Criteria « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Some help with hibernate Criteria query

Can somebody please help me complete / clean up this query. I am trying to first get the number of rows in the table, then I need to actually fetch ...

2. Hibernate - setProjection after Criteria after Criteria

why is this not possible?

Criteria crit1 =  sess.createCriteria(Criteria1Class.class);
Criteria crit2 = crit1.createCriteria("criteria2Class");

List<String> l2 = crit2.list();
If I use this construction I get the error:
could not resolve property: criteria2Property of:
offcourse criteria2Property doesn't ...

3. Using Hibernate-Search for Complex Queries instead of Criteria API

In an app using Wicket+Spring+JPA/Hibernate stack, I have an Inbox/Search page which should have quite complex search capabilities, where records saved in a database are filtered using a myriad of filtering ...

4. Criteria Join Not Working On Composite Table

I can not retrieve the two properties in one call with a select on a composite embeddable key table. I am grabbing the count first, then paging. Same logic ...

5. Hibernate Criteria resulting in cartisian product not so with HSQL: Spring Template issue?

I have two entities :Customer and Address Lets say John (Customer) has Five addresses, then

the below two methods give me different results

import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate;

    public List<Customer> ...

6. How to use criteria concept of Smart GWT in Spring code?

Please have a look on Smart GWT code--

ListGrid courseGrid = new ListGrid();

courseGrid.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {


7. Hibernate criteria problem with composite key

I got this hibernate mapping:

<class name="CoverageTerm" table="coverage_term">

    <composite-id name="id" class="CoverageTermPK">
        <key-many-to-one name="productTerm" class="ProductTerm">

8. Criteria listing query with restriction on sub entity non primary key issue

I want to use hibernate criteria with restriction on sub entity non key field for listing objects. criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("template.orientation", orientation)); where "template.orientation" is a field in articleTemplate.template when I am trying to run this ...

9. Querying on enum's method in Hiberate Criteria API

I have an @Entity which has an @Enumerated field mapped to it:

public class Device implements Serializable {

    private Long id;

10. Create dynamic hibernate criteria query with subcriteria

I have java class with have some field marked as @SearchCriteria(criteria = "class1.class2.field"). "criteria" option inside annotation mean for with class this field should be set as hibernate criteria, it mean ...

11. Hibernate criteria with projection doesn't return the enitity on which criteria is implemented

I'm using spring-hibernate and using HibernateDAOSupport class. I have two tables mapped to each other in one-to-many fashion. I'm implementing the below criteria

 DetachedCriteria criteria = getCriteria( "a" )

12. NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/criteria/Selection

NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/criteria/Selection Hi, I am using JPA 2.0 in my spring 3.0.5 project for the first time and get the following exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/criteria/Selection at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Cla at ...

13. Using Criteria

May 26th, 2011, 03:09 AM #1 ropo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 4 Using Criteria Hi, I am trying to use Criteria ...

14. Can't find method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder - Hibernate 3.5.1-Final

Can't find method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder - Hibernate 3.5.1-Final Hello, With Hibernate 3.5.1-Final, I got the following error when I deployed the war file onto tomcat 6.0.8. Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.EntityManager.getCriteriaBuilder ()Ljavax/persistence/criteria/CriteriaBuilder; at ...

15. unclosed connection with hibernate criteria

unclosed connection with hibernate criteria Hello, i am trying to make a simple Criteria load operation using Hibernate and Spring. But method gives a "unclosed connection" warning after the operation. Here ...

16. Add Order to Derived Column using Criteria Builder

Add Order to Derived Column using Criteria Builder Hi, I have two POJO's. public class department { private String id; private String name; ..... } public class User { private String ...

17. using hibernate criteria and filters

Hi everybody, I am using spring with hibernate by extending the HibernateDaoSupport class and by using the getHibernateTemplate() method. But it does no provide any direct way to create hibernate criteria... ...

18. querying by Date using Criteria

querying by Date using Criteria Hello, I have a table in the DB that has a date as a primary key (called cobdate). i need to select data from a certain ...

19. Spring and Hibernate Criteria

Spring and Hibernate Criteria I have just started using Spring w/Hibernate 3.0. Currently I have the following methods in my existing DAO code, how do I use use the Criteria class ...

20. How to use hibernate criteria API smartly

How to use hibernate criteria API smartly Hi all, I am new to Spring + Hibernate and thinking about the architecture problem when using the Hibernate Criteria. In my existing small ...

21. How to use Hibernate Criteria queries from Spring DAO tier?

How to use Hibernate Criteria queries from Spring DAO tier? Hi guys, This issue might have been considered long time ago, yet as the forum does not have searching functionality (at ...

22. Criteria Query with Hibernate Template

Criteria Query with Hibernate Template With HibernateTemplate, we have findByCriteria(org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCri teria criteria) Not sure how create the Criteria object to supply the paramter to the above method, as I need to ...

23. spring, hibernate3 & the Criteria API

spring, hibernate3 & the Criteria API I was wanting to use the Hibernate's Criteria interface to remove the previous building of SQL in the code. For example: ...find("from Status st where ...

24. Need Help with Hibernate Criteria Query

Need Help with Hibernate Criteria Query I am having a miserable time with a Hibernate criteria class. I know that the mappings are correct (and working with my other methods), but ...

25. Hibernate: namedQuery and Criteria

Hibernate: namedQuery and Criteria Hi all In my app I defined a couple of queries in a hbm.xml files, to simplify handling the data via GenericDao. Now I want to use ...

26. How to return distinct Object based on Criteria-Restriction

Hi! I am trying to return distinct objects from the database based on the query as: List list=null; Session session = getSession(); list = session.createCriteria(Experience.class) .add("companyName",companyName+"%")) .list(); session.close(); return list; ...

27. Criteria query does not work :(

Criteria query does not work :( hi all, i am writing an app that uses spring with hibernate... and oddly enough, none of my Criteria query works.... when i checked the ...

28. Can BeanFactory return a bean based on runtime criteria?

I have a need to get a bean from the bean factory based on some runtime criteria, e.g. Code: if (productType.equals("electronics")) taxCalculator = (TaxCalculator)beanFactory.getBean("electronicsTaxCalculator"); else if (productType.equals("appliance")) taxCalculator = (TaxCalculator)beanFactory.getBean("applianceTaxCalculator"); The ...

29. Exposing Hibernate Criteria in Domain Repository

Exposing Hibernate Criteria in Domain Repository I have a domain repository IRestaurantRepository, which is being used for all query purposes on the Restaurant domain entity. Now the implementation of the repository ...

30. How to dynamically get the bean of same interface based on criteria

How to dynamically get the bean of same interface based on criteria I have an interface and class implementation like the following: I would like when the program accepts the authentication ...

31. Hibernate - for more than one criteria

Hibernate - for more than one criteria Hi all, I am new to Spring framework. I got stuck up with a problem in my Search page. The search has to be ...

32. Hibernate - Criteria API

Hi all, I need to understand the usuage of Criteria API for my multiple search operation. I am using Eclipse 3.2 IDE for my development. Where can I get information about ...

33. JPA Criteria API

I've read somewhere Spring was going to include Criteria API for JPA (QBC and QBE) at some point. So, just in case you didn't see it : there's some code (written ...

34. Using Hibernate Criteria API with unmapped classes

Using Hibernate Criteria API with unmapped classes Hi all, I have a class mapped to a DB table that references another, unmapped table to get information about the tips - this ...

35. using date functions in hibernate criteria restrictions (non-HQL)

hmm maybe try Code: WHERE ? between '1/01/07' AND '2/01/07' in criteria speak, criteria.add(Expression.and( Expression.gte(date, dateUtil.firstOfMonth(date)),, dateUtil.firstOfNextMonth(date))); I fully encourage you to come up with your own DateUtil bean for ...

36. Criteria Query with Composite Id

Criteria Query with Composite Id I have a Search screen for searching with variable number of conditions i.e. dynamically add "and condition" to where clause in the Query. Hence i am ...

37. Criteria query.list() returns results but item in the List is null

Criteria query.list() returns results but item in the List is null Criteria query.list() returns results as expected but the item in the List is null when working with pojo having composite ...

38. Spring JPA and Hibernate Criteria

Hi all, My springconfiguration is based on JPA with only an entityManagerFactorydataSource and a datasource. Now I would like to use Hibernate Criteria. How do I retrieve a Hibernate Criteria object? ...

39. hibernate criteria api and

hibernate criteria api and Hello I have a little problem, I try to do select with a hibernate criteria api. All the time my program print wrong, if i try ...

40. Multi-Search Criteria using Criteria API

Multi-Search Criteria using Criteria API I am using Springs ORM HibernateTemplate We are having a situation of building a query for search screen using three different Views . Wondering if i ...

41. criteria query dott notation

criteria query dott notation Hi, i'm getting an error while executing a criteria query with Hibernate. I'm using dott notation to make the query, and it says that cannot find the ...

42. Problem querying by hibernate criteria...

The following two methods return a different number of objects. The one done by criteria returns duplicate objects for one row in the table. I do not understand why they should ...

43. Joins in Hibernate Criteria API

Joins in Hibernate Criteria API Hi All: I have searched a lot all over the Web and some books. I am getting the impression that you cannot do joins on TWo ...

44. Hibernate Criteria question

Hibernate Criteria question Hello, I have a question about how to retrieve a list of Pojo's using the criteria object. The object(s) I want to fetch are the PublicationStyle (see below). ...

45. Convert SQL to Hibernate Criteria

Convert SQL to Hibernate Criteria Hi Experts My self Ceezane and I am a new member of this forum. Will you pls help me to convert below mentioned SQL Query into ...

46. Criteria & Query

Criteria & Query hi i m having problem with the query Code: select code, firstName, lastName, area from com.model.Client e, com.model.Address a where = e.address.addressId and a.area like '%garden%' and ...

47. HibernateTemplate.findByCriteria(criteria) causing dirty objects

HibernateTemplate.findByCriteria(criteria) causing dirty objects Hello, I am new to hibernate + spring so I might have some basic problems. How ever I have not been able to find to solution to ...

48. MapSqlParameterSource Vs Hibernate Criteria

MapSqlParameterSource Vs Hibernate Criteria Code: int count = getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update( "update products set description = :description, price = :price where id = :id", new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("description", prod.getDescription()) .addValue("price", prod.getPrice()) .addValue("id", prod.getId())); Code: Criteria ...

49. create Criteria Query results

May 5th, 2008, 05:55 AM #1 drumil View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2008 Posts 11 create Criteria Query results Hi, I am retrieving the ...

50. Criteria Query with setFetchMode and pagination

Criteria Query with setFetchMode and pagination i have something like Code: //psuedo createCriteria(parent). add(Restriction). setFirstResult(pageNumber * pageSize). setMaxResults(pageSize). setResultTransformer(DISTINCT_ROOT...). // weed out dupes setFetchMode("child", join). createCriteria("child). // create a new criteria ...

51. join problem with hibernate criteria

join problem with hibernate criteria helloo I have to do a special join with criteria.. below the concerned classes Code: class User long id; String login; String firstname; String company //the ...

52. Hibernate criteria [select distinct order by]

Hi, how to implement in hibernate criteria sql query like (i.e.): select distinct on (id) * FROM clock WHERE group='old' ORDER BY id, time; ? Distinct is only on 'id' parameter, ...

53. HibernateDaoSupport not sending criteria query

HibernateDaoSupport not sending criteria query Hi I am using HibernateDaoSupport in the following manner: Code: public class AdjustmentDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements AdjustmentDao { public Adjustment fetchAdjustmentById(Long id) throws DataAccessException, NpcForgeException { ...

54. problem in hibernate Criteria query on a polymorphic one-to-many relation

problem in hibernate Criteria query on a polymorphic one-to-many relation Im working on a hibernate + spring based application with following POJOs as domain model: User{ Long id; String username; String ...

55. Hibernate Criteria.list hanging

Hibernate Criteria.list hanging I have a DAO tier implementation that is using Hibernate and the Criteria object to bring back pages of data. The underlying database is MySQL 5 and the ...

56. pagination to Criteria

I have this method in my AbstractHibernateDAO Code: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected List findByCriteria(Criterion... criterion) { Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(getPersistentClass()); for (Criterion c : criterion) { crit.add(c); } return crit.list(); } in sub ...

57. Toggling between form and basic authentications based on runtime criteria

Toggling between form and basic authentications based on runtime criteria I have an authentication requirement that goes like this - At runtime, when client makes unauthenticated request to the resources, I ...

58. How to make it madatory to provide at least one search criteria in UI?

How to make it madatory to provide at least one search criteria in UI? Hi, I am trying to create a page with three fields in the page (jsp) and need ...

59. Problem with Hibernate's Criteria and groupProperty

Problem with Hibernate's Criteria and groupProperty Hi guys, right now I'm translating some HQL-code into programmed Java code using the Criteria from Hibernate. I want to select some objects of the ...

60. Criteria Based Item Readers!!

Hi, We are migrating our project from 1.0.1 to 2.0. Along with that we want to refactor some of our jobs as well. Ideally they should be using item readers/writers but ...

61. Persisted changes not found in subsequent criteria.list()

Apr 29th, 2009, 08:33 AM #1 neilrichards View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2009 Posts 4 Persisted changes not found in subsequent criteria.list() Hi, I ...

62. What I'm doing wrong with this Criteria?

Hey, The relationship between Group and Contact is one to many. I want to get the count of contacts that belongs to a group: Code: Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Integer.class); (Integer) criteria.createAlias("group", ...

63. sqlquery to criteria contain date

sqlquery to criteria contain date Hi All, how i do change this sqlquery into criteria Code: public List getMessages(Date fromDate, Date toDate){ DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); //final String query = ...

64. OpenJPA2 + Spring ORM 3.0: should import javax.persistence.criteria too?

OpenJPA2 + Spring ORM 3.0: should import javax.persistence.criteria too? Hi, Was playing around a combination of OpenJPA 2.0.0 M2 with Spring 3.0.0.M3, made a OSGi-based test environment with Pax Exam. Everything ...

65. Question about Criteria API

Question about Criteria API Maybe this is not the best place to ask this question but many of you are using Hibernate so maybe somebody know the answer. I have DetachedCriteria ...

66. criteria

Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Members.class); i called this, but i want the table sorted in member number order.. how cna i do that?? i know we can do crit.add(restrictions like .. how ...

67. hibernate criteria for a time range seach on a Date field

I have an object with a Date attribute (corresponding to a column in a table in a postgres db of type timestamp). I want to write a hibernate criteria that returns ...

68. Help With Hibernate Criteria

Help With Hibernate Criteria Hi i am trying to use the Criteria API to get data from my DB, but at my DB, i have one two tables: Producer and Product ...

69. Criteria query on a view

Criteria query on a view I am able to successfully create a criteria and query it with a unit test against an existing view. DetachedCriteria cri = DetachedCriteria.forClass(User.getClass()); cri.add(Restrictions.eq("firstName", u.getFirstName())); In ...

70. Convert SQL to criteria

I have the following query, that I need to do using Criteria. Can someone provide me an equivalent Criteria for this? SELECT * FROM EVENTS events WHERE AND date_local between ? ...

72. JPA Criteria with associated Entities

JPA Criteria with associated Entities I am having trouble with a criteria Query in spring JPA that I don't understand. Whenever I use a criteria query with a where reference to ...

77. criteria and filters using spring

78. Hibernate3 Criteria with Spring Framework