InvalidClassException « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. InvalidClassException

InvalidClassException Can anyone help me understand what is the problem here, and why I am getting this. I am using Spring JDBC framework in one of the servers which runs in ...

2. InvalidClassException when deserializing TransactionException

InvalidClassException when deserializing TransactionException All, We're occasionally seeing this exception: Code: org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 5789680695167035925, local class serialVersionUID = -7474057306812039751 In principle I know what ...

3. InvalidClassException

InvalidClassException I have a simple HTTPInvoker class for remoting over to my service. However, I am getting the below error. The only thing I can make out is the fact the ...

4. InvalidClassException for BeansException class

InvalidClassException for BeansException class We run into a InvalidClassException because of the new changes done in spring 2.5.5 to the org.springframework.beans.BeansExceptions class. The serialUID changes because of the add of the ...