate Factory implementation which uses abstractDAO for all my DAOs. I now need to inject my DAOs which extends this ...