Httpinvoker « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. HttpInvoker & Hibernate

Hi, I have tried to get lazy initialization of Hiberntate collections to work from HttpInvoker calls with no luck. Questions: Is this possible at all? If so, what is the required ...

2. httpInvoker and Hibernate

Hello! I have small problem... I'm developing application in client-server model. Server is tomcat (spring + hibernate application). Client is normal Swing app. I'm trying to invoke bussiness methods of DAO ...

3. HttpInvoker with Hibernate

HttpInvoker with Hibernate Hi, i am just on a rich client project where i need call save(parentObject) with hibernate remotely through HTTPINVOKER. The parentObject has a one-2-many relationship to childObject. both ...

4. HttpInvoker with Hibernate

HttpInvoker with Hibernate Hi, i am just on a rich client project where i need call save(parentObject) with hibernate remotely through HTTPINVOKER. The parentObject has a one-2-many relationship to childObject. both ...

5. LazyLoadingException with Spring, Hibernate, Teneo and HttpInvoker

LazyLoadingException with Spring, Hibernate, Teneo and HttpInvoker Dear All, the title say all. I try to use the OpenSessionInViewFilter but I alway receive the org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNotOfRequire dTypeException: Bean named 'idMeinRemoteDienst' must be ...