read « File « Spring Q&A

1. File read count

File read count I am having difficulty in trying to obtain a file read count within itemprocessor. I have read similiar posts that are related to file read counter and they ...

2. read file again when updated

read file again when updated Hello, Is there a way to configure a file inbound-channel-adapter to read a file whenever it is updated? I have a folder where the same filename ...

3. reading from multiple files of different format

reading from multiple files of different format Hello All, I have a scenario similar to the following example scenario: Read a remote XML file with 2 columns with the first column ...

4. Error reading imported file spring.ftl

Feb 22nd, 2006, 11:36 PM #1 SpringLearner View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2006 Posts 5 Error reading imported file spring.ftl Hi, please find problem ...

5. Problem reading .class files with ASM

Problem reading .class files with ASM I am having a problem where my class files aren't being read by the ASM compiler correctly. This problem only occurs when I run my ...

6. Reading from a file defined in configuration file

Reading from a file defined in configuration file Hi, I have a properties file which i am reading in applicationContext.xml using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. My problem is that one of the key is ...

7. Error reading imported file spring.ftl

Hi, this is a snipplet of my appcontext file: Code: MM/dd/yyyy

8. Reading from multiple files and deleting upon completion

Hi, I need to create a job that process files that exists in a directory and when each file is fully processed delete it. I am using MultiResourceItemReader to get the ...

9. How to read file line by line ?

Silly question. All the examples are treated the item in input file shall be delimited (org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemR eader), are there easy way to read line by line ? I suppose FlatFileItemReader shall ...

10. Failed to read schema document when using own spring.schemas & spring.handlers files

Failed to read schema document when using own spring.schemas & spring.handlers files Hi I am trying to get my own spring schema working and have a problem with spring looking for ...

11. Unable to read the contents of the file

Hello all, I am fairly new to Spring Batch.(kindly bear with me) I am trying to fetch the contents of a flat file using FlatFileItemReader and the output is always null. ...

12. File Reading twice in UNIX

File Reading twice in UNIX Hi all, we are using spring batch 1.1.4 for our batch needs. In our spring batch application, we have around 4 files say xyz_f1 xyz_F2 xyz_f3 ...

13. Read bundle files from a bundle class

Hi, How is a file accessed by a bundle class? The file to read is inside the bundle. And it is at the top level i.e. at package, META-INF level. Thanks ...

14. How to get the line number when reading / processing file

I am trying to get the current line number when logging errors during reading and process steps. The readCount will not include any rows that have been ignored due to failed ...

15. How to read this file?

public class Person{ String name; int age; List phoneList; @Override public String toString(){ return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE); } }

16. Reading a stream from multipart files

Users of ours sometimes need to upload massive files. But the current mechanism we have for uploading files is mapping Spring's MultipartFile in our controllers and that reads the entire file ...

17. How to read external config file when starting a bundle

Hi All, I'm working on FUSE ESB 4 with spring dm. Is it possible to read an external config file (not in any jar file, but in the esb's etc directory), ...

18. error handling issue when reading files

error handling issue when reading files I'm using Spring integration 1.0.3 with Spring 2.5.6. I currently have a inbound channel adapter that lists files from a directory. It has a poller ...

19. Reading COBOL files with packed and hex fields....

Reading COBOL files with packed and hex fields.... Hi, I got a new task to read a file that is obviously ASCII but contains hex packed and nonpacked fields, I tried ...