Integration 2 « Integration « Spring Q&A

1. integration of Spring and XINS frameworks

integration of Spring and XINS frameworks Hello, I am the author of an open-source Web Services framework named XINS. XINS generates POJO from the API specification and uses a servlet to ...

2. Integration of Example with existing facelets app

Sep 18th, 2007, 09:40 PM #1 tnine View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 94 Integration of Example with existing facelets app Hi all, I'm ...

3. jruby integration improvement

jruby integration improvement Spring has supported declaring JRuby beans for some time now, but to me it seems the emphasis has been much more on integrating Ruby purely technically rather than ...

4. Spring and SCA Integration

Spring and SCA Integration I'm exploring the WebSphere Business Process products and tools to build SOA enterprise applications. The SCA/SDO specification is supported by the tooling. But the tooling is certainly ...

5. Spring and Jasper integration problem

Spring and Jasper integration problem I have problems to visualize pdf in web. My steps: 1. Generate .jrxml with iReport 2.0.2 2. Compile file and generate .jasper element I test to ...

7. Spring and Laszlo integration examples..

I've seen several posts from people which seem to indicate that they have successfully integrated their Spring app with Laszlo UI framework... Questions: 1) What are the basics of the integration ...

8. Integration with buildprocess

Hello, is there a way of letting a build process use the application-context? For example i'd like to have my unit-tests pass before i perform additional build commands. Are there other ...

9. JSP 2.0 Custom Tags and Spring Form Tags integration problem

JSP 2.0 Custom Tags and Spring Form Tags integration problem Hello, I have an application where I encapsulate a specific form tags technology (Spring Form Tags in this case) by JSP ...

10. Mina Integration

11. MINA integration

12. MQ Topic And Spring Integration

MQ Topic And Spring Integration Hi , I have just started on Spring and MQ integration with some sample programs.I am able to connect P2P mode to a Queue.But when I ...

13. Josso integration issue

Hi, I'd like to use josso to authenticate users for an existing application. The old authenticationManager looked like this: Code:

14. How get source code for Integration?

I am trying to get source from svn: $svn co spring-integration and getting svn: URL '' doesn't exist Does anybody knows what a correct url? Thanks

15. Spring Integration - Sonic MQ

Apr 27th, 2008, 09:56 PM #1 kno View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 6 Spring Integration - Sonic MQ Hi everybody, I'm trying ...

16. spring-app integration

17. Kaptcha integration

18. Spring Integration & S2AP

Has anyone tried using Spring Integration as part of a bundle in S2AP? I placed the core and adapter jars into the bundles\usr directory of S2AP. I created a bundle project ...

19. Announcement: Spring Integration Prototype

Announcement: Spring Integration Prototype I committed some prototype code using Spring Integration and Spring Batch to show how to use the Enterprise Integration Patterns to scale up batch applications. There are ...

20. Spring integration with Jasper

Spring integration with Jasper Hello, I am using Jasper with Spring and have done that so with the help of the springjasper demo. Everything is fine while running on windows environment ...

21. Spring integration with Jasper on Iseries

Spring integration with Jasper on Iseries Hello, I am using Jasper with Spring and have done that so with the help of the springjasper demo. Everything is fine while running on ...

22. Spring Integration JAVA Version

Hi, Can Springs Integration supports JAVA 1.4 version ? I am confused and not finding the documents any where.. if yet all not possbile to use,is there any work around with ...

23. Integration with mock-javamail

Hi want to plug mock-javamail into Spring to allow unit testing of a mail sender. Is there a precedant for this? Has anyone had any luck? Is there an alternative?

24. Spring Integration Custom Namepsace

25. Properties in xml configuration of spring integration

Properties in xml configuration of spring integration Hi, I want to use properties that I load (from a properties file let's say) using: In ...

26. Spring DM and EclipseLink Integration - ClassCastException

Aug 18th, 2008, 12:56 PM #1 jmirc View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2008 Posts 1 Spring DM and EclipseLink Integration - ClassCastException For your ...

27. Siteminder integration

Siteminder integration Hi, I'm trying to modify an open source application (Pentaho) that uses Acegi withing a Jboss app server. I need to integrate it with our SSO solution implemented with ...

28. PeopleSoft/Java Integration

PeopleSoft/Java Integration Has anyone else done PeopleSoft to Java integration using Spring-WS (or are there any other technologies you recommend using)? We currently have a Spring-MVC app running on Tomcat and ...

29. Flashwebpage Integration to Spring

Hi can any one help me on this issue. i want to design my home page in flash and combine it to spring and hibernate is this compatible combination ?. is ...

30. Spring integration sample source - where can I get it?

I have downloaded spring integration 1.0.0M6 but I am unable to find the source code for the sample in that package... Can I get that code somewhere ?

31. Connecting two applications using spring integration

I was wondering if it is possible to make two, for example, desktop applications work together using spring integration.... What I would like to do is expose some enpoints,.. maybe something ...

32. Spring Integration sample

Hi, Im new to Spring Integration. I would like to know how to run the sample provided for Spring Integration. Is there a step by step explanation for example showing how ...

33. Spring Integration dynamic configuration

Spring Integration dynamic configuration Good morning! We are studying for the possibility to use Spring Integration in a major project and I have a few questions. I'll post each of these ...

34. Integration with JasperReports

Hello: I am having some difficulties in integrating with JasperReports and was wondering if someone can point me to a good example that shows how things fit together end to end. ...

35. Spring Integration 1.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available

Spring Integration 1.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available Please view the official announcement where you will find links to the download, the updated Reference Documentation, and more: Also, note ...

36. Spring Integration 1.0 Release Candidate 2 is now available

Please visit the Spring Integration home where you will find links to the download, the updated Reference Documentation, and more: There is one change in RC2 that will impact most ...

37. Spring Integration 1.0 Release Candidate 2 run error

Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [] Offending resource: class path resource [fileCopyDemo-text.xml]

38. Will spring-integration Help with this use-case

Hello * I have a requirement which is as follows: 1.Server receives http request 2.Command execute Async Requests 3.Server aggregates data 4.Return response. Reading through the documentation is seems this module ...

39. Spring Integration 1.0.0 GA is now available

Spring Integration 1.0.0 GA is now available I'm sure many of you have already either discovered this download on the download page in the past few days or have seen the ...

40. build spring integration from subversion

build spring integration from subversion I am new to maven and ivy and trying to kick off ant to build from source like this: ant jar test package but I got ...

41. Spring Integration + Spring Java Config

Spring Integration + Spring Java Config 1. Almost all my beans are configured using Spring Java Config. 2. I have just added Spring Integration to my system, and plan to use ...

42. Integration with JSFUnit?

Hi, Search for jsfunit offers naught so I pose the question: Has anyone had any modicum of success implementing JSFUnit 1.0.0.GA (or prior) within a JSF web application? I have some ...

43. Sun SeeBeyond vs Spring Integration

Sun SeeBeyond vs Spring Integration Hi all, we are busy evaluating some options for a company wide integration strategy. I had a look at Spring integration already and I am quite ...

44. Spring integration error handling example question

Spring integration error handling example question Hi, I've recently started to read about Spring Integration and very much like it. I'm having a look through the examples. So far I've seen ...

45. Use Spring DM with Spring Integration

Use Spring DM with Spring Integration Hi All!, I'm testing SI during several months and I was wondering make it more dynamical. Right now I'm testing SpringDM (osgi) and I'm thinking ...

46. Spring Integration in WebSphere

I'm trying to get my test Spring Integration app (which i know works) to run inside WebSphere 6.0. I've created it as a dynamic web project to use ContextLoaderListener to initialise ...

47. [Advanced Spring][Using Spring For Integration]Common Extension Logic

[Advanced Spring][Using Spring For Integration]Common Extension Logic Hi All Spring Guys,Spring Integration-Interested Persons, Hi Spring Dev Teams: I have a problem in mind for a long time. As is well known, ...

48. spring integration with documentum

49. Spring + Cayenne Integration

Has anyone had experience with Cayenne integration in to Spring? Back in 2005 this was said to be left for the Cayenne team to implement, see: . There are examples ...

50. Spring integration Hessian or Burlap

51. IMAP IDLE using Spring Integration

IMAP IDLE using Spring Integration Hi, I have wanted to use Spring Integration in my project for receiving new mails from Mail server. Following drawbacks hinder the usage. 1. If idle ...

52. Using Spring Integration with jvm 1.4

Im getting a class version 49 , should be expected 48 when trying to embed the hello world example from spring integration into a existing java weblogic application My question ...

53. Application Integration

Application Integration Hi, I am in process of Integrating two spring apps which are using spring security,Both apps will have same passwd. Some how I got the password and Just loading ...

54. Schema problems running Spring Integration Application

Schema problems running Spring Integration Application I'm trying to run my Spring Integration application that read messages off ActiveMQ and getting the error below; Code: ClassPathXmlApplicationContext: Refreshing display name []; ...

55. Spring Integration 1.0 GA download

Can someone explain to the intent of the dist and the lib directories in the download? It seems that I need to include "both" in my classpath for things to work ...

56. URGENT: Integration with Spring:

URGENT: Integration with Spring: Hello, Please shed the light on the problem: what else is needed for OSworkflow (2.8.0) integration with Spring (2.0.8)? Integration is done ...

57. Hear podcast interview about Spring Integration!

58. Spring Integration 1.0.2 need Spring 2.5.6?

Spring Integration 1.0.2 need Spring 2.5.6? HI all, I just using Spring Integration to replace my messy JavaMail code, i use spring 2.5 from netbeans 6.5, but i got error : ...

59. POX Spring Integration

POX Spring Integration Could someone help with how to create an HTTP endpoint for accepting and returning xml? I posted part of the configuration. It correctly converts the xml into the ...

60. Spring Integration talk preparation

Spring Integration talk preparation Hello everybody. I'm going to talk about Spring Integration on a local tech meeting. The goal is to familiarize people with this framework and promote it. I ...

61. Should I use Spring Integration?

Should I use Spring Integration? I've used Spring for some while now, although I've never used Spring Integration (SI), and I'm wondering if SI is an appropriate candidate for the following ...

62. Exception trying to use integration/xml schema

Exception trying to use integration/xml schema Hello, I'm getting an exception when trying to simply use the integration/xml schema elements. If i take out the integration/xml elements in my applicationContext file, ...

63. start level integration

start level integration Hi, I'm curious if the "Start Level Integration" feature described in Appendix F2 of Spring DM reference ( is being worked on? If so, is it available to ...

64. Spring Integration and MDB

Spring Integration and MDB I'm just taking an initial look at the Spring Integration project. I really love what I see. This could shave weeks off of our development time. I'm ...

65. Spring Integration 1.0.3 source code- Build errors

I followed the following steps according to the readme.txt in build-spring-integration folder. svn co cd build-spring-integration ant jar test package To run the code within Eclipse, do the following: Import... ...

66. Please vote for Spring Integration tool support!

Here are two STS issues you can vote on to improve the SI experience: STS-145: Add forms support to the config editor for the integration namespace STS-153: Add visual editing ...

67. Availability for spring integration

68. Spring Integration BUG -classes not GC'ed ?

We have done the following use case with two bundles [Source Code attached] Channel-OutBound Bundle which has a channel defined , and events are published into the channel using gateway. Spring ...

69. Spring Integration GUI

Aug 4th, 2009, 04:18 AM #1 munger View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Location Paris, France Posts 25 Spring Integration GUI Hi ...

70. Bulletin Board Integration

Afternoon All, Right I've been looking around for a fair few hours now & I can seem to come up with a single solution. How on earth do I integrate a ...

71. Programming using Spring Integration API

Programming using Spring Integration API Hi all, I am quite new to Spring Integration, which is by the way an excellent integration tool. I have managed to use spring integration using ...

72. Spring Integration ROCKS!

Spring Integration ROCKS! I just thought I would say how much I love SI. I've actually adopted it as a simple workflow engine as part of my regular apps The whole ...

73. StrutsTestCase integration

StrutsTestCase integration Hi All, I am currently having problem with StrutsTestCase and spring integration. The problem is that every time i am running the test cases, spring's context is keep reloading ...

74. Spring Integration 1.0.3

Spring Integration 1.0.3 Hi, I am trying to upgrade to spring integration 1.0.3 from 1.0.0 and seem to be running into some problems. For some reason, if I try to put ...

75. Problem whilst compiling spring-integration source

Problem whilst compiling spring-integration source I encounter a problem that the maven complains the missing dependencies of aop and other jar files whilst compiling spring-tegration source. The spring-integration source is obtained ...

76. Newbie - Compile spring integration source question

Newbie - Compile spring integration source question I encounter a problem whilst compiling the spring integration source code. It looks like the missing of the dependencies jar files e.g. spring-aop 3.0, ...

77. Compass integration

There are no present plans to do this, although it's a great example of a third-party add-on. Just yesterday I checked into SVN trunk the first-pass at providing third-party add-on support. ...

78. Java extension using Spring Integration?

Java extension using Spring Integration? [Avatar] 2009-10-21 11:13:37 UTC Saxon works fine as XSLT and XPath engine inside Spring Integration 1.0.3. But I can not include Java extensions sucessfully. The extensions ...

79. Spring Integration Recipient List Router namespace Error

Spring Integration Recipient List Router namespace Error I am not able to use the recipient List router. It is giving me the name space error. Please suggest. Schema Configuration: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

80. Bug in Spring Integration Sample "quote" for 2.0.0M1

The context xml file (quoteDemo.xml) is not down inside the package folder, so the app can't find it. In other samples, like oddeven, it's down inside the package, and works OOTB... ...

81. Download Spring Integration 1.0.4 nightly builds

Hi all, I am logged into the Bamboo administration site for 1.0.4 nightly builds but can't find a way to download any build. Is this possible ? I am stuck with ...

82. Integration of HTML pages in jasperserver

Hi Evreybody, I am trying to integrate HTML pages in Jasperserver which is Spring based application. I tried using UrlFilenameViewControlller but no luck.Is any body tried this with Jasperserver becoz i ...

83. Spring 3.0 / ExtJS 3.0 / DirectJNgine Integration

Spring 3.0 / ExtJS 3.0 / DirectJNgine Integration Good morning, I am trying to integrate the Spring 3.0, ExtJS 3.0, and the most recent DirectJNgine. Has anyone integrated these three libraries ...

84. Spring Integration 2.0 Vs to 1.0.3

I am using Spring 1.0.3 in my projects and i am well aware of the features existng in it. Can some let me know what are the improments in 2.0 which ...

85. Issue in Integration M1 and Spring 3.0 GA

Issue in Integration M1 and Spring 3.0 GA My Gateway beans are not getting loaded. I am using Integration v2.0.0.M1 and Spring3.0.0 GA. Here is the Stack Trace for reference Cannot ...

86. problem with Spring 3.0.0 and Spring Integration

problem with Spring 3.0.0 and Spring Integration My Gateway beans are not getting loaded. I am using Integration v2.0.0.M1 and Spring3.0.0 GA. Here is the Stack Trace for reference Cannot resolve ...

87. Can the name "Spring Integration" be changed?

Can the name "Spring Integration" be changed? I know this request will probably never be approved, but let me express why I dislike this name. When you search or mention "Spring ...

88. [Article] Using Spring Integration as Event Notification Framework

I've posted an article on Using Spring Integration as Event Notification Framework. I'm using the fresh new Spring Integration 2.0 M2 with Spring Framework 3.0 there. The complete application source can ...

89. New to Spring Integration - Need help with Poller

New to Spring Integration - Need help with Poller Code: Hi Guys, I am new to spring/spring integration and I am trying to develop a poller that will poll a folder ...

90. spring integration + websphere

91. MDC and Spring Integration mutually exclusive?

MDC and Spring Integration mutually exclusive? If you want to configure your logging using the parameters set in de MDC this creates problems using Spring Integration. Because if I understand correctly ...

92. modeling human task in spring integration

Hello, I am considering migrating jbpm based application to spring integration. However, there is one human task in most of the business cases. My question would be, is it possible to ...

93. Moose XML: A New OXM Integration

Moose XML: A New OXM Integration Hello! I've been working with a new XML binding framework, Moose. It's similar to XStream in that it's annotation-driven, but it handles namespaces properly and ...

94. Spring Integration Adapters?

Hi, Are the spring integration adapters active? The last version of the FTP adapter is Oct/2009... If not, what's the alternative? regards Carlos

95. spring integration 2.0 M3 and ip XSD and example

spring integration 2.0 M3 and ip XSD and example Hello, I am looking into getting an example of spring integration working with TCP channel adapter. But apprently the XSD files for ...

96. Spring-JAXWS integration error

Spring-JAXWS integration error I am writing authenticate service using Spring 2.5.6 with both Hessian remoting implementation and jaxws web service implement. Hession remoting is working fine. However, there is still error ...

97. Spring Integration 2.0.0.M3

Spring Integration 2.0.0.M3 Hi I am trying to upgrade my reference Spring integration application to 2.0.0.M3 (as this is the current milestone release) and I can't seem to find it even ...

98. Router + Splitter + Spring Integration.

If a router has multiple destinations, does it fork new threads to each and every destination? What about a splitter? If splitter sends the message to the same destination by splitting ...

99. Getting an exception when placing message on MQ using spring integration

Apr 7th, 2010, 01:13 PM #1 srikanthradix View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 87 Getting an exception when placing message on MQ using spring ...

100. Spring Integration - MQ expiration/timeToLive

Spring Integration - MQ expiration/timeToLive Hi, I have a newbie question regarding being able to set the JMSExpiration on a reply message. When I set the JMS expiration header on the ...