Maven « Integration « Spring Q&A

1. Using different Spring properties for integration tests

I am testing with Selenium a web application developed with Spring to check that the web application displays the right stuff for the user and that he's able to do everything ...

2. Spring + Maven: separate property files for unit tests and integration tests

I'm using Spring 2.5.6 and building my project with Maven 2.2.1. We use PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer beans in Spring to load up properties for configuring things like the database. Pretty standard stuff. We ...

3. How can I include test classes in exploded war for integration testing using Maven, Jetty & Spring?

I am trying to get integration tests going with Spring, Maven and Jetty. I have got a Jetty server to start up running my app before the integration tests start using ...

4. Spring: unit and integration tests

I'm looking for best practices for setting up unit and integration tests using Spring. I usually use 3 kind of tests:

  • "real" unit tests (no dependencies)
  • tests run either as "unit" test (in-memory db, ...

5. Which Maven Dependencies to Include for Spring BlazeDS Integration?

How can I use Maven to configure BlazeDS AMF services with Spring? Obviously, I can’t just drop jars in my /WEB-INF/lib directory; I have to include the necessary dependencies, but many ...

6. Maven-Cargo integration test crashing due to spring version uncompatibility

I am developing an integration test involving a couple of webapps, but when compiling using maven, a linkageError is given due to version inconsistency between spring and spring context, even though ...

7. Continuous integration server for continuous deployment on Java/Spring web project

I currently use maven to build, run unit tests and deploy my Java/Spring website locally. I then run selenium functional tests and run through a whole long script to deploy ...

8. Spring Integration Maven Repository

9. Junit integration test with Felix, SpringDM and maven

Junit integration test with Felix, SpringDM and maven Hi, I am struggling to create a simple junit test with SpringDM and Felix Osgi container. Below is the POM I use. For ...

10. Maven Deploy for spring-integration-smpp Sandbox project

Hello! Is there any chance to get the spring-integration-smpp Sandbox projects deployed somewhere on public accessible Maven repository? Formally it is of RELEASE version already. Thank you Yaroslav

11. Maven Integration

Maven Integration I've got hold of the project source and I'm trying to use the related Maven 2 stuff to generate a (local) site containing javadocs and source cross referencing (through ...

12. Spring Integration and Maven

Spring Integration and Maven I am trying to add Spring Integration M4 dependency to a project using Maven 2 but I just can't seem to find a way to configure the ...

13. Maven Integration

Hi, I was curious what level of Maven integration is planned for Spring Development Tools, and specifically if that integration would occur with Q4E or m2eclipse? As a side question to ...

14. Maven configured integration testing

Maven configured integration testing Have any thoughts been given to creating an integration test framework that can be completely configured from Maven. It is a pain in the hinder parts to ...

15. How to run multiple integration tests from IDE or Maven

How to run multiple integration tests from IDE or Maven Hello All, I followed Zhurakousky's tutorial, and created a project for integration testing bundles. However when I have two testcases (both ...

16. Maven Integration error on STS launch

Maven Integration error on STS launch Hi, I'm trying out STS for the first time (Version: and am receiving the following errors in a window and the console respectively on ...

17. Maven integration MavenEmbedderException

Maven integration MavenEmbedderException I have the spring ide have been creating a spring roo project i have maven setup and can run maven command line commands i created the project in ...

18. Spring integration 2.0 maven artifacts

Hi, guys. Does anybody know where I can find maven artifacts for milestone versions of spring integration 2.0. I'm using spring 3.0, and can not use integration 1.0 as of it's ...

19. Maven Repository for spring-integration-amqp 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

Hello Guys I want use this dependency Code: org.springframework.integration spring-integration-amqp 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and I use these repositories Code: com.springsource.repository.bundles.release SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository - SpringSource Bundle Releases ...

20. vldocking integration missing in maven?

Hello, Below is part of my pom and I have this on two machines, but it's been a long time since I set them up. A coworker just checked out the ...