authentication « GWT « Spring Q&A

1.  means?

i have a bean in xml like below

<bean id="theCustomAuthenticationProvider" class="test.custom.CustomAuthenticationProvider">
<security:custom-authentication-provider />
a.may i know what does security:custom-authentication-provider means when i put it in my bean like above?
b. do i need ...

2. Spring - Security : how are login username and password bound to the authentication-provider?

I am new to spring and spring security, I have understood how beans are created and referenced in the xml files, I need to provide security using spring into my application. I included a ...

3. I need a simple custom authentication in spring

I need to have a custom authentication in spring, it should be a simple class that takes the username and password provided by a user and compares it with some values ...

4. Open id authentication in the same page

I have a requirement where the login page opens up the main page in a popup, this is how I handled it in normal authentication:

<form-login login-page="/Login.html" authentication-failure-url="/LoginHandler.jsp" always-use-default-target="false" default-target-url="/LoginHandler.jsp"/>
Login page creates an ...

5. Roo, GWT, Spring 3.0 Authentication and Authorization (Not App Engine)

It has been over a year that a similar thread has been posted on Spring source forum with no luck and over 3000 views so far: Authentication & Authorization is ...