database « GWT « Spring Q&A

1. Unable to connect to a postgresql database with spring roo, eclipse, gwt, and hibernate

I'm just getting started using Roo and am excited about it's possibilities. However I am having problems trying to connect to my postgresql database. I have searched their forum and the ...

2. Complex data-driven web application in Java - Decision on technologies

Dear Stack Overflow Community, I am a Java programmer in front of a task of building a complex, data-driven, web application (SaaS) and I'm searching for technologies to use. I have already ...

3. Spring Roo + GWT - Persistence problem with HSQLDB Database

I am using Spring Roo to develop a project in GWT. After trying a few samples can not still persist objects in the database. Each time I restart or reload data ...

4. NoSQL DB (directed graphs) for Java/GWT?

I'm looking for no-sql directed graphs DB engine for GWT application. Requirements are:

  1. SQLite-like simplicity.
  2. Has a tool to explore/modify its structure.
  3. Doesn't require being installed (or very easy to install without fixing configuration ...

5. unable to catch org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException while deleting record that doesn't exists in database

My application has a delete user option. Now in order to check concurrency condition I tried the following use case

  1. opened application in chrome and firefox browser.
  2. deleted user in firefox ...

6. Spring Roo + GWT - Persistence problem with HSQLDB Database

Spring Roo + GWT - Persistence problem with HSQLDB Database hi, I am using Spring Roo to develop a project in GWT. After trying a few samples can not still persist ...

7. GWT, Database and Roo

Hey. I want to add a field to a Roo managed domain object that is not managed by the database but is serialized in and out of GWT. I know Transient ...