rmi « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. How can I get Spring to fatally exit if an Error is propagated out of a remote call    stackoverflow.com

I have an application which exposes a service via Spring's RMI proxy mechanism. There is a problem whereby sometimes a "blip" on the file-server it has its JARs stored on causes ...

2. Spring RMI Exception    stackoverflow.com

When I'm trying to make a big number of concurrency to call an RMI service, there is an exception happening.

java.rmi.UnmarshalException: Error unmarshaling return; nested exception is: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.net.ns.NetException (no security manager: ...

3. RMI Inbound Adapter exception    forum.springsource.org

RMI Inbound Adapter exception Hi all i am trying to expose some of my spring integ functionality via RMI i have checked apidocs for RmiInboundGAtway, and what i am trying to ...

4. remoting (RMI) and runtime exceptions    forum.springsource.org

remoting (RMI) and runtime exceptions Hi All, Just wanted to share the situation I ran into. I have two applications communicating via RMI. I decided to replace the server part with ...

5. ThrowsAdvice that discards Exception Chaining for RMI methods    forum.springsource.org

ThrowsAdvice that discards Exception Chaining for RMI methods I have a client app (C) that communicates with a server app (S) via RMI using a Remote interface (RI). Some of the ...

6. rmi exception out of the blue    forum.springsource.org

rmi exception out of the blue all, sorry for the crosspost b/w here and the rmi board. didn't get any feedback yesterday so i'm trying it out here. This one came ...