HibernateCursorItemReader « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. HibernateCursorItemReader - scrollable result sets are not enabled    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader - scrollable result sets are not enabled Hi, I have a Spring Batch job, which uses HibernateCursorItemReader for reading some items from SQL Server 2008 database. The job has worked ...

2. Composite HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Composite HibernateCursorItemReader Hi, I'm trying to write a Composite HibernateCursorItemReader, where the stream will use some result values as input params. I wondering when the method "open" is called, because the ...

3. HibernateCursorItemReader from other job overriding first job    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader from other job overriding first job I have 3 jobs, each with a org.springframework.batch.item.database.HibernateC ursorItemReader with a different queryString property and each is named differently. In each job I set ...

4. Retry test with HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Retry test with HibernateCursorItemReader Hi, I'm a newbie with Spring Batch and am using RC1. I encountered a problem when testing 'retry' with HibernateCursorItemReader. Here's my case: read 5 records from ...

5. Skipping bad records with HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Trying to skip bad records with HibernateCursorItemReader. Using SkipLimitStepFactoryBean right and defining skipLimit to 10 The skippableException is correctly thrown, and so skipCount incremented. But the reader (HibernateCursorItemReader) keeps reading the ...

6. HibernateCursorItemReader arguments    forum.springsource.org

Quick question - this may be obvious but I haven't been able to find a solution - I'm trying to pass some arguments to an hql query in a HibernateCursorItemReader. Specifically, ...

7. HibernateCursorItemReader & Atomikos    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader & Atomikos Hi, I have defined a job that reads from a MySQL database using HibernateCursorItemReader & writes each item to a JMS queue using an ItemWriterAdapter delegating to a ...

9. HibernateCursorItemReader and statefulsession    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader and statefulsession hi, from javadoc of HibernateCursorItemReader : "When stateful session is used it will be cleared after successful commit without being flushed (no inserts or updates are expected)." the ...

10. Entity mapping with HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Entity mapping with HibernateCursorItemReader Hi All, I use a HibernateCursorItemReader as delegate to and custom ItemReader in order to pass arguments to my hibernate query like this Code: public final class ...

11. Question related to HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Question related to HibernateCursorItemReader I have a question related to the usage of ItemWriteListener and ItemReadListener. My configuration is as follows

12. HibernateCursorItemReader(Cannot open an already opened ItemReader, call close first)    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader(Cannot open an already opened ItemReader, call close first) Hi all , i got Cannot open an already opened ItemReader, call close first exception when using HibernateCursorItemReader class as itemreader. my ...

13. HibernateCursorItemReader queryName parameters    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I'm experiencing problems using HibernateCursorItemReader and trying to add parameters to my queryName. I thought I found a solution on the following thread : http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?t=73562 I tried the last solution ...

14. fetchsize not configurable for HibernateCursorItemReader in 2.1RC1    forum.springsource.org

fetchsize not configurable for HibernateCursorItemReader in 2.1RC1 Hi, We started using the latest RC of Spring batch RC1, and we found out that HibernateCursorItemReader doesn't expose anymore fetchsize. by looking at ...

15. HibernateCursorItemReader and JTASessionContext    forum.springsource.org

HibernateCursorItemReader and JTASessionContext I'm using Spring Batch to do the following processing: 1. Read series of entities from database using HibernateCursorItemReader. 2. Process each entity in the custom ItemProcessor. The processor ...

16. Using JobParams in a HibernateCursorItemReader    forum.springsource.org

Using JobParams in a HibernateCursorItemReader I'm trying to use late binding of the JobParams in a HibernateCursorItemReader. Here is my bean config: Code: