generate « File « Spring Q&A

1. How are .aj files generated?

I'm searching through the Roo 1.1.2 codebase, and I can't figure out where the templates for the _Roo_Entity.aj files come from. Where do they live in Roo, and how are they ...

2. generating file from queue ...

Hi, I have 80 messages in xml format on a queue now I want that those messages from the queue should be writen in a file in a such a way ...

3. want to achieve best throughput while generating files..!!

want to achieve best throughput while generating files..!! Hi , I have develop an application in which I am putting 10,000 messages into a queue and that queue is configured internally ...

4. generate file under unix

Good morning, I have a problem when I try to generate a file under windows but it works well under unix is imposssible because I want to spend the path environment ...

5. What are best practices to generate a bad items file?

What are best practices to generate a bad items file? Hello, What are best practices to generate a bad items file? I have several Jobs, that read a file (FlatFileItemReader) then ...

6. --comment option doesn't generate comment in java files

--comment option doesn't generate comment in java files Hi, I created a simple java class MyClass > class --class com.myexample.domain.MyClass --rooAnnotations but my problem appears when I add new fields and ...

7. Generated AJ files

I think you're after issue Please feel free to vote for it so we can gauge community interest and so you watch for future updates to the task. Cheers Ben ...